The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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position as before, being in bondage. <strong>The</strong>ir religion must be answerable to the State for what is<br />

taught etc. <strong>Of</strong> course when you register something you are signing ownership over to the state,<br />

where by they issue you a privilege to make use of whatever it is that you have registered and<br />

thus, you are enslaved. This also violates the law given by LORD God:<br />

[3] Thou shalt have no other gods before me.<br />

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven<br />

above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:<br />

[5] Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a<br />

jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth<br />

generation of them that hate me;<br />

Here he is referring to false Gods, as we know the Zionists created Countries as being a God and<br />

have us serve their Gods. <strong>Of</strong> course this is bending the rules, but it servers their agenda.<br />

Interestingly it makes reference that gods, small g, come from the Heavens and from within the<br />

Earth. Those that have been unsure of ET Life, may take note of this as this seems very similar<br />

to the stories about the Reptilians and the Watchers I think they are called. Simply put the Earth<br />

seems to be a major port for these beings for various reasons. This makes me all the more suspect<br />

to the origins of these Zionists and make me wonder if David Icke and others are right about<br />

these sorts of things. It is not something I simply close my mind off too as the evidence is strong<br />

and looking at their agenda it makes sense. This of course does not mention God, of which I<br />

have explained to a great length as being us, in terms of infinite Love. Interesting LORD God<br />

would miss that simple fact eh God is only indirectly referenced by Jesus as his Father perhaps<br />

who is in heaven. Since gods, come from heaven, then who is Jesus’s Father really Perhaps we<br />

can find that answer at a later time, for now what is important is to recognize how a system of<br />

discrimination is being put forward here, which gives the few a false sense of divine right to be<br />

singled out over the masses. This also works the same way with Christians and other religions<br />

as well except perhaps the few ancient ones that are based on love, which are under mortal attack<br />

by these types.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most interesting thing you will notice about these laws is that they only apply to the people<br />

and not LORD God. What Laws govern LORD God <strong>The</strong>re is no equality under the law here.<br />

It is truly a beginning of having the sheep enslave each other, with an outsider imposing his will<br />

on the sheep.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next bit we need to look at is the Noahide Laws. Noah was given a few laws as well by<br />

LORD God. <strong>The</strong> Noahide Laws are the foundation upon, we are seeing the re-emergence of<br />

Ancient Babylon and the <strong>New</strong> World Order. George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14,<br />

102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws<br />

of Noah. Noahide Law is what is to follow the Talmud as the fundamental law for the planet,<br />

according to the Jewish Encyclopedia. Noahide laws are not based on the Torah but are based<br />

off the Talmud only. To violate the Noahide laws will result in capital punishment by decapitation<br />

(Sanh. 57A). Under the Talmudic Noahide Laws the worship of JESUS is forbidden as it is a<br />

form of idiolatry, punishable by death of course. What they once had to covertly include into<br />

Commercial Law or rather Admiralty Law, will now be wide open for all to see. <strong>The</strong>y are very<br />

close to securing the planet into a giant prison, from which they control everything. I am not<br />

certain as to what extent they intend to force these values onto the people or if they will draw<br />

up another religion to deflect yet again away from the Talmud and Noahide, so they can carry<br />

on their deceptions in relative secret.<br />

1. Idolatry is forbidden. Man is commanded to believe in the One God alone and worship only<br />

Him. IDOLATRY -against entertaining the thought that there exists a deity except the Lord (to<br />

worship Jesus as the Messiah is blasphemy according to the Talmud and punishable by<br />

decapitation). -against making any graven image (and against having anyone else make one for<br />

us) -against making idols for use by others -against making any forbidden statues (even when<br />

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