The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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a colony of the United States of America If so, please adopt the proper mailing addresses for<br />

all future correspondences and address the person YOUR NAME ALL CAPS within the same<br />

address context, so I know to which jurisdiction and laws you are referring, as 'address' designates<br />

jurisdiction, does it not If you are an Agency operating outside of the Jurisdiction of the United<br />

States of America and the State of Virginia and not operating under the Constitution of the United<br />

States of America, then, under what Jurisdiction and Laws are you operating and how is it that<br />

the person, YOUR NAME ALL CAPS, is subject to your laws and Jurisdiction<br />

Since all Judges take an Oath of <strong>Of</strong>fice and, in that Oath, state that they have no regard to persons,<br />

then why are you involving the person, YOUR NAME ALL CAPS, in matters to which JUDGES<br />

have no regard. It obviously means that 'persons' are under their authority; does it not <strong>The</strong>y end<br />

their Oaths with, "So help me God", as many other individuals within the Government-appointed<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fices do, including the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Thus, I conclude that all<br />

those in <strong>Of</strong>fice are deriving their authority from God, or they would not say, "so help me God".<br />

<strong>The</strong> only other place, where authority can be granted, is through the Constitution of the United<br />

States. However the Constitution of the United States is unclear, not only about to whom it<br />

applies but also about from whom the Constitution derived its authority, in order to grant authority<br />

to those who are trained to believe they have authority over others, or, to those who are trained<br />

to believe that they are required to obey said Constitution. "People", as in, "We the People", is<br />

not defined in any Law Dictionary as: "persons", "human beings", or "men or women created<br />

by LORD God or man created male or female by God", so, from what authority is the<br />

Constitution of the United States of America drawing its authority If not from me, then, from<br />

whom If not from me, then, those who follow that system of law, using the Constitution, have<br />

no authority over the person YOUR NAME ALL CAPS, because there is nothing that defines<br />

"people" as: a person, human being, or man created male or female by God.<br />

Thus, NO 'authority' can be proven. <strong>The</strong> only evidence of authority is God, since all <strong>Of</strong>ficials,<br />

allegedly in positions of 'power', are suffixing their Oaths with, "so help me God". <strong>The</strong> State of<br />

Virginia and the United States of America are not defined as being on the earth. That is what the<br />

King James Bible calls this planet. Because God created only man either male or female, not<br />

persons or human beings, ALL "laws" do not apply to man created male or female by God, i.e.:<br />

me – a man created by God, on the earth.<br />

Further, in Genesis 1:26-28, God gave man created male or female dominion over all the earth<br />

and over every living thing upon the earth. Since all court-houses, jails, documents, Government<br />

<strong>Of</strong>ficials, cities, etc. are all upon the earth, as a man created by God, I have dominion over all<br />

of them. God gave us dominion over every living thing that moveth and creepth upon the earth.<br />

Those who change their status, from "man created male or female by God" to something else,<br />

e.g.: Judge, Attorney, Police <strong>Of</strong>ficer, etc., become a living thing upon the earth, over which I<br />

have dominion. This is not an opinion; it is written, in black and white, in the very book by which<br />

all <strong>Of</strong>ficials are sworn-in to public office. <strong>The</strong>re is no higher authority than God and God says<br />

I have dominion over all Government <strong>Of</strong>ficials, as they are living things upon the earth; is this<br />

not true Dominion means to Rule.<br />

Thus because the Bible and Torah have been in place, for a very long time, and reference God<br />

as the Creator of the earth and all that exists, it is through God's word that all authority is derived.<br />

We God share equally in that dominion; no living thing has the authority to interfere with God’s<br />

word or with me, a man created by God, standing in his dominion over all the earth and over<br />

every living thing upon the earth. All addresses are only hearsay, as are names and dates, yet<br />

you take them to be true. <strong>The</strong>y are not true; they are fictional reference systems.<br />

Thus, through my dominion given to me by God, I order you to create the funds needed by<br />

"YOUR EX-WIFE" and give them to her, as she is also a man created female by God upon the<br />

earth. Next, I order you to destroy all records of this matter and never to bother me about this<br />

situation, ever again, in the future. Third: You are to compensate me for the time you stole from<br />

me by putting me into your prison, in the amount of $1,000,000.00, paid to: YOUR NAME ALL<br />

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