The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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consciousness trying to hide it’s wound. It puts more and more disharmony into our awareness,<br />

which augments the quantum and reality fields I talked about earlier.<br />

So you thought all this was simply about what is written down on some pages in a book No,<br />

no, no, no.... We are multidimensional infinity and you are taught to look at your world in<br />

fragments, instead of the infinite love it is. Love vibrates love. Our reality is determined by the<br />

vibrational fields and harmonics of those fields we create around us. Music is our key out of<br />

Babylon. I will get into that more later, but for now I want you to start looking at all of this stuff<br />

as an orchestra. Take note how the instruments are played and how the reality fields around you<br />

destroy rather than procreate and produce loving communion with everything that exists. When<br />

you start seeing what is going on from this perspective, it becomes much easier to reorganize<br />

the Orchestra, why Well, you are the conductor that’s why You are creating the disharmony<br />

through your thoughts rather than creating harmony through your heart. <strong>The</strong> nature of the Torah<br />

is to get people to buy into the idea that disharmony can be fixed by laws, rather than through<br />

our creator, hence Genesis Chapter 1.<br />

It isn’t any more complicated than that. As we adjust ourselves back to being centered in love,<br />

the infinite power we will start tapping into, will make all these world problems look like child’s<br />

play. <strong>The</strong> solutions become more simplified as we become more centered and more in tune with<br />

our creator. This is love, joy and pure bliss. This is what those who want to enslave us do not<br />

want us to know and are mortified if we do. It is recognizing the Orchestra and returning the<br />

music to the Creator divine scale and notes. In a sense these are the doors I talked about earlier<br />

in the book. Each one of us is a symphony and a note. <strong>The</strong> infinite has no movement per sae’<br />

because we are matching the song of the creator, we need to start listening for that music from<br />

all that is around us and if you can’t hear it, simply imagine you can until you do.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one thing about Religion you must keep in mind is that all the main stream religions and off<br />

shoots were created as fictions. <strong>The</strong>y are designed to keep you within the matrix and not show<br />

you the path back to Infinite Love, which in turn is heaven on Earth. <strong>The</strong>y are not about to help<br />

us and perhaps even my assertion of Heaven on Earth is wrong. Nobody really seems to know<br />

for sure. Indeed HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II is the head of the CHURCH OF<br />

ENGLAND and that all resides in the fictional world of Piracy. <strong>The</strong> objective is to get us to buy<br />

into <strong>SYSTEM</strong> of Commerce that leads us to Serfdom and Religions that have false prophets and<br />

Messiahs, that do nothing for our spiritual growth or help us to balance back to the infinite Love<br />

we are. <strong>The</strong> Bible is a symbolic work of fiction to justify the laws they want us to swallow as<br />

being real, when in fact as man, we have no laws. <strong>The</strong> objective of this book is to help you get<br />

free, so it is best that we learn from people who have had great success at it. I would not rely<br />

entirely on Winston Shrout’s methods, instead deconstruct the illusions set before you and expose<br />

the frauds to bring forward the truth. It has never failed, however it still does not guarantee that<br />

these parasites are going to let you go free. <strong>The</strong>y know what they are doing is wrong, but<br />

fundamentally they are on some kind of mission to enslave all man kind. Do as much as you can<br />

to settle matters outside of court, for if you goto court your only real recourse is to expose the<br />

mass frauds that are occurring. <strong>The</strong>y will try to shut you down, by saying you are in Contempt.<br />

You can fire back by saying Civil or Criminal Contempt Civil means you have to have a contract<br />

between yourself and the Judge and Criminal requires living injured party, which cannot be the<br />

judge, because he is non suppose to be independent and no partial. Keep asking for dismissal<br />

due to extreme prejudice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fundamentals About the Talmud<br />

<strong>The</strong> Talmud was for a long time a book of oral law. It was never actually written down anywhere.<br />

Comprising of over 4 million words, I like to meet the one who memorized it. It is a book about<br />

Master/Slave Relationships. It is about dehumanizing people for the benefit of the few. However<br />

that is the outward expression of the Talmud and does not bring about the true answer as why<br />

the Talmud exists at all. In order for us to transcend this world it is necessary for us to truly<br />

recognize our part in it’s creation and it’s the underlying responsibilities we have within that<br />

creation. From the Jewish perspective, the Talmud was written by MOSES and Supercedes the<br />

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