The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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individual you need to recognize that we are living within a tiny, tiny fraction of possibilities<br />

here and the true scope of what life can be for us is infinite. However fear driven you are of the<br />

spirit world, there is nothing to be afraid of it, so long as you treat it with respect and love. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are some basic rules to follow and doing so will prevent a lot of problems.<br />

Always ask permission of the individual and of spirit before you do anything. Make your<br />

intentions clear and that it is only in love that you are doing it. By doing this you are aligning<br />

your intent and will so spirits that might cause you problems cannot interact with you. You should<br />

begin with a prayer or incorporate your intent into the prayer. Praying raises the vibrational<br />

frequency of everything around you. Playing soft music is nice, but not necessary. Recognize<br />

that everything you do comes from within you not from the illusionary world presenting itself<br />

too you. Your mind is decoding things around you that are simply thought fields and life energy.<br />

Not everything is simply as it seems so, trust your feelings and thoughts about what you see.<br />

Beings of Light and Truth will never interfere with your life, they are there for you to call upon<br />

for assistance and guidance. <strong>The</strong>y help set up and maintain energy flows during healings and<br />

meditations. <strong>The</strong>y also help make real life situations possible and at times will save your life in<br />

emergency situations. We are spirit incarnated into these bodies, these bodies are not our natural<br />

state of being, but it is an experiential thing. We are all psychic to some extent and we do pick<br />

up on people’s intent and vibrations to varied degrees. Thus each of us lives within a different<br />

reality of perception, meaning some of us are able to perceive more than others about what is<br />

truly happening around them. I think that we all will become more sensitive to this perception<br />

as we move beyond 2012, but guess we will have to wait and see. Mostly recognize that<br />

everything around you is constructed illusion of the mind. <strong>The</strong> beings of Light and Truth or<br />

simply those of the white light, work in very high levels of vibration and actually have to lower<br />

their vibrations for us to become aware of them. Thus it is important that we raise our vibrations<br />

to help meet in the middle or at least a little higher up.<br />

Because we are all from the infinite it is important to recognize that power is no more or less<br />

between spirit and us. We are all equal, just we are vibrating at a lower level. Spirit can take on<br />

different forms but, they tend to read your mind and present themselves as something familiar<br />

to you as not to frighten you. Because we are holographic in nature a spirit can overlay their<br />

appearance onto you, you actually can shape shift in meditations where your vibrational frequency<br />

is high. It is an ethereal type of shift, but still a shift and done in love. Sometimes they do this<br />

when you are seeking truth about the after life so you may experience it and not fear it. When<br />

we die we simply move to a very high state of vibrational frequency and through love we heal<br />

past any fears. I think it is fear that keeps people earth bond spirit wise, but over time they are<br />

gathered up and brought back to the light.<br />

Thus simply recognize that we are far more than this simple flesh and blood body. <strong>The</strong> mirror<br />

does not want you to know what is beyond death for you to know what is there, allows you to<br />

simply loose your fear over it. In truth we are connected to our spiritual state all the time, just<br />

nobody bothered to point it out too you. When you quiet the mind the spirit can do things. <strong>The</strong><br />

mind wants to get in the way, but it is the heart that is the teacher and the healer.<br />

Major Religions are about following rules and traditions. It is an indoctrination of fear and in<br />

most cases they are religions about Death, with Judaism used as a front for Zionism. <strong>The</strong>se prison<br />

Religions focus on the fact that you are outside looking in, when in fact you are everything that<br />

exits. Thus they make death as the ultimate corner stone of a belief system rather than being life<br />

and the celebration of all life, thus robbing people of their true power of their spirituality. <strong>The</strong><br />

death culture is symbolized all around us and most strongly in <strong>The</strong> City of London or simply,<br />

<strong>The</strong> City. I don’t have a problem with people doing what they feel they must do, but to force it<br />

on everyone else that is where I draw the line. This entire LEGAL <strong>SYSTEM</strong> is about worshiping<br />

various aspects of death. It has nothing to do with the reality of life and true grandeur of who<br />

we are. Religions are manipulative and centered on being at war with others. <strong>The</strong>y say we must<br />

sacrifice for now to ensure our after life, when in fact it is our spirit that has sacrificed to come<br />

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