The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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and just obey orders from within it. I am sure many have heard these arguments over the years<br />

and they are outright choosing to ignore this very simple truth. However it is very important to<br />

separate the imaginary world from the real and make the point that you make use of persons out<br />

of necessity of life, because you are being blocked from the resources and funds you need to<br />

survive. It is important to point out that there is no legislation anywhere in any country stating<br />

that their cities, provinces, states etc. are on the earth. It all exists in an imaginary ocean, of which<br />

each Country is an Ocean of imaginary water upon which these strawman vessels are put on.<br />

Because each ocean is a private one, the vessels on the ocean can be seized (arrested) by pirates<br />

and all chattel associated with that vessel being a man or woman created by LORD God.<br />

Remember it is based off the Talmud, thus they need you to alter your belief in who you are to<br />

a man or woman created by LORD God. <strong>The</strong>y assume you are until you tell them otherwise. <strong>Of</strong><br />

course now they want to treat the man created as male or female as a fiction so they can use him<br />

or her as a form of surety for creating funds to enrich themselves. A key to freedom is to deny<br />

that you are the vessel, recant and rescind all signatures. <strong>The</strong>y may try to intimidate you in court<br />

by issuing an arrest warrant on the vessel, the all caps name. When they do that, that is you que<br />

to get up and walk out. <strong>The</strong>y have acknowledged that you are not the all caps name, don’t sit<br />

there and try and defend that, get off their imaginary boat as fast as you can. You can clear the<br />

charges with some letters to the Crown Prosecutors <strong>Of</strong>fice, by simply stating where they get<br />

their authority from to control a strawman that you are using. Ask them to show you any<br />

legislation that says that their court is on earth Quote Genesis 1:26-28 too them, showing you<br />

have dominion over all the earth and every living thing on it. Ask them where do they get their<br />

authority to block you from the resources and funds you need to survive out of the necessity of<br />

life Anyone who says that they are anything else other than a man created male or female by<br />

God is a thing, so you have dominion over them according to the very Bible they are swearing<br />

their Oaths too.<br />

Ultimately what you may have to do is simply push all the paper work aside and recognize that<br />

everything that they are throwing at you comes from pure fiction. It is a walk through an<br />

illusionary firewall, knowing that the only thing that is real is you. <strong>The</strong>y want your consent and<br />

are willing to do anything to get it. Ultimately it is your actions that will determine your freedom.<br />

When you stand in truth and are determined not to be lead from the truth, nothing they do will<br />

matter. You are the master and the only decisions that matter are yours. You take away from<br />

them their perceived power and start thinking as the master would, recognizing the treachery<br />

and deceit set before you. A fiction cannot have any power over the living and no truth or fact<br />

can ever be derived from fiction. You are not a name or person, just a man created male or female<br />

by God, at any age. God put you here for a reason and this land you are on belongs to all equally<br />

with no exceptions or law. All the religious teachings in the world cannot change the simple fact<br />

that you are a free sentient being of the Universe and no one has any more or less authority than<br />

anyone else, we are all equal to each other. Ultimately I don’t think we are Judged, perhaps we<br />

judge ourselves, but we are here to expand infinite love and the more we can love one another<br />

and forgive the higher we all vibrate and stay connected to the infinite love we are.<br />

Nobody can say that your signature is you. When anyone that takes an Oath puts their name<br />

down as the entity taking the Oath, they have committed perjury, because they cannot say that<br />

it is their true name nor have any knowledge at birth that it was actually the name given too them,<br />

it is all hearsay. Names are fictional things, we are simply who we say we are, as fiction is fiction,<br />

there is nothing true about it. I think they make use of fiction to emulate the infinite aspect of<br />

who we are in substance, remember they are mirroring who we are inversely so it is highly<br />

confusing to us, until we regain our point of origin.<br />

I think where this book has brought me in my thinking and probably yours is that the only true<br />

response to these people is to deconstruct their illusion before their eyes. Show them that you<br />

can see through their lies and make it clear that without your permission they have nothing on<br />

you. <strong>The</strong>y have no authority and cannot prove it. Even if documents are signed or you are carrying<br />

a drivers license etc., it is only evidence of a fictional entity, it is not you. If they are going to<br />

act on a PERSON then they must only act on the imaginary entities within that imaginary world<br />

( Page 219 )

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