The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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mind, which decodes what we decode into our reality, within this illusion we call the Universe.<br />

You see very strong parallels in the LEGAL system being devoid of love and based on<br />

manipulation. <strong>The</strong> site has a wealth of insight to offer, however it lacks completely insight into<br />

consciousness and love. I don’t fault Tim for this, just he is focused on resolving manipulation<br />

from the perspective of the mind, since that is the entire focal point of the manipulation. Tim<br />

talks about how to defend yourself in terms of spiritual warfare, which does happen to people.<br />

It is through projecting and surrounding yourself with love and white light that protects you.<br />

What is important is your beliefs. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>SYSTEM</strong> has been designed to make you believe that<br />

your are just some small nothing against them, when in fact it is all an illusion of fraud. Don’t<br />

be frightened by any of this, nothing will hurt you unless you believe it will. Nothing is true<br />

unless you believe it to be true.<br />

Truly the mirror reflects back your intentions, but it is still much more than that. I came across<br />

this article that describes in a fairly good detail how to manifest a reality that is based on your<br />

true beliefs. <strong>The</strong> first step is realizing that there is a mirror and what you see all around you is<br />

the manifestations of your beliefs. Now then the key to this whole thing is this from what the<br />

article says, “And so what better way, to step into a world of unconditional and unlimited<br />

bliss, magic, adventure, delight, laughter, love, excitement and ecstasy, then to do and be<br />

as if that reality is true!” <strong>The</strong> article is very long but well worth the read. Here is the link bellow:<br />

http://onenessreality.wordpress.com/<br />

It is all about realizing that you are the creator. <strong>The</strong> Law of One. You are all that exists and thus<br />

everything around you is simply a reflection of your true beliefs. I would also suggest that you<br />

watch some of David Copperfield’s performances on YouTube. Everything is made of energy<br />

that energy can be a droplet or the ocean. You are a droplet and an ocean. It takes time to learn<br />

this stuff and to realize that your beliefs are just that beliefs, they define your reality, so start<br />

redefining your reality. Reality is true to what you believe it to be! <strong>The</strong> most powerful forces are<br />

accessed by the softest and most gentle loving thoughts. <strong>The</strong> mirror reverses the energy to create<br />

the illusions. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>SYSTEM</strong> has you slogging long hours with next to no return for what More<br />

abuse and less pay. <strong>The</strong> people promoting this are reaping the benefits from you, so stop playing<br />

their mind game and start being the creator you truly are! <strong>The</strong> mirror is not for their for them to<br />

use against you, it is there for all life to create realities based on their true inner beliefs of reality!<br />

You might also enjoy listening in on Nicole’s Radio program called, <strong>New</strong>s for the Soul. Lots of<br />

good info here and she has a spoon bending kit you can order or get online that teaches you how<br />

to use your mind to bend spoons, not a trick really do it! She hasn’t yet realized how the mirror<br />

works, but is getting there. She has accomplished a great deal with the little she knows and there<br />

is much you and I can learn from her. http://www.newsforthesoul.com/<br />

Also here is a short video I made up that is kind of a nice over-view of what I have been saying.<br />

It is called, Creating Infinity - Looking into the Mirror. It is on YouTube and here is the link:<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=iDMla rJf70<br />

Now put your Goggles on and hang on for this one, this is what is coming! Merkabah, <strong>The</strong><br />

Chariot of Ascension http://www.youtube.com/watchv=Ugql6D4pFKM&feature=related<br />

Okay one last thing before I close this chapter. Lucifer or rather the Darth Vader of the Bible.<br />

We are in the hardest Universities you could possibly imagine in the Universe. <strong>The</strong> Mirror is<br />

Love as much as God and we are all love. Lucifer or Satan or whatever you want to call him and<br />

all his demonic minions are all created from God. Lucifer was a fallen Angel of God. What<br />

Lucifer is doing is holding the Negative energy in place, with love, so we may have free will.<br />

<strong>The</strong> will to harm or love. When we harm we create healing cycles upon which the same situation<br />

will keep coming up in our life until we learn to deal with it in a loving way. Much as it is with<br />

Lucifer and all the demonic entities of darkness that tempt and torment us. This is rough! his is<br />

not a picnic! We came here to learn how to Love that which we don’t want too Love. In truth<br />

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