The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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a few that are in public positions of power referencing them to earlier pictures of themselves.<br />

Perhaps Henry Kissinger is one of them or even Donald Rumsfield. I don’t know, but suspect.<br />

So the most important thing I can tell you about accessing the gift, is simply to follow your heart<br />

and truth. Get your thoughts out of the way and let your heart and feelings flow. When you<br />

release your thoughts and surrender to the peace of the Universe then you open a world of infinite<br />

possibility for yourself. Truth is the key realizing that we create through our thoughts, the illusion<br />

reflects our thoughts back to us through what we think of as reality. You have to learn to switch<br />

this off and recognize how you create the reality to begin with and sending more love and<br />

exposing truths projects more power back too you for which to create with. <strong>The</strong> people who start<br />

this journey that get involved in the dark arts end up thinking that they have power over others<br />

and that the power resides outside of themselves. This was the nature of Pharo, Rome and many<br />

others. <strong>The</strong>y worship thought forms rather than recognizing that they are infinite beings and<br />

nothing within the illusion can hurt or stop the power of love and truth. I do know there are many<br />

traps laid out before those trying to escape the clutches of this illusion, but with this knowledge<br />

and perhaps some focus and determination we can make this a better world. I think it will be but,<br />

I and others like me are going to need some help from everyone to get there. Imagine if everyone<br />

simply demanded the restoration of Gold as a form of lawful money and that no one could have<br />

more gold than it was reasonable for them to spend over a lifetime. Imagine if we demanded that<br />

we all had rights instead of privileges. It is not hard to change the world so that everyone has a<br />

fair shake at a decent standard of living and self actualization. We need to resolve this issue<br />

concerning the enslavement of man kind on this planet for us all to move forward. If we don’t<br />

we will perish as that is the ultimate form of healing. We perish so we may start again, perhaps<br />

unmolested by these dark forces of evil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> simple fact is we can change reality fields for the good or bad. Prayer has to be one of the<br />

best ways to do this. When you pray you lift the vibrational field around you and it becomes<br />

more easier to create the reality you want. Having the ability to heal others through laying on of<br />

hands, prayer and quiet meditation using meditation stones and gems, are ways we have access<br />

to augmenting or completely changing realities within others. It does take time and training to<br />

get to a level of effectiveness where much of what you do is done just through concentration and<br />

directed thought. Learning to work with our guides from the light and angels, it becomes easier<br />

over time. <strong>The</strong>re are stories that are in our energy fields that clog and bog down our ability to<br />

expand our awareness and spiritual abilities. Clearing the emotional and mental pain from our<br />

systems takes time. I have come across manipulation situations where people have attached cords<br />

on others to control them as well. Clearing and healing these cords causes a dramatic change to<br />

ones perceptions and reality. When you are free of them you draw in your energy from infinite<br />

love rather than having the consciousness energy pushed into you or at times people even suck<br />

energy from others. You will learn much about this in Barbra Anne Brennan’s book, Emerging<br />

Light, which again I suggest everyone read.<br />

One exercise I like for you to do before you move onto the next chapter, is to create a prayer or<br />

poem if you like. <strong>The</strong> topic is of course the Prayer or Poem of Infinite Love. Take some time<br />

write it out what it means to you and remember infinite love is very much alive, in you and<br />

everywhere you can see and imagine. Spend some time every day thinking about your poem or<br />

prayer and recite to yourself and others if they are interested in hearing it. One other thing you<br />

might want to do is to create a Creed of Infinite Love, just a thought.<br />

As a closing thought enjoy this: Amy Sky - I will take care of You<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=2gupFdqUw2A <strong>The</strong> Transformation that is now<br />

happening http://youtube.com/watchv=nMJv5QfRXcQ<br />

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