The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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that you are less than what you truly are. In fact Genesis 1:29 God Blessed man male and female,<br />

to bless is to make without Sin.<br />

JESUS is about the world, not about reality. This is why the rest of the Bible from Genesis<br />

Chapter 2 forward is about the illusion of creation and not about creation itself. <strong>The</strong> objective it<br />

seems to get you to buy into the reality that the earth has laws and country structure, whereas<br />

we are one consciousness experiencing itself within an illusion. <strong>The</strong> people that are controlling<br />

the world and you are not doing it to help you gain the knowledge of who you are or of who God<br />

truly is, although they tell you in Genesis 1, but make you overlook it, due to it’s complexity<br />

and never teach or tell you about God, only LORD God, who we now know, was only a man of<br />

war.<br />

In all that JESUS taught, the focus was on the illusion and not on creation itself. It is was all<br />

about the injustice of the laws etc. What isn’t taught is the difference between the mind and heart.<br />

This whole thing is a mind game and they do not want you to start listening to your heart. <strong>The</strong><br />

mind demands all the attention and craves drama. Drama of any sort to feed it’s insatiable need<br />

for fear. Perhaps this represents the tree of knowledge <strong>The</strong> path back to the infinite is through<br />

our hearts and love. <strong>The</strong>y know this and do everything they can to shut down our awareness of<br />

this. Many people are deceived by the Churches etc. out there. It is blatantly obvious that a Priest<br />

doesn’t know God if he is running around being an actor in fiction. <strong>The</strong>y whole game is based<br />

on fiction and getting everyone to be immersed within it. <strong>The</strong> image reality we see is an illusion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Universe is an illusion and exists within our mind. However we can also see with our hearts,<br />

if you quiet the mind and bring in and surround yourself with love and white light. White light<br />

holds all the colors of the spectrum and thus holds balance as appose to black which absorbs<br />

everything, hence the parasitic aspect of legal system and society structure in general.<br />

Again I have never studied or wanted to know anything about Satanism or Black Magick. Thus<br />

I am as clueless about it as most of you. Tim Rifat an expert in this area was recently on the Jeff<br />

Rense Show and provided a great deal of insight on how the churches are being used as<br />

transmission stations for darkness. He was saying that the rituals done in the churches are Satanic<br />

in nature and help those who know what is really going on to alter our reality in favor of darkness.<br />

Much of what he had to say seems to correspond with what David Icke has been saying all along.<br />

Interestingly there is a mathematical science behind all this that gives the Satanists the ability to<br />

alter light to darkness. I think this is why our calendar is so important to them.<br />

Don’t feel frightened or overwhelmed by all this, Love is the most powerful force in the Universe<br />

and it overcomes all. I think we need to start doing our part in stopping our support for the<br />

illusions and look at what is real and support that. It is really that simple. Darkness can only exist<br />

in fiction and the more we pull away from that notion of reality the more free we will become.<br />

God has no laws and everyone is free and in balance with all. Balance comes from divine love<br />

we feel for all that exists. I have had enough of all this House of Lords and Lord God stuff, how<br />

about you It is easy to get people to snap out of the illusions once you point out the obvious<br />

construct is built on lies. Truth is all around us we just need to become aware.<br />

If you want to learn more about Satanism and how it is being used against us, I suggest that you<br />

goto. Tim Rifat’s website bellow. He is very active in fighting Satanism from what he said on<br />

the Jeff Rense show and has a wealth of knowledge on his web site to share. <strong>The</strong> most important<br />

thing we can do from my perspective is to emit and live all the attributes of love that we can and<br />

not allow others to falter into buying into these illusions anymore. Love has no laws and truth<br />

exists only within love. We are all infinite love.<br />

Tim Rifat’s Website http://mindovermatter.ru/<br />

One more thought about Tim’s website. You will notice on his site that there is no mention about<br />

love. It is completely about the workings of the mind and the spiritual reality around that<br />

paradigm. It is a small window in which those of us who know nothing about all this can peek<br />

into this realm of mind and spiritual manipulation. Again the entire focus of the site is about the<br />

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