The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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our natural state of being at all and the powers that be, know this all too well. <strong>The</strong>y expend<br />

massive amounts of energy to keep us bottled up in a tiny fraction of who we are. <strong>The</strong> best<br />

example of who we can all be that many are familiar with is Jesus Christ. We all have the capacity<br />

from within us to do the kind of things he did and more, even though the story has been so heavily<br />

distorted.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no mystery behind the use of reality fields, we create them every day from moment to<br />

moment. We are just not made aware of how we create them. To many degrees Witchcraft is<br />

greatly concerned with the manipulation of reality fields. <strong>The</strong> entire foundation of it is to create<br />

transformations of realities for good or bad purposes. <strong>The</strong> knowledge of this has of course been<br />

pushed underground so that only a few truly know the techniques and have the internal clarity<br />

within their channels to make reality change for them. In truth of what is or is not witchcraft is<br />

a debatable, but what is not is the intentions behind the actions taking place. We are<br />

multidimensional infinity and the harm we bring to others we are bringing to ourselves, it is that<br />

simple. Truth and Love are the most powerful healing energies that anyone could use, when<br />

working with reality fields and the funny thing is, we do use these forces all the time, just without<br />

realizing it. Some manipulate reality fields through ritual, others through quite prayer and<br />

meditation or simply focusing their thoughts on what they want and giving up to the universe to<br />

reflect back the intent they created. <strong>The</strong> movie called, <strong>The</strong> Secret talks about Naplolian Hills<br />

discoveries while interviewing wealthy people for his book called, Think and Grow Rich. What<br />

he discovered is our thoughts determine our reality. Hence the widespread brainwashing of people<br />

through the use of the Television and other media to get us to believe in a conditioned reality,<br />

where the few have the privilege of condoling the masses.<br />

Thus we need a basis to understand what exactly Reality field is before we can even begin to<br />

change one or many of them. Hypnotists can cause people to blank out objects from their reality<br />

through suggestion and in truth our mind only allows us to see about 50% of what is actually<br />

there at any given moment, as we construct our reality based on our belief systems. Thus the<br />

foundation of our belief system is rooted in our schooling years where we were all teased or<br />

coerced into conforming with the masses. This primary conditioning a fear of what other people<br />

think is so subtle and insidious that it controls most of the people on this planet from moment<br />

to moment, day after day. When in truth we have infinite realities to create and choose from, just<br />

we are caught up in focusing our awareness on what we are told to focus it on. In spirit thing can<br />

change at the speed of thought, but here in this illusionary holographic universe things take time<br />

to change. Sometimes too much time, but when enough people do or think something then it hits<br />

a mass consciousness trigger point where everyone starts to do the same thing without being<br />

told. Carl Jung spent a great deal of time trying to learn and understand these mechanisms and<br />

has written several books that are quite insightful, of which I myself have yet to read. However<br />

I have talked to some amazing highly intelligent people who have and have passed onto me some<br />

of benefits of what they have learned.<br />

What Carl Jung had learned what is known now about reality fields and why we do what we do<br />

are well kept secrets by the ruling elite for the most part. It is important to know that your body<br />

is a hologram a trap scalar frequency within a reality that is being created by each of us from<br />

moment to moment and thus everything works on the foundation of frequencies.<br />

Everything vibrates as opposed to the infinite which does not. Yet the world as we see it is created<br />

from the fabric of infinite love, in which we are living in a kind of fear bubble within the infinite.<br />

We draw power from the infinite and transcend that power into the reality we see projected back<br />

too us based on our beliefs. When it becomes clear to you that no one has any authority over you<br />

within your peaceful existence with all, then you start to create a powerful reality field around<br />

you that supports this projection. That is the foundation of how we create it, is by taking clear<br />

actions based on our beliefs to support the reality we believe in. We do it everyday, but we are<br />

conditioned to bow before our Talmudic Masters, called Ministers etc, that we are told have<br />

some kind of authority over us. It is in our face everywhere we look, someone has to be in<br />

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