The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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here from a state of pure bliss and harmony to help raise the vibrational frequency of the Universal<br />

Mind.<br />

So let’s be kind to one another and to spirit that comes to help us. And use our awareness to help<br />

heal those spirits caught in fear that may have become earth bound. Those spirits such as the<br />

Reptilian type that do not want to leave us we can simply as our guides from the white light to<br />

take them into the light and if they don’t want to go from us, then cast them into the sun to be<br />

destroyed, ultimately returning them to the infinite. It is expanding our love of all around us that<br />

protects us. Through love we give life energy and renew what was once there. Love allows us<br />

to carry more light and thus become more aware of all that is around us. Awareness is the door<br />

to spirit and creates opportunity and choice.<br />

Once in a while I may have a spirit actually take full human form and tell me I am doing a good<br />

job etc., then vanish as I look away. It is rare for me, but others may be more attune to spirit in<br />

that they can see them very easily. As we grow spiritually it will become harder and harder for<br />

these soulless creatures to operate freely among us. We will begin to decode their energy fields<br />

that reside just outside of our normal sight and then what will we do <strong>The</strong>y will have no place<br />

to hide anymore and their games with us will come to an end. At least this is my hope of what<br />

will happen. It will also be interesting to see what guidance we get from our spirit guides of the<br />

light when this occurs.<br />

Playtime in Heaven<br />

Ultimately Heaven is not the true source of our ever lasting life. Heaven rather is a place of the<br />

mind and not spirit. It is perhaps a place where those caught within the mirror go to be judged,<br />

when in fact it is only themselves that judge. We are consciousness not merely spirit and we are<br />

the true masters of the realities we decide to create for ourselves. This has to be one of the most<br />

highly manipulated realities there could be, yet we still pierce their lies with truth. Again truth<br />

has no illusion and simply keeping that in mind you can unravel every illusion that could ever<br />

possibly confront you.<br />

To believe in Heaven does not mean we need to believe in Hell. In fact I rather think this is<br />

existence is more accurate of Hell than anything else I could imagine. However it is also a great<br />

deal of kindness and love in our world and people reach out through their belief systems to<br />

expand that love. Love is love and recognizing that love has no conditions upon it is to rid yourself<br />

of illusions. Just because we have been fed a story of lies about the reality we live in, does not<br />

stop us from recognizing that we change this reality if we so choose.<br />

It has only been through unchecked power that these Illuminati have been able to do what they<br />

do. All their secret societies, with people believing that they are these puppets on strings, ready<br />

to do their duty when called upon. <strong>The</strong>y are controlled through money and fear. Instead of<br />

standing up to them they go along with them feeling that they will be safe in the end times. Well<br />

if you help create the end times, what makes you think you will be safe within it, it is the end<br />

dummy. Perhaps it is their worship of death that cuts their thinking off from worshiping life. It<br />

is the belief systems that create our reality both here and in spirit, for we wall off the possibilities<br />

of infinite love.<br />

Heaven is an experiential reality of what you want it to be. It is a point to readdress what has<br />

gone on and plan for another life. Not being there at the moment myself, I can’t say for sure, but<br />

I from talking with spirit Heaven is truly just a place for the mind. When we transcend the mind<br />

the door to the infinite is open too us. Perhaps Heaven is indeed an embryo of life for which we<br />

can allow our consciousness create from. <strong>The</strong>re is no doubt that the creative force is beginning<br />

to go to infinity as we approach 2012 and will present either destroy us or free us. In any case<br />

the vultures that have preyed on us for the last 6000 years are in their final throws of power.<br />

Who can say what it would have been like without them, perhaps this is just the true nature of<br />

creation itself.<br />

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