The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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the Law of the Country you are in, before you begin to engage them. Further you do not<br />

understand their laws because they are written in Legalese and only lawyers can interpret law,<br />

so stay out of the law all together and make use of your dominion as much as possible. Just one<br />

other note. Again it is not about Law it is about ideology. <strong>The</strong> people behind this scam see you<br />

and everything as things to be enslaved, not as part of the whole of creation and in the image<br />

and after the likeness of God. In fact it is God that they are at war with as discussed earlier in<br />

this book. Although the Jewish Population heads up most of the positions of power or controls<br />

it from behind, it is only a segment of the Jewish people that do this and not everyone is a Jew<br />

either. It is based upon Zionism, which is a political movement that has hijacked the Jewish<br />

people and their Religion. <strong>The</strong> Illuminati are part of this in a big way and I think if my research<br />

is right are decedents of the Knights Templar, at least the ones that got away. <strong>The</strong> breaking down<br />

of the Templars seems more of a stage show, so they could consolidate the wealth and power<br />

back to the Vatican and then play with Centralized banking systems that were far more clever<br />

and profitable at the expense of the masses. <strong>The</strong>n they have the mind controlled puppets or<br />

puppets that support the system and are controlled by money. It is really much, much more than<br />

simply about not following laws or creating fictions. But we have to start some where and<br />

confronting them on their authority and your dominion are key, if we are to peacefully turn this<br />

around. <strong>The</strong>y may be doing what they are doing because they simply view their reality as being<br />

things and are quite comfortable with enslaving everyone based on that perception. However<br />

there are far fewer of them than us. Further at the top of these structures we find the members<br />

of the 13 <strong>Ruling</strong> <strong>Elite</strong> families, constantly directing and manipulating the masses, so why not<br />

start there instead of the illusions they throw at us As discussed these Bloodlines are probably<br />

not like us at all, perhaps they are the of the Beast of the earth or simply these Reptilian creatures<br />

David Icke and others have discovered about. Believe me whatever it is, they do not have your<br />

best interest at heart.<br />

Summary<br />

I was going to talk about other things about the path to freedom, but I think I would just be<br />

rehashing much of what I have said already. This path resides within each of us and we have to<br />

find our own way out. It is recognizing that the more people who have this knowledge the easier<br />

it is going to get to face our oppressors. <strong>The</strong>y will either back down and do the job they were<br />

suppose to do in the first place, serving the people, or be banished from the earth. If we do<br />

nothing, their agenda is clear as we can see the adjusted free fall of the American economy and<br />

others that will soon follow. Using the equation again, Abundance=Choice=Freedom versus<br />

Scarcity=Dependancy=Control. When you are holding all the power you can artificially create<br />

the situations needed to remain in control. This is the reality of what they are doing from every<br />

angle possible within this illusionary reality we have been told is a free world. Follow in the<br />

footsteps of those who are free and you will be too.<br />

From my observations it comes down to a very simple thing. That simple thing is do you see<br />

yourself in anyway as being a fictional entity. All laws only apply too fiction so how much do<br />

you allow these laws to control you A PERSON again has only 2 attributes, that being a Name<br />

and Birth Date, both of which are hearsay. Notice how they celebrate the Birthdays of Cities and<br />

companies, that Anniversary or Birth of a City or Country even, yet there is nothing to celebrate<br />

for it is only an imaginary concept. <strong>The</strong> Calendar they use is simply hearsay because nobody<br />

can exactly say when JESUS was Crucified and the calendar starts in January not in the spring<br />

during Passover when he was Crucified. Further all names are hearsay. Because all contracts<br />

make use of hearsay, all contracts reside within fiction. Creation has no laws, creation creates<br />

based on our belief system. We are being manipulated to create and accept situations such as<br />

defacto courts and laws which destroy us all based on beliefs in which we are programed<br />

manipulated into believing as being true. When you are questioned by an officer or judge or<br />

official within this so called JUSTICE system and you state a name too them as being you, you<br />

are lying. Because of that they get to treat you as a fiction, thus a slave as a fiction has no capacity<br />

of sentience. Not everyone is totally aware of this within the system, however because their<br />

lively-hood is based on going with the flow of the system, they rather not question the system<br />

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