The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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1) the Director General, before a judge of the Court of Québec; the deputy directors, before<br />

the Director General;<br />

3) the other members of the Sûreté du Québec, before the Director General or one of the<br />

deputy directors.<br />

Firstly if you are going to swear before a person, then that means you do it in an empty room as<br />

persons are fictions, then of course the Oaths reside inside of the Police Act, which is written in<br />

Legalese, which is an unintelligible language only lawyers can interpret.<br />

I swear that I will be loyal and bear true allegiance to constituted authority, and that I will fulfill<br />

the duties of my office of ......................................., honestly and fairly and in compliance with<br />

the Code of ethics of Québec police officers and that I will not receive any sum of money or<br />

consideration for what I have done or may do in the discharge of the duties of my office, to<br />

procure the purchase or exchange of anything whatsoever by or with ( the Government, the<br />

municipality or the employer of the special constable), other than my salary or what may be<br />

allowed me by law or by ( an order of the Government or a by-law or resolution of the council,<br />

as the case may be).<br />

Who is the Constituted Authority Canada has no Constitution. No Constitutional Authority<br />

means they bear true allegiance to no one. Quebec never ratified the Canadian Constitution, thus<br />

they are still not part of Canada, if that means anything. Pretty vague on what the duties are of<br />

ones <strong>Of</strong>fice. <strong>The</strong> Oath states that they will comply with the Code of ethics of Quebec police<br />

officers. So compliance equals contract, what about the laws they are suppose to enforce, no<br />

mention of that here. Code also means unwritten law as well, so what unwritten laws are they<br />

complying too Consideration, hmm money does not exist, only promissory notes, which are<br />

private notes belonging to the Federal Reserve. So they are working for the Federal Reserve as<br />

that is who pays them.<br />

Oath of Discretion Quebec Police I swear that I will not reveal or make known, without being<br />

duly authorized, anything whatsoever of which I have learned in the performance of my duties.<br />

To be duly authorized requires only 2 signatures of any two people. So who are they telling<br />

everything too What about Court situations, if no one authorizes them to give key evidence<br />

then no evidence is given. That’s fair right<br />

Unfolding of a Spaceman that Came Traveling<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is an underlying theme to the Chris De Burg Song, A Spaceman came Traveling. mentioned<br />

it near the very beginning of this book and it was my hope that perhaps you may have discovered<br />

the secrets relayed in this song. Here is a different video made by Robert Milton that is quite fun<br />

to watch, http://video.google.ca/videoplaydocid=-<br />

789649141981822861 1&q =Chris+ De+ Burg+A+Spaceman+Came+Traveling&total =3&start<br />

=0 &num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1<br />

Black absorbs energy and the Universe for the most part is Black, but filled with more stars than<br />

all the grains of sands on the earth, in fact it is infinite. This is why those that prey on us reside<br />

in the dark, for the dark absorbs energy. <strong>The</strong> Universe holds stars, Galaxies and even, yes us in<br />

form due to sound waves we cannot hear. <strong>The</strong>se waves resonate with our DNA and refresh our<br />

holographic form on a continual basis as it does with all thought forms. Because the Universe<br />

we see is fixated on a small light spectrum where we can only see comprehend 30 frames per<br />

seconds maximum, it is what transpires beyond that 30 frames per second that other life exists<br />

or rather tuned into.<br />

High speed imaging systems used in space at the level of about 100,000 frames per second reveal<br />

other forms of life from what some people in NASA have sometimes talked about on radio<br />

programs, such as Coast to Coast AM. It would take a computer to scan the frames and sort out<br />

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