The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Chapter 8<br />

<strong>The</strong> Torah, Talmud and the Bible<br />

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of<br />

them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. JESUS Revelations<br />

2:9<br />

I think it is important that we take some time here to reflect a bit more deeply on the so called<br />

origins of law and the books from which they are derived. <strong>The</strong> Torah and the Talmud are<br />

fundamental to the foundation of the enslavement of most of the world today. Although the<br />

Koran is noted as being a holy book, it too is filled with laws concerning how to run our lives<br />

and is also used as a means to enslave people. <strong>The</strong> use of Civil Law as a method of separating<br />

Church and State is a misnomer, because the Civil LAWS created are heavily influenced by<br />

Religion. <strong>The</strong> foundation of Religion is to gain access to your money and to control your freedom.<br />

<strong>The</strong> notion that it is God’s divine plan that this enslavement and abuse occur is the driving force<br />

behind why it is so pervasive, when in truth the instigators of these Religions, look at religion<br />

as a God that they created to serve them, hence Zionism.<br />

I have talked to some extent about these two books already and how they are used in LAW. <strong>The</strong><br />

primary difficulty that we face in terms of LAW is that the LEGAL Systems throughout the<br />

world are private courts of the Bankers of THE CITY OF LONDON. All Nations on the planet<br />

are bankrupt entities, in debt to these Bankers, except maybe for a few like Saudi Arabia, but I<br />

don’t know that for sure. We see the same <strong>SYSTEM</strong> of control just taking on different accents,<br />

thus it probably just reflect internal squabbling within the branch line families that control the<br />

planet. Interesting the Letter J did not appear in the English alphabet until the 17th Century.<br />

Which begs me to wonder how JESUS name was created when J did not exist.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Torah makes it very clear that there are two creations, one in Genesis Chapter 1 and the<br />

other in Genesis Chapter 2. As I have stated before Lord God is not God, yet the major religions<br />

focus on Lord God as being God, rather than the simple truth that, Lord God created an illusion<br />

of the Earth and Universe and did not base it on equality. Hence because it is not based on equality<br />

and balance he had to introduce a bunch of Statutes and Commandments, hence laws, to support<br />

his illusion. In truth you read what he says about his laws, each law is only voluntary. We have<br />

the choice to follow them or not. If he was a God we would not have a choice about these things.<br />

<strong>The</strong> truth being that God has no LAWS as I have stated before and we have free will. <strong>The</strong><br />

consequences of not following Lord God’s Laws can be severe, but who is punishing us for not<br />

following them Certainly not Lord God, have seen the guy ever. It is always those who would<br />

benefit the most from such laws that want to enforce them. Hence the ruling elite and the minions<br />

that follow them in their control system. <strong>The</strong>y single out the few to control the many, making<br />

their job of gathering up the wealth of the people on the planet for themselves. <strong>The</strong>y throw a few<br />

bones to the lawyers and judges and business leaders to help things along in the process and we<br />

must never forget the institutions and politicians of Governments. It is difficult for me not to see<br />

Lord God as Lucifer himself based on the actions he takes. Lucifer lies about everything and<br />

hides in places we do not want to look. We are spoon fed what they want us to know and never<br />

allow us to challenge the facts before us. Take notice that Lord God looked at man as being a<br />

slave Genesis 2:15, “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to<br />

dress it and to keep it.” Here we have God enslaving Man versus God creating Man equal to him<br />

and giving man Dominion over the earth. You never hear in Church or Synagogue about this<br />

simple fact. <strong>The</strong> Koran doesn’t even mention the second creation in it. It is all about enslavement<br />

and control.<br />

What is difficult for many is overcoming the fear of these organized religions. <strong>The</strong>y have some<br />

guy on a pulpit somewhere telling you that you are a sinner and are going to Hell if you don’t<br />

do what it says in the Bible etc. It is a lie and a form of indoctrination to get you to believe<br />

something without critical thought as to who is actually benefitting from this train of thought.<br />

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