The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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and let it pass by, it has nothing to attach itself too or to manifest on. Everything you see, hear,<br />

smell, touch and taste are thought forms of energy within your conditioned reality.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y only exist, because at some level you have acknowledged that they do. <strong>The</strong> Universe is<br />

nothing more than an infinite frequency generator, reflecting back too us reality fields that we<br />

create through our beliefs and those created artificially through technologies more advanced than<br />

what they are currently showing us.<br />

A reality field is based on spiritual energy or rather consciousness mixed with electromagnetic<br />

energy and light. Our energy fields operate around the millimeter bandwidth frequency levels<br />

and higher. We are seeing some science being applied to the creation of weapons that can disrupt<br />

our energy fields so severely that one only has to take a wand like gun and swipe it before a<br />

crowd and many internal organs burst with the impact of such energy weapons. When they<br />

dropped the Atom bomb on Nagasaki I think it was the flight crew reported being able to see the<br />

skeleton structure and the explosion through the hull of the plane. When the Space Shuttle begins<br />

to break the Electromagnetic barrier of the Earth some 400 Miles above us, they begin to see<br />

what I would are spirit lights, but they termed it as radiation. <strong>The</strong> Earth itself is a frequency filter<br />

and only when we leave it do we become free of it’s effects and are able to expand more easily<br />

into the higher frequencies. <strong>The</strong> other interesting thing is that once outside of the Earth’s<br />

protective the EM shield, the Sun would fry us with the radiation it puts out, hence why we have<br />

never gone to the Moon. <strong>The</strong> Moon is to me seems to be an ancient base of operations. Without<br />

it no life could form on the earth as it acts a catalyst to create tides and mixing of nutrients etc.<br />

Much of space travel revolves around creating artificial EM fields around the ship the to protect<br />

the occupants from the harsh levels of radiation. Also the apparent lack of windows on most<br />

UFO type space craft also confirms what Nikola Tesla discovered that you can make use of EM<br />

frequencies to see through metal. Much of the technologies used in the Ancient to build the<br />

Pyramid’s etc. came from other worlds I believe and that knowledge has been swept away and<br />

kept hidden from us for it it were widely known it would not be possible for the levels of<br />

enslavement and genocide that are currently going on.<br />

What is important here is that we recognize that it is possible for us to break free of these “normal”<br />

limitations of reality. As our ancestors were able to move among the stars through the simple<br />

projections of their thoughts we too can begin to expand our spiritual capabilities. Recognizing<br />

that we are indeed, everything that exists. <strong>The</strong> damage that has been done to us can be healed<br />

and we can increase our vibrational frequencies to the point were we actually become directly<br />

capable of altering the reality fields set before us consciously and quickly. This is the nightmare<br />

that the manipulative consciousness referred to as LORD God in the Bible is most afraid of.<br />

Ending the illusion and having the ability to directly control it is what the end game is truly<br />

about. I think that we have suffered enough under the hands of those who say they are there to<br />

protect us. We are not children of the imaginary or fictions we are children of infinite love.<br />

Nothing can change that fact no matter what they do to us, we can always heal because we are<br />

able to access transformation energies, they cannot. <strong>The</strong> Illuminati may have advanced spiritual<br />

knowledge, but they are just walking machines for the most part and have no spiritual connections<br />

that we do.<br />

Much like the chapter Playtime in the Illusion, we need to disperse the mystery behind these<br />

fields to break free of them. We don’t see with our eyes we see with our brain. Our brains filter<br />

about 50% of what we see based on our belief system. Thus changing our beliefs of what is<br />

possible creates opportunity for new fields to form. It takes time at this vibrational level for that<br />

to happen, but as I mentioned before the higher you can vibrate in love and anticipation the easier<br />

it is for the new field to form. Science has been working on some aspects of these fields in terms<br />

of teleportation. Also all the spiritual healers in our world also make use of these fields every<br />

day. We augment our human energy fields based on our activities and thoughts. A healer can<br />

clear the fields and fix damaged anatomy, cuts and lower or increase vibrational frequencies of<br />

these fields. <strong>The</strong> end result is that the one being helped gets better balance heals the physical<br />

conditions that are troubling them. This same thing works on all forms of life because all life<br />

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