The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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An interesting aspect to the treaties was that the Native people were to take up farming. However,<br />

they were not given adequate equipment or instructions on how to go about farming. <strong>The</strong> open<br />

pages of the Talmud talk about how one treats their slaves who work the fields of their farm.<br />

This is symbolic to the history of this oppressive group of criminals. <strong>The</strong>y were indeed using<br />

the Talmud then, as they are today, in organizing their master/slave operations.<br />

Prior to the treaties being signed a large portion of the Native population were wiped out by<br />

small pox. <strong>The</strong>y were knowingly given blankets that were contaminated with small pox and it<br />

spread fast throughout the population. This allowed the spread of the white people across North<br />

America to happen quickly, and the people had hardened attitudes about taking over land that<br />

belonged to the Native people. <strong>The</strong>y gave no consideration to the native way of life. It would<br />

seem to me that when you give people small pox knowing that it is a quick and deadly killer,<br />

then cut off their food supply and give them no support, you are involved in genocide.<br />

This is exactly what was going on and continues to this day. Entire communities go without safe<br />

drinking water and the Government does nothing. If you visit the Reserves you find people living<br />

in third world, poverty stricken conditions, despite the fact that these lands may be rich in oil<br />

deposits.<br />

As time went on, money grew short, and instead of helping the Natives the Government opted<br />

to put resources into building the Railroad. Interestingly, the Railroad was built primarily by<br />

Chinese immigrants who had to pay a large head tax to come into the country. <strong>The</strong> pay was so<br />

little that it caused great hardship for them. Many died from a lack of vitamin C, which lead to<br />

scurvy. In 2006, Prime Minister HARPER made an apology for this to the Chinese community<br />

after many of the people who built the railway had died.<br />

<strong>The</strong> money for buying food for the Native people on these tiny pieces of land grew short and<br />

hunting and fishing for food was very difficult. <strong>The</strong> farming equipment sent to the Native people<br />

was inadequate and few if any cattle were sent out as well. People began to starve. <strong>The</strong> Native<br />

people in Rupert Land, Western Canada, sought out Louis Riel for help. He was a deeply religious<br />

man and teacher, who knew how to read and write in both French and English. He had fled to<br />

the United States earlier in his life for trying to help form a new province in Canada called<br />

Manitoba, which was based on having rights and freedoms for the people living there. Imagine<br />

that, rights and freedoms!<br />

When Riel returned the native people were in very bad shape and suffering from starvation. Food<br />

was stolen to feed the people from one of the Farming Instructors, who was ordered via wire<br />

from Ottawa not to give the people any food. <strong>The</strong> 1885 Northwest Rebellion was started simply<br />

because these starving people took food and equipment they needed from Forts and white<br />

people’s settlements in order to survive. Some of the white settlers were killed in the process,<br />

so instead of trying to help the Native People the Canadian Government sent troops out to capture<br />

the Natives responsible for the thefts and killings. <strong>The</strong>re was also rampant sexual and physical<br />

abuse by the Catholic Church against the Native children and there was a lot of discrimination<br />

against the Native people by the local MAGISTRATES. Some Priests were also killed, I was<br />

told and Louis Riel had temporarily restored justice to Western Canada. For doing this Ottawa<br />

sent troops to crush the so called Rebellion.<br />

In the end, Louis Riel and eight other natives were hung for trying to help starving people. A<br />

native called One Arrow was believed to be a person called Batoche and was convicted for<br />

Treason and put in prison for three years for making war against HER MAJESTY. Again the<br />

exact Charge was “did levy and make war against our said Lady the Queen.... her Crown and<br />

dignity.” <strong>Of</strong> course the law is based on PERSONS and the fictional world so there never was<br />

any Subject matter at the trial to show that the QUEEN was a living breathing human being with<br />

real title to the Land. I’m still waiting to see the document signed by God for that one. A native<br />

called Poundmaker allowed a letter to be sent to Louis Riel with his name on it, which called for<br />

war. Poundmaker was given 3 years for Treason. Another native called Big Bear had done nothing<br />

wrong, and in fact evidence presented to the court showed that instead he had done much to help<br />

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