The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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We are made to feel thankful for the Kings, Queens, Clergy etc. in that without them and their<br />

guidance, we would all perish or worse. It is a load of crap of course. Again who is controlling<br />

here <strong>The</strong> simple fact is that they are using the position that they are the only ones who have<br />

access to the divine sacred communications with God and thus we should all follow them blindly,<br />

without challenge or even a hint of real proof. It is very clear that if God wanted to issue<br />

commands to people, he would not need leaders of Nations to issue them, he/she simply do it<br />

him/herself as God is infinite, right<br />

<strong>The</strong> message that JESUS brought forward was simple, stop the enslavement and love each other.<br />

<strong>The</strong> corruption was so severe that even over turning the tables of the money changers in the<br />

temple and talking to the lawyers about the Law of One, has had no effect on stopping this evil.<br />

In fact the underlying reason that Rome fell was that simple fact that they were allowing the<br />

heavy use of Usury. Usury is theft and it is also a powerful means of gaining wealth fast and<br />

thus control over people. It is the fundamental instrument of enslavement. <strong>The</strong>y have made Usury<br />

LEGAL, although it can never be lawful based on God’s will in Genesis Chapter 1. Mammon<br />

is God to those that are blind to the harm they are doing to others. <strong>The</strong> notion of us against them<br />

is all that matters and filling all kinds of reasons for this gives them divine justification to do<br />

what they are doing, without looking beyond the illusion they are living within. Hence why I<br />

think this chapter is so important, to examine the illusions they draw from the Torah and Talmud<br />

to justify what they are doing is right and true. You have to have numbed off part of your mind<br />

to make it seem right and okay to hurt others for gain, yet this is the very basis of Commerce<br />

and thus Slavery throughout the planet.<br />

Zionism is akin to the Synagogue of Satan JESUS makes mention of in Revelations. Jews are<br />

not Zionists and have cried out against it many times. It is those who pretend to be Jewish and<br />

other religions for that matter that do not follow the fundamental teachings of their religion, such<br />

as though shall not kill. It is a warped mind that feels that it is okay to kill others through their<br />

actions or inactions to obtain that result. <strong>The</strong> theft of wealth from others is a violation of the most<br />

ancient laws within many religions. Yet it theft and outright murder disguised as war or “conflict”<br />

is the foundation of their control. Yet when they are attacked in the slightest way, you see a huge<br />

arsenal of LEGAL and at times Military assaults taking place. <strong>The</strong> world is witnessing a holocaust<br />

in Palestine by Israel and they sit on their hands and silence those who speak out against it. Until<br />

Israel can show that God the Creator of the everything did not create us all equal as per Genesis<br />

Chapter 1, they have no rights to claim of the land, we can only share our planet for the benefit<br />

of all, not for the few.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many cultures on our planet and many do not function the same way as we do in North<br />

America and there is little reason to change that. What does need to be changed is the<br />

understanding that everyone has a right to live in absolute freedom as long as they are not harming<br />

others through their actions or inactions. <strong>The</strong> Legal <strong>SYSTEM</strong> is set up to recognize the need for<br />

us to volunteer a name, hence a fiction. Also it is set up to recognize that we must believe in<br />

Fiction in order to be controlled by it, hence why you don’t show up in a Court Room on a certain<br />

date. Courts have addresses based in Fiction and dates are only hearsay. However this does not<br />

stop the fact that POLICE and other <strong>Of</strong>ficers use intimidation, lying and outright torture at times<br />

to gain our compliance and hence the contract that they are seeking. Again anything that they<br />

hand you in accordance to the King James Bible used in all their Courts, states that you have<br />

dominion over the Earth. You have dominion over all their contracts for they are placed on paper,<br />

which is a molded form of the Earth. Any verbal Contracts are invalid as well for they are taking<br />

place on the Earth, for which you have dominion. God did not give Persons dominion over the<br />

earth only man. <strong>The</strong> Zionists know this of course and is why they seek compliance from you.<br />

It is easy to use their laws to regain your freedom as a person, however because they only grant<br />

privileges and not rights, you may find that you are perfectly right in what you are saying, but<br />

they are only concerned with their agenda. Law and truth have no meaning to them, they are<br />

simply their to entice you to take the bait. <strong>The</strong>y believe in the Talmud and the Torah nothing<br />

more. It is a form of extremism and the base methodology they use for farming Souls, to serve<br />

( Page 171 )

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