The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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environment. As I did my auditory hearing became much quieter and I actually realized I was<br />

the Lens. I also came into the realization that being one with the environment also means I can<br />

be one with everyone else as well and thus remove or implant suggestions in the subconscious<br />

that would alter the reality of everyone that I connect too as being one. It is a thought that I never<br />

thought about before, but seeing David Copperfield make things disappear, I think this is in part<br />

what he is or exactly how it is that he does these things. <strong>The</strong> universe as we see it is created by<br />

God's fractal energy and our fractal energy. Fractals is how nature is created. It is the most<br />

efficient way to store light information from what I can see so far. <strong>The</strong> Universe as I said in the<br />

Book is an embryo and all life is part of her nursery, when we expand our vibrational field to<br />

match the Universal field we ascend, because we are in complete truth, a.k.a. David Icke's book<br />

title, Truth Vibrations.<br />

Maybe I'll just plunk this email I just wrote at the end of the book, can't explain this much better<br />

than this. At any rate I think of the Queen and all that dark stuff as being a part of us that needs<br />

to be healed. It is going to come out. Interesting if you look at a fractal generator, the center part<br />

is filled with black while the shapes of light are on the outside. Some fractals show black<br />

overwhelming the space where there was once light and light overwhelming space where there<br />

was once darkness. From the infinite perspective it, it is what it is. I think we as the creators<br />

perhaps we can augment the change of the fractals to some degree. As we gain mastery we ascend<br />

because we are able to hold the fractal creation to whatever we want it to be, thus we have stabilize<br />

a reality and thus come into balance with the original fractal pattern of God. Holding that pattern<br />

allows us to ascend, for we are in sync with all that exists in this dimension. More than in sync<br />

we let go in total trust of the universe, we let her ascend us. It is that nurturing trust of total<br />

surrender to infinite love, where all our fears are washed away and we are in a state of pure truth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Law of One, a You Tube Video http://www.youtube.com/watchv=j9MJgxcEZFQ<br />

Another Video of Ian Lungold’s Mayan Calendar - More info<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=ugNsuYH987o <strong>The</strong> Final Illusion<br />

I have been trying to update the book, as I have learned more, to give those who are beginning<br />

to have the best level of information I can give. However, when I started all this 3 years ago or<br />

so, I did not know I would uncover as much as I did and shattering my own illusions, never mind<br />

that of others. I have always done this research from the perspective of love for all. And I do<br />

mean all; not just the for the people that fit well into our manufactured society. I am going to<br />

write an essay when I finish apply my research, to give you all a guide too the path I took and<br />

the footsteps to follow me. Although at times I have talked badly about the Bible and other<br />

Religious issues, it wasn’t because of my lack of respect for anyone or lack of love, it was to<br />

offer my insights as to what is happening and to try and wake you and others from a bad dream.<br />

Love is what binds us all and Love does not abandon. I will never, ever, ever abandon you, or<br />

love you less that what I know I am infinitely capable of, but with love, I hold all with an open<br />

hand, allowing you to choose your own path and learn upon this wonderful journey, we call life<br />

together. As my successes at applying my research begin to take form, the essay will be quickly<br />

finished. How all this relates to Law and how to get free is incredibly important, so take the time<br />

to read this or you will miss the entire reason you read the book!<br />

It is my hope that I can help end poverty and this draconian control system that has taken form<br />

and held us all in a state of slavery for so many hundreds if not thousands of years. We were not<br />

born to be slaves and we are all from one infinite love. Darkness is not something we should be<br />

angry at or fearful of, it is through darkness that we are able to experience life. Darkness is our<br />

companion, not our guide and it is the most misunderstood and feared part of our reality. <strong>The</strong><br />

Final Illusion is about giving you the knowledge that was not given too you as a child, thus<br />

allowing you to become aware of what you were and who you were and how you relate to all<br />

that exists. So the <strong>Ruling</strong> <strong>Elite</strong> have through their true Benevolence, Grace and Infinite Love<br />

have given us from their world a book called, the HOLY BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION. It<br />

is truly a masterpiece of wisdom and knowledge of who we are, but it is not at all about Religion,<br />

it is ultimately about our Ascension into the Light and the infinite Journey of life we all share.<br />

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