The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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authority over us rather than simply being equal to us and willing to share information that would<br />

be helpful for us all.<br />

What a hypnotist does is create a sense of calm within the individual they are working with and<br />

thus creating some clarity. <strong>The</strong> other thing that they do, is generate a sense authority over that<br />

individual so that they will follow their instructions. Emotion is a factor as the stronger the<br />

emotion the more likely that a reality you are trying to create will be created. It is a sense of<br />

knowing and purpose that is projected that creates the reality. <strong>The</strong>re is also an absence of fear<br />

and when you are doing it in love it has even stronger effect on creating the reality you want.<br />

You will get the essence of what you desire, not always what you desire, so keep that in mind<br />

as clarity is very key.<br />

I have mentioned before that our spiritual anatomy has chakras. <strong>The</strong>re are 12 main chakras within<br />

our body and are referred to as Meridian Pools by Acupuncture Practitioners. In many people<br />

these Chakras get damaged over their lives and do tend to heal. However their function within<br />

our spiritual anatomy is critical in creating positive outcomes for our reality fields. If you have<br />

never gone for an energy balancing or more importantly a Chakra balancing before I would urge<br />

you strongly to go. Keeping your spiritual anatomy working properly is very important and<br />

affects not only us but all those around us. Your Human Energy Field is directly affected by how<br />

your Chakras are working or even not working at all. What has happened in the ruling elite is<br />

that they have shut down completely their emotional centers or related chakras as then they have<br />

no concerns about what they do to us or who and how they hurt others. People that torture people<br />

or are in military service to some extent have reduced greatly their capacity to feel emotionally.<br />

This translates into how their chakras are working. You correct the problems with the chakras<br />

and they open to infinite love, that simple. Thus there are rituals that take place I have read within<br />

the Masonic Order that affect the DNA and the emotional being of an individual. <strong>Of</strong> course non<br />

for the good as we are seeing in our courts and ruling structures, but the knowledge is known<br />

and unsuspecting people trying to learn more about God and Spirituality are conned over and<br />

over again into becoming slaves for the <strong>New</strong> World Order Agenda. I do know that if more people<br />

knew what I knew we could easily put a stop to this and heal the damage being done spiritually.<br />

Thus the primary reason I want share what I know with you all. I’ll explain more about how to<br />

heal chakras when we get to the section about the Gift, in this chapter.<br />

What is also key to how our Energy fields work is also related to our DNA. <strong>The</strong>re is much more<br />

to our DNA than simply holders of Genetic building blocks of our bodies. Our DNA also a<br />

storehouse of memory of all the lives previously that have had access to the line of DNA you<br />

hold within. Further your DNA responds to sacred geometry when you bring it into your<br />

awareness and is in sync with various stars and planets more so as the vibration field you took<br />

on when you were both created in the womb and born into this illusion we call Earth. So each<br />

one of us has an individual vibrational field. <strong>The</strong> range of our vibrational field, determines how<br />

much we can consciously bring into our awareness and utilize our HEF for healing and other<br />

spiritual arts through our lives. <strong>Of</strong> course the powers that be are aware of this and work very<br />

hard to shut down the higher end of our vibrational abilities and keep us vibrating at lower<br />

frequencies. Vaccination shots do a great job it seems on blocking us from vibrating at higher<br />

frequencies in which if we did, many dis-eases we see among us today would simply be wiped<br />

out. This is not my medical opinion this is simply fact. All pathology of dis-ease begins in the<br />

Human Energy Fields, HEF. <strong>The</strong> higher the vibration that these fields hold the more difficult it<br />

is for us to be manipulated and easier it is to heal ourselves and others quickly.<br />

Thus the higher the frequency we vibrate at the more quickly we can actualize the things we<br />

want for ourselves within our Reality Fields. At the basic level the Reality Fields are based on<br />

our thoughts and beliefs. When you out right reject a reality being thrust upon you with emotion<br />

and a sense of knowing that it is an illusion and not for the highest good for yourself and those<br />

around you, the vibrational energy that is creating that reality field has a difficult time manifesting<br />

itself fully. When you don’t give it energy or thought simply blocking it from your awareness<br />

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