The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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When God sees that it was good, it means that it is true. It means that it exists in truth not fiction.<br />

[13] And the evening and the morning were the third day. Ever notice how evening and morning,<br />

which are events are always capitalized in the world It is not by mistake, it is because evening<br />

and morning are not separate from us, they are not nouns, they are part of us and we sleep in the<br />

evening and rise in the morning.<br />

[14] And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the<br />

night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:<br />

Fun stuff here! Light in the firmament, meaning although the firmament is not light it has light<br />

and thus has love within it. This is why Crystals are said to have a light being within them, all<br />

firmament has light thus awareness. Thus the light can change the vibrational field of the<br />

firmament, making light the vehicle for shape shifting and other neat magical stuff eh! <strong>The</strong> other<br />

thing is the light in the night sky can be interpreted as signs. Meaning the stars have we see and<br />

the lights we see are all self aware and all connected too us. <strong>The</strong>y create vibrational fields between<br />

them and have a part in helping to direct what goes on not only here on earth, but all other places<br />

in Heaven. Further the lights being signs, help guide us when we travel as spirit through Heaven.<br />

It is our home just as much as the earth is our home.<br />

[14] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and<br />

it was so.<br />

Here God is saying that these lights are self aware, them is the key word on that. Light upon<br />

the earth gives awareness and love.<br />

[14] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to<br />

rule the night: he made the stars also.<br />

This is where God gives darkness awareness. Truth and light has the Greater Light and is<br />

connected to infinite love, thus we also carry the Greater light within us. Light Rules! This is<br />

where we get our dominion from, is that Light carries love and we are love. We rule by our true<br />

light. Now darkness gets a light, but God gave it to the night. However night is darkness and<br />

thus we now have Lucifer the Light Bearer of darkness becoming fully aware. Thus as it should<br />

be, because we are one. Yes you are Satan or Lucifer as much as you are the Light, the illusion<br />

we are talking about here is just that an illusion. I will get into this more later, but for now be<br />

aware, that Lucifer is also Love and a creation of God, these lights represent our consciousness<br />

to those who follow that line of thinking. <strong>The</strong>y are not evil or bad, they just are.<br />

[14] And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,<br />

And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God<br />

saw that it was good.<br />

Again light rules, hence your dominion.<br />

[14] And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.<br />

Yawn let’s have a sleeps God says. Thus the balance between awake and asleep, in your body<br />

and out of your body. When you sleep you leave your body to let it regenerate and go places in<br />

the Universe to learn and bring back with you through your intuition. It is just an altered state.<br />

It provides balance between light and darkness.<br />

[14] And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and<br />

fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.<br />

Yup he said it, creating a vibrational field of life that extends from earth all the way out to the<br />

infinite reaches of heaven. Thus earth is the focal point of all life in the Universe and is why we<br />

are blessed being here. Thus you also have your aliens and other races on other planets/worlds<br />

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