The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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to know the truth about anything. This is only a reflection of the imbalances we have created<br />

between using our infinite knowing verses our brain. Our hearts tell us what is right and wrong<br />

and what to do, but our brain gets in the way of that and doesn’t know anything except what we<br />

put into it. Thus why we must be careful what we do put into it and recognize the manipulation<br />

going on around us and respond in positive ways to it.<br />

In terms of the worshiping of Satan or Satanism as it is called, people are mercilessly tortured<br />

and sacrificed throughout the world. It is not hard to see the evil dripping off the faces of some<br />

of our world leaders and the monsters that hide behind the thin facade they portray. <strong>The</strong>y are in<br />

my awareness and yours if you care to see, because of things that we have done to each other<br />

over time. <strong>The</strong>y also represent how far still must go in healing our world of fear. To them the<br />

Light is darkness and the darker the better. <strong>The</strong>y have a reality in which they live which supports<br />

the exact mirror of Infinite Love. <strong>The</strong>y have no power over us when we do in fact live within<br />

the knowing of Infinite Love. <strong>The</strong> Knowing counters the illusions cast off by the light too us<br />

and dispels their reality of having power over us. <strong>The</strong>y can never destroy us, because we are<br />

made from the fabric of truth, they are fabrics of illusion.<br />

In terms of Satan running Hell, you pretty much have the idea now that we JUDGE ourselves<br />

into Hell based on our fear. People say they see their lives past before their eyes when they have<br />

near death experiences sometimes. We do this for a few reasons, but in the end what we are really<br />

doing is passing JUDGMENT onto ourselves. Both Heaven and Hell are illusions within the<br />

mirror and both are designed to make us want to reincarnate back to the physical. This is what<br />

we do over and over again taking on roles to expand the capacity of our finite mirror to expand<br />

in love. We expand based on the amount of light we can hold within us and thus dictates where<br />

we feel we need to go next. Because the Universe is a hologram and you can pick any time and<br />

place and life form you want, you can gather we been at this for a very long time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> light we hold within us is a reflection of how much we have become enlightened to infinite<br />

Love. Infinite Love does not abandon and thus if we get too far lost, it comes in and gathers up<br />

it’s children and starts again. I cannot say for certain that this is what is happening now, but the<br />

signs are getting obvious that we either increase our capacity to love as a world or we will be<br />

gathered up by the infinite we are. It is not something to be frightened about or worried about.<br />

We can only do the best we can and then start a new. By exposing the mechanisms of control<br />

that hold the world under the grasp of tyranny, it is my hope that enough of us will break free to<br />

help make a difference and bring more enlightenment into our world and thus more freedom and<br />

joy. In the end it is impossible for darkness to win, it just can’t because everything is based from<br />

infinite love and thus truth. Thus I hold out a great deal of hope that as light increases there will<br />

be less places for darkness to hide as the shadows disappear. We are enlightenment and we are<br />

becoming spiritually aware people through this and other avenues of communication for the<br />

Infinite Love.<br />

Because the Reptilians are very ritualistic, thus basically intelligent biological programs that<br />

feed on fear, they will begin to perish as more of us look for balance and love to resolve conflict<br />

rather than go running to their <strong>SYSTEM</strong> to be feed on by them. <strong>The</strong>y are the children we are the<br />

parents, although they like to look at it from the other perspective. It is we that must take<br />

responsibility for our children not the other way around. Yes indeed the Nephilim are our children<br />

as they are the cross breeding of man with the gods, who I think were the Anunnaki. As we<br />

expand our hearts too them and bring forward more truth and love, they loose their grip over us,<br />

because they can only function in darkness and arguments. It is time to heal and time to take<br />

responsibility for what we have allowed to be created by treating ourselves and all we see as<br />

things, rather than ourselves reflecting back too us the love we put out.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ultimate point of Satanic Ritual Sacrifice from what I gather from reading what I can about<br />

it, is the absorption of ones’ Soul that lies within each of us, by fear. <strong>The</strong>re can be nothing greater<br />

within the illusion of fear. That energy that is absorbed through drinking of blood or trapping<br />

someone’s Soul is the ultimate the walling off of infinite love. <strong>Of</strong> course a number of Churches<br />

are involved in this as well as numerous bankers and world leaders. I suggest that you read what<br />

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