The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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6. Eating the flesh of a living animal is forbidden. This teaches us to be sensitive to cruelty to<br />

animals. (This was commanded to Noah for the first time along with the permission of eating<br />

meat. <strong>The</strong> rest were already given to Adam in the Garden of Eden.)<br />


against eating a limb severed from a living animal, beast, or fowl<br />

against eating the flesh of any animal which was torn by a wild beast ... which, in part,<br />

prohibits the eating of such flesh as was torn off an animal while it was still alive<br />

6. Mankind is commanded to establish courts of justice and a just social order to enforce the<br />

first six laws and enact any other useful laws or customs.<br />

JUSTICE to appoint judges and officers in each and every community to treat the litigants<br />

equally before the law to inquire diligently into the testimony of a witness against the wanton<br />

miscarriage of justice by the court against the judge accepting a bribe or gift from a litigant<br />

against the judge showing marks of honor to but one litigant against the judge acting in fear of<br />

a litigant's threats against the judge, out of compassion, favoring a poor litigant against the judge<br />

discriminating against the litigant because he is a sinner against the judge, out of softness, putting<br />

aside the penalty of a mauler or killer against the judge discriminating against a stranger or an<br />

orphan against the judge hearing one litigant in the absence of the other against appointing a<br />

judge who lacks knowledge of the Law against the court killing an innocent man against<br />

incrimination by circumstantial evidence against punishing for a crime committed under duress<br />

that the court is to administer the death penalty by the sword against anyone taking the law into<br />

his own hands to kill the perpetrator of a capital crime to testify in court against testifying falsely<br />

* This point is disagreed upon by different writers: "<strong>The</strong> Noahites are not restricted in this way<br />

but may judge singly and at once." (Note: <strong>The</strong> Jewish Law, found in Deuteronomy 17:6, requires<br />

the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses before one can be executed. In fact, the last sentence of verse<br />

6 specifically states, "...he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness". This should<br />

be our first clue that these seven Noahide Laws are nothing more than a clever counterfeit of<br />

God's Ten Commandments)<br />

This paves the way for the "Lord" to be defined as to who they define as Lord, and those who<br />

don't agree or who refuse to worship their Lord, will be beheaded.<br />

Again Noahide laws have nothing to do with Noah in the Torah, but this is the deception being<br />

brought forward. What is important here is to recognize that what you are seeing is stronger<br />

vibration of the imbalance or dis-ease being reflected out from the Torah. In terms of harmonics,<br />

the Torah operates as softer higher vibration of the lower harmonic Talmud. I know that this<br />

may seem strange too you, but the key to heaven on earth is harmonics and utilizing divine notes.<br />

Remember God is a Word, a vibration. God exists to sing us love songs which sustain on a<br />

quantum level the energy fields that maintain our forum. <strong>The</strong> Creators language is a musical<br />

manifestation of divine frequencies. Back in the time of Noah, the trees, the sky, the clouds the<br />

earth herself sang divine musical frequencies. You will see that the remedy to all of this is to<br />

simply adjust our frequencies a bit so we surround ourselves with divine frequencies, using<br />

sound, em waves and color. I’ll get into this much deeper in Chapter 10, but as we move through<br />

this you will gain insight as to why certain things in Law work and others don’t. <strong>The</strong> end game<br />

of course is to eliminate law all together as it is not needed. <strong>The</strong> truth is that we live in a<br />

vibrational holographic universe. We are literally living in heaven on Earth, we have just entered<br />

into a disharmony, which has caused this Babylonian satanic stuff to surface. We have the divine<br />

power within us to change this world to the infinite song of love that it truly is. Remember here<br />

the mirror is reflecting back to us the vibrational fields we are putting out. That disharmony has<br />

created a manipulative consciousness that operates outside of love and indeed is fear. When we<br />

see laws within the Bible, Talmud or anywhere we are seeing the manifestation of fear<br />

( Page 176 )

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