The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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each of holds the mirror and can become that darkness with all it’s attributes of evil. It is only<br />

when we make peace with ourselves and others that we begin the healing processes and come<br />

back into balance with love. Because we are One with all, what we see happening around is a<br />

reflection of the beliefs we hold as being true. Truth again has no illusions it is love, thus you<br />

can see what work has to be done, by you and everyone else to make peace and bring about<br />

healing.<br />

I know you just wanted to read that after all the good feeling stuff, but think about it for a moment.<br />

If we had nothing to resist love, we would have know experience in learning to love in great<br />

diversity or injustice. But it is again not so much that darkness resists love, it is simply a place<br />

we dump our energy too when we create out love and do harm. <strong>The</strong>n that energy is reflected<br />

back too us in healing cycles over and over until we learn to deal with it in a loving way. It will<br />

never be easy, but the love we give we gain back a thousand fold. <strong>The</strong> light we shine out the<br />

brighter we become in the future. We are learning to be God or rather learning to be infinite love.<br />

Bear in mind that all this Satanic crap that is going on can be healed with enough love. Lucifer<br />

is a master of illusion and of the mind, but inversely being the mirror of the infinite holds all the<br />

qualities that are opposite to Love. He is a light of God that has been separated from God, which<br />

in of itself is the illusion and the illusion each and every day we are presented in all it’s forms<br />

to find a way to bridge it with love, so the situation or people involved are healed. When you<br />

make peace with Lucifer and realize he only has power over you when you forget who you are,<br />

which is love, then you have nothing to fear from him. He is an illusion that reflects back too<br />

you what you have done to others. In truth we are Lucifer as we are all that exists. We carry with<br />

us the energy that we have used to harm others through direct or indirect means. Remember the<br />

Illusion does not want you to take responsibility rather have you blame others for your problems.<br />

We can create any spiritual entity we want too to embody attributes we believe are separate from<br />

ourselves to deflect our responsibility in our own creations, but it is an illusion. Remember we<br />

give life. We animate all that we see. Luke had to face Vader to become a Jedi in Star Wars, this<br />

is what are presented with daily on all scales of our life and if we do not resolve them with love,<br />

we create harm and we are presented with the same situation again and again until we do. History<br />

repeating itself...<br />

We have to find ways to help people who are causing harm to others and help them in peaceful<br />

non harmful ways. When we see harm being done we are partly responsible for what is occurring<br />

as it is being reflected back to us as lesson in a healing cycle. <strong>The</strong> entire Justice System is set up<br />

to perpetuate these healing cycles, along with the Political, Religious and Banking. <strong>The</strong>y put on<br />

an illusion that they are doing something when in fact they are actually perpetuating the harm.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se structures only exist because the people involved have forgotten who they are. Illusion<br />

cannot without compliance from you, this is why everything they do is based on getting you to<br />

buy into the illusion that you are a fiction and thus not responsible for the reality that you are<br />

creating. Truly these structures completely fall apart once you start pulling on the authority card.<br />

<strong>The</strong> house of cards is built on illusion, so start pulling, please!!!<br />

Chapter 9<br />

Walking the Path of Freedom<br />

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art<br />

with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalms 23<br />

It has been a long road putting this book together and at times I didn’t have the answers to all<br />

the questions I had. Perhaps now I do and the resides in the simple realization that I stated in the<br />

very beginning.<br />

Whatever you believe will be truth, not because it is, because you believe or imagine it too be.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re can be no truth in Illusion for truth has no Illusion. Infinite Love is the only truth,<br />

Everything else is Illusion.<br />

( Page 192 )

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