The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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1. Not one Country I know of is defined legally as being on the earth.<br />

4. Persons have two attributes, one being a name and the other being a birth date. Both are<br />

hearsay for no one knows their true name and know one knows the true date.<br />

Many Oaths are false Oaths or are very ambiguous. Everyone who swears an Oath is committing<br />

perjury, because they cannot say that their name is their true name, they don’t have names, thus<br />

they are simply actors in fiction swearing an oath for an imaginary person. It matter not that<br />

people have or have not got an oath, because they cannot prove how they have authority over<br />

us, just their fictional world of persons and labels.<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> King James Bible in Genesis Chapter 1:26-28 state that from God’s own words that he<br />

gave man created male and female dominion over all the earth and over every living thing upon<br />

the earth. Thus all paper work and actors that come before us on the earth have no authority over<br />

us what-so-ever. <strong>The</strong>y ended their Oaths false or other-wise with, so help me God, and thus are<br />

bound to follow our orders. Even if we sign something we have dominion over it. We cannot be<br />

bound by contracts, because Contracts are based in fiction and make use of fiction.<br />

6. All names used in Court documents are likely liened and thus owned by the Pope, who controls<br />

Temple Bar and the Bank of England. <strong>The</strong> Pope is listed as the Anti-Christ in the Confession of<br />

Faith of 1646, which governs the Queen and King of England. All oaths are religious in nature<br />

according to this document. Property and land are terms used in the imaginary world and do not<br />

mean the earth. Having dominion over the earth allows us to control things upon the earth without<br />

actually owning it, God or the creator owns the earth and thus holds all liability in regards to it.<br />

Likewise the Holy See is the holding company for all Countries in their imaginary world and<br />

the real reason why the Holy See is a Nation State or rather Nation State Corporation.<br />

1. <strong>The</strong>re is no such thing as a lawful order or lawful anything because the imaginary world upon<br />

which all law is based is fraud. War is a form of commerce and the first thing in any war that<br />

suffers is the truth. We were not born into a world of law, but a world of love. Law only exists<br />

to support the illusions put before us. When we break down those illusions by playing with them,<br />

no laws exist that would govern us in any way.<br />

9. <strong>The</strong> Torah and the Talmud have been used as the primary source for law along with the Koran.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se books are filled with laws upon which no authority can be proved and much if not all is<br />

based on hearsay. Yet, people are murdered because of kangaroo courts finding people guilty of<br />

crimes, upon which they only execute law upon the name. <strong>The</strong> man created male or female by<br />

God in question who is associated with the name is killed as an act within the play, however the<br />

courts cannot point where they get their authority to harm others out of some idea that justice is<br />

being served. Many trials are decided before they even start and judges never sign anything, but<br />

rather just use a stamp on papers. All crimes are commercial in nature and the State is making<br />

millions if not billions of dollars off each and every case put before the courts, hence why we<br />

have a revolving door justice system throughout the world. All one needs is to know the cost of<br />

the charges and they can pay the charges and leave.<br />

10. Addresses from Government agencies and banks etc. often leave the country name off the<br />

address and put in a 2 letter abbreviation and postal code on the address along with an all caps<br />

name. This is done when the government in question is not the de jure government and is running<br />

a scam of moving jurisdiction to another Country or venue. This is done in Canada and the USA<br />

for the most part, not sure about the rest of the world. It ties in with Washington D.C.<br />

Expect non responses from your letters. It is better for them to not respond and simply leave you<br />

alone. Every situation is different and going to court over something is the last thing we ever<br />

want to do. <strong>The</strong> courts are complete frauds and all they want and dream about is getting you<br />

through those doors so they can call you a slave and do what they will too you. Your power<br />

resides on earth, so keep it there. If you are dragged into court, destroy all their illusions and<br />

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