The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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2. <strong>The</strong> Provisions of this Act referring to Her Majesty the Queen extend also to the Heirs and<br />

Successors of Her Majesty, Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and<br />

Ireland.<br />

Canada does not have a Monarch because when Queen Victoria Died in 1901, so did the<br />

provisions of this Act to the British Monarchy.<br />

Section 9 of the BNA Act states:<br />

9. <strong>The</strong> Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue<br />

and be vested in the Queen.<br />

If Queen Victoria died in 1901, then who has executive power in Canada anymore Further,<br />

Executive power is a CORPORATE term, and does not make reference to living beings. It<br />

identifies people as being PERSONS, which are imaginary fictions, as are CORPORATIONS.<br />

It is important for you to know right now that you are not a PERSON, but in accordance to the<br />

<strong>SYSTEM</strong> a man created male or female by God. Also take note of the title, “<strong>The</strong> British North<br />

American Act”. You don’t see the word Canada anywhere in the Title, do you So if Canada is<br />

to be a COUNTRY, shouldn’t it have it’s own Constitution Apparently not, as this is not a<br />

Constitution it is merely an Act, or more accurately an Act of the U.K. Parliament. You see,<br />

CANADA was nothing more than a CORPORATION listed on the British Board of Trade. It<br />

was used for commercial purposes to run the colony with. That is a Colony of PERSONS.<br />

Now consider this. A person is something that is imaginary. It is pure fiction. It does not exist<br />

in our world. So what evidence do you have that the PERSON Queen Victoria was actually born,<br />

or died <strong>The</strong>re is none. That is the whole point of this. <strong>The</strong> Coronation, which I will expand on<br />

later, is a complete fraud, for it is nothing more than a make believe play creating a birth of a<br />

PERSON. Thus the foundations of their laws are based in the imaginary not the real. So why are<br />

we following them<br />

<strong>The</strong> British North American Act was the tool used to create the Dominion of Canada. However,<br />

as seen above, Section 2 was repealed in 1893. <strong>The</strong>reby two days after Queen Victoria Died in<br />

1901, the Statutory Laws could not be reinstated, as the Queen was dead, and so too all contracts<br />

with her were null and void. From <strong>The</strong> City, a sovereign state within the City of London (much<br />

like Washington D.C.), <strong>The</strong> international Bankers claimed Salvage rights to the CORPORATION<br />

called Canada or Dominion of Canada, and quietly usurped power from the Canadian People.<br />

Nobody ever was Canadian, and be sure that they never told anyone that. At some point they<br />

stopped calling Canada the Dominion of Canada and started calling it CANADA.<br />

A friend of mine tells me that the Dominion of Canada still Lawfully exists, as it was an act of<br />

Treason to repeal section 2 of the BNA Act. Statutory Law never actually dies. A statute once<br />

made is always in place, because of any prior contracts that relate to the statute being over turned<br />

the original statute still stands. Thus the simple fact that the Queen did not inform her subjects<br />

that she was withdrawing lawful authority for her heirs and successors without letting us know<br />

or allowing us to agree with it, is in and of itself a validation that her heirs and successors still<br />

do have executive power, in principle. To understand what this means starts with knowing who<br />

to ask. Elizabeth-Alexander-Mary: Windsor, man created female by God, is the only one who<br />

is real. Thus it is her that we must address our talk too. Is She the holder of the Title HER<br />

MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II She certainly is not denying this, but we as the living<br />

cannot negotiate with fiction (i.e. her Title), for that is a Person not a man, created female by<br />

God. It would be akin to talking to empty room, fiction is fiction.<br />

So what makes a COUNTRY a COUNTRY anyways Well COUNTRIES are said to be created<br />

through the Law of Nations (http://www.constitution.org/vattel/vattel pre.htm). In reality, they<br />

are almost exclusively created by the Emperor of Rome. <strong>The</strong> current Emperor of Rome is the<br />

Pope, of course. I believe He holds TITLE to most of the COUNTRIES on the planet, if not all<br />

of them, even the Islamic States. Because the Pope is the Emissary to God, he holds all titles to<br />

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