The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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truth leads to freedom. <strong>The</strong>y need our consent for all that they do, because they know they are<br />

cradling our Consciousness and challenging us to expand beyond the contempt and pure evil<br />

they expand from. It is not our place to judge them, but to recognize and honor them as they<br />

have done for us. <strong>The</strong>ir world resides within fiction and as time moves forward fiction will no<br />

longer have a place within the higher truths we expand upon.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are so many people still caught up in the illusions and trappings, but there are a few of us<br />

now that are awakened enough to see what is coming and what is transpiring. As time goes on<br />

we who have awakened become the spearhead for those that follow us. It will not take long<br />

before mass amounts of people begin to recognize the illusionary world of fiction surrounding<br />

them and begin to ask questions and recognize who they are. For those of us pushing forward<br />

gain control over the illusion as we expand our consciousness and DNA, we will start to think<br />

intuitively and lovingly about all that is around us, grasping extremely complex ideas and process<br />

within a single moment of time. Time itself will become less and less of illusion as we begin to<br />

even control time.<br />

Fundamentally what our bodies are simply programs running their course within a multidimensional<br />

Holographic Universe. <strong>The</strong>y want us to be focused on emotion rather than our<br />

intuition. It is highly difficult to listen to those soft clear voices of knowing within us, when we<br />

are told over and over again we must fight, fight, fight. Intuition has no need for emotion for<br />

you just know things and knowing what to do and following that knowing is a nightmare for<br />

those that are trying to control us. Standing before Court knowing that you are a multidimensional<br />

being of infinite consciousness and all that is and has happened to bring you to this one position<br />

is through your own decisions and creation. <strong>The</strong> puppets are there to draw you into emotion and<br />

argument. To torment and threaten you. To do whatever they can to get you to accept their reality<br />

of what is real. Keep in your mind it matters not what a fiction may say or do, it is only what I<br />

say or do that truly matters for it is only I that stand here. Fiction cannot have power over the<br />

living. Do not be drawn into their world, simply create the world you want by taking the authority<br />

of who you are and what you want. Terminate their game and there is no game. Terminate the<br />

Case and proceedings and order settlement of the accounts. You give the orders and anyone that<br />

would challenge you simply ask them where they derive authority over you. <strong>The</strong>y have none all<br />

their authority resides within their fictional world, which they want you to buy as being real. It<br />

depends on how pissed off you get at them for what they are doing to you. I rather solve things<br />

outside of court and I am not to particular on how it gets solved as long as I am not enslaved for<br />

solving it. However if you are dragged into their temple, just remember everything within their<br />

temple and jails runs on illusions, illusions that can be easily dispelled and dealt with through<br />

bonding people and threaten to levy sureties if they don’t comply with your demands. Destroy<br />

the illusions of power and they will have no power. It is that simple. <strong>The</strong> more illusions you<br />

destroy the easier it is for others the see through them and the easier it gets to regain our power<br />

and control over our planet and futures. <strong>The</strong> perpetrators of this mess perfer to stay hidden away<br />

in the shadows. <strong>The</strong>y would flee rather than fight outright, they have no courage or desire to put<br />

themselves at risk. <strong>The</strong>y will begin to enter into a hyper survival mode as their illusions and<br />

fictions break down. So keep you chin up and eyes focused. Be clear about your intentions and<br />

be tenacious in obtaining your goals. Remember that these people who are held with such high<br />

esteem are only your servants, they have to get your permission. Recognizing the power you<br />

have, don’t give it away too them.<br />

How Thought and Light work Together<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are two kinds of light the light you see with your eyes from the sun and lights and the<br />

spiritual light, which is harder to see but always there. <strong>The</strong> spiritual light is the light of interest<br />

for it is the light for which we use to control the illusion of this Holographic Universe we find<br />

ourselves in. Obviously what we think affects the spiritual and this imaginary world we find<br />

ourselves in. Negative thoughts attract negative situations and negative orientated spirits. Light<br />

and Dark are the constants from which we experience. Each contrasts the other to infinity. When<br />

we want to heal something we are wanting to bring more light into the situation and thus higher<br />

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