The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Ascension is about growth of the Soul and expansion of our consciousness. It is about accepting<br />

full responsibility for everything we think and do. It is about falling in love with ourselves and<br />

about releasing all those fears that inhibit the full expression of who we are. Ascension is about<br />

regaining our self-respect in the full knowledge that we are magnificent beings of Light who<br />

know the power of love and who live every moment of every day by that principle. It is about<br />

actively being in service to that principle and therefore able to love our enemies, knowing that<br />

there is no such thing as an enemy. It is about seeing everyone, no matter who they are, as part<br />

of ourselves and therefore, to be revered in the same way that we revere ourselves, regardless of<br />

their behavior towards us.<br />

What does ascension involve<br />

Many people have noticed the strange changes in weather patterns occurring all over our planet,<br />

but they are minor compared to the cosmic and spiritual changes happening not only to the Earth,<br />

but to all the levels of life upon the planet.<br />

Life as we know it is rapidly changing, and while it is wonderful and enlightening to study ancient<br />

traditions, and ponder on whether or not other life forms exist throughout the galaxy, we are fast<br />

running out of time.<br />

Life exists throughout the universe in physical and non-physical forms and many visitors from<br />

these other civilisations are on hand to assist us through the great changes about to take place<br />

on our planet. <strong>The</strong>se loving and intelligent beings are here to assist in keeping the energies in<br />

balance, and to assist us and the earth in the ascension process.<br />

A change in Vibration<br />

Everything consists of vibrations -including your body and the earth you live on. Take for<br />

instance, the physical properties of a piece of ice. <strong>The</strong> only difference between ice, water and<br />

steam is in their various vibrational rates -ie, the speeds at which the electrons orbit the nucleus<br />

of each atom. By heating up the ice you raise it's vibrational rate until you can hardly see it. That<br />

doesn't mean it no longer exists, it just exists at a higher vibration - any higher and you wouldn't<br />

see it at all.<br />

A long time ago the Earth existed at a much higher vibration (dimension) than it does today, but<br />

events took place that resulted in the Earth and its inhabitants dropping down to a lower vibration<br />

- the 3rd dimension - the physical reality we see around us today.<br />

With every decrease in vibration/dimension, we lost more and more consciousness (and lifespan)<br />

until they forgot who they were, and why they were here. <strong>The</strong>y even forgot that they were part<br />

of a greater whole. We have existed in a 'loop' pattern for thousands of years thinking we are the<br />

most important species in the universe - the pinnacle of evolution. <strong>The</strong> same patterns are played<br />

out over and over again, generating wars, drama, disease and karma. Even 'death' as we know it<br />

is unknown on higher dimensions. We have lost our ability to regenerate and repair our bodies<br />

so we just get old and die. And because we don't live long enough to understand who we really<br />

are, we have to re-incarnate -i.e., be reborn into another body time and time again until we<br />

remember who we are and why we are here.<br />

What if we were given the help, energy and information to once again learn how to raise our<br />

vibrations to the point where we no longer were 'kept in the dark' Where our intuitive powers<br />

were restored, where we could regenerate our bodies, and graduate from the fear-based world<br />

we live in, to a world of unconditional love and co-operation What we are talking about is our<br />

own world existing at a higher vibration than it does now, populated by those of us who have<br />

also raised our consciousness vibration high enough to live upon the new earth. That is what<br />

'ascension' is - a return up the vibrational/dimensional scale. Global warming is just one sign<br />

that Earth is increasing in vibration.<br />

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