The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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<strong>The</strong> Ascension Process<br />

<strong>The</strong> process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our current human form is known as<br />

Ascension. Ascension is the process by which the embodiment is elevated in vibration a little at<br />

a time until it embraces each of the seven rays, thereby vibrating in the unconditional love. In<br />

so doing, ten additional strands of DNA are connected within the circuitry of the body and the<br />

brain. As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based<br />

patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy,<br />

creativity and self-expression.<br />

In embracing the first set of twelve strands of DNA, one is considered "Christed." Many<br />

metaphysicians have spoken of the return of the "Christ." <strong>The</strong> return of "Christ" is and will be<br />

in the form of many who will embody the new genetics. <strong>The</strong> individual who has embodied twelve<br />

strands of DNA or has become "Christed" moves beyond limitation within human form. In<br />

moving beyond limitation, the individual also moves out of fear. As all of mankind embodies<br />

the new genetics, civilisation will gradually restructure itself to be based on unconditional love.<br />

Transition from planet to star<br />

Earth is in the process of elevating in vibration in order to attain the state of a star. <strong>The</strong> process<br />

of the elevation in vibration is known as ascension. <strong>The</strong> process of ascension involves many<br />

stages of initiations or tests, and as each test is passed, the body or planet at large increases in<br />

vibration. We, the dolphin and whale communities, along with the plant, animal and mineral<br />

kingdoms are well under way in their ascension process and have been for some time.<br />

Human ascension is difficult. <strong>The</strong>re is not doubt about this. It is difficult because one must face<br />

their dark side, and their deepest fears. <strong>The</strong> heart must open to ascend. This is a necessity, and<br />

one must ask for it or it may not occur. Sometimes, the opening of the heart is painful. However,<br />

as the pain is processed in full, it leaves joy, passion, unity and divine union in its place. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is no other way than through the dilemma of the human fall in consciousness. Ascension cannot<br />

occur without processing and releasing that which no longer serves, including the pain and the<br />

fear.<br />

Embrace the dark<br />

For those whom are ascending, embracing your dark-side and releasing your unconscious<br />

agreements to be utilised by the dark, will prevent catastrophes from occurring within one's own<br />

life experience. It is through the act of ascending that one will transit such harmfulness in full<br />

and embrace a new awareness that is unity based. Unity based awareness holds no thought-form<br />

of destruction, and therefore destructive tendencies are transcended in full as one embraces such<br />

awareness. <strong>The</strong> path of ascension is difficult, the distortions many, the veils of illusion so thick<br />

that it is difficult for most in human form to see beyond them. But for those that are willing to<br />

see and push past the illusion, you shall be supported.<br />

Blocked meridians lead to disease<br />

Every consciousness upon Earth must choose to ascend along with her, or it will die off. At this<br />

time, all species except mankind have chosen to ascend. Such species include all plant kingdoms,<br />

all animal kingdoms, all mineral kingdoms, and the dolphins and whales which are conscious<br />

beings. If mankind does not consciously choose to ascend, large portions of the population will<br />

become ill and the body will "die". This is simply the result of the increasing vibration of Earth's<br />

surface. As Earth increases to a vibration so high (and the human form does not also increase in<br />

vibration), the higher vibration of Earth's surface will cause the meridians of the subtle bodies<br />

to become blocked. This will simply be the result of too much chi running through subtle bodies<br />

that are not designed to receive so much chi. As the meridians become blocked, disease will<br />

occur within the form over time.<br />

Critical Mass and Higher Vibration<br />

( Page 277 )

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