The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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can interpret Law then the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states in it’s preamble that Canada<br />

was founded upon the Supremacy of God and Rule of Law.<br />

If God is supreme then that would over-ride anything concerning rule of law correct So let’s<br />

look at the King James Bible and see what it says about God. In Genesis 1:26-28 it describes the<br />

Creation of man created male or female by God.<br />

[26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have<br />

dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all<br />

the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.<br />

[27] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and<br />

female created he them.<br />

[28] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish<br />

the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the<br />

air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.<br />

Does it describe the creation of PERSONS No it doesn’t, does it Does it say anything at all in<br />

Genesis Chapter 1 that a man created male or female by God being changed to a PERSON for<br />

any reason No it doesn’t, correct Does it not say in Genesis 1:26-28 that man created male or<br />

female by God, were given dominion over the all the earth and over all living things upon the<br />

earth It does say that. If anyone approaches me while I am on the earth and states that they are<br />

anything other than a man or woman created after our image of God, then that would mean that<br />

I have dominion over them, would that not be correct All man created male or female by God<br />

are have complete dominion over what goes on in their lives in accordance to God, upon which<br />

I noticed that everyone seems to swear an Oath of some kind too, ending in so help me God.<br />

I asked before and I am asking again, show me any legislation that states that Canada is on the<br />

earth. Canada is shown on maps that resemble the earth, but is not defined as being on the earth<br />

in any legislation or body of law I can find. Putting up signs on the earth saying that certain<br />

geographical areas are of provinces, cities, towns, house numbers etc. are only hearsay. If there<br />

is no legislation saying Canada is on the earth, then every interaction that the CRA has had with<br />

me over the years has been done in fraud along with all levels of the Canadian Government. Isn’t<br />

that correct Could you point out where God said it was okay for CRA to Tax man, male or<br />

female<br />

From a Biblical standpoint the bible is written in English and thus fully interpretable by me.<br />

Considering that God is Supreme in Canada and has not granted the CRA or any other Agency<br />

permission to interact in anyway with man created male or female upon the earth, then by what<br />

authority do you have to do this Can you prove that your name is your true name Lots of people<br />

have similar names out there, seems to me there can be only on true name. But God never gave<br />

man created male or female a name did he, as per Genesis Chapter 1 Is this not correct Thus<br />

a name is only hearsay and it is one attribute of a PERSON, the other being a Birth Date. A Birth<br />

Date is also hearsay, because the calendars used do not track the instance of creation and thus<br />

no one can say what day in creation this actually is. It says, “In the beginning God created the<br />

heaven and the earth”, then all Calendars must reference the beginning not some undeterminable<br />

point of the death of JESUS.<br />

In fact the Bible from Genesis Chapter 2 forward is all fiction within the context of the bible.<br />

LORD God creates an imaginary world upon which he enslaves man and woman of his creation,<br />

then brings about law unto them. I think this is what the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Preamble<br />

is actually talking about. It offers a choice between enslavement, which is rule of law and living<br />

within the supremacy of God. However God is not supreme at all in accordance to what is stated<br />

in Genesis 1:26-28. God was within the image when he created man in male and female, thus<br />

God created them equal to all that exists, including God, thus if I am equal to God then I am<br />

God, that’s how I interpret that passage, wouldn’t you So the Charter of Rights and Freedoms<br />

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