The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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is, or rather it is infinite love. <strong>The</strong> fabric of the mirror is fear but everything must come from<br />

truth or it simply does not exist. Thus the illusion only exists because it comes from infinite love.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mirror acts as a parasite as soon as we begin to treat anything within the illusion as a thing<br />

rather than infinite love. When you forget who you are you are creating the imbalance and thus<br />

you start to multiply, making babies that represents the fractured consciousness. <strong>Of</strong> course if<br />

you make a Baby and you teach and treat the Baby as being part of you and infinite love there<br />

is no fracturing and love is able to expand within the finite to create more joy etc. It is not so<br />

much as the mirror is our play ground, as it is our desire as infinite love to expand our love into<br />

a finite reality to experience ourselves as the incredible infinite we truly are. <strong>Of</strong> course the<br />

Universe is made up of many fractured consciousness of infinite love. We expand our love by<br />

going deeper and deeper into density. <strong>The</strong>re is an incredible amount of dark matter within the<br />

universe and there are frequencies we can’t even see because of our limited perception.<br />

What is happening with Earth as a group consciousness of Infinite Love is we have become so<br />

lost and have created so much suffering over the planet, that the illusion is gaining power over<br />

infinite love and thus preventing the expansion of it. What happens now is that we the infinite<br />

start pumping more and more energy into the Sun and Stars to boost the light and vibrational<br />

field of the Earth. This helps wake up those who have forgotten who they are. If enough people<br />

do not wake up to the realization that they are living within infinite love of which they are infinite<br />

love, the Sun heats up to the point where it kills everything on the Earth. This why some Suns<br />

go Super Nova perhaps. It is not something to fear either and that is in part how we can turn it<br />

around. It is simply infinite love absorbing that part of itself back into the infinite, which has<br />

forgotten who they are. From someone cut off from the infinite it is very frightening, because<br />

they do not know what is beyond death’s door. Thus it is them the most that need to start reaching<br />

out to all that is within their awareness in love of it being a part of them, that they will awaken<br />

to the truth of infinite love.<br />

What they are trying to do is kill off 80% of the worlds population to slow down or stop this<br />

from happening. By doing this it doesn’t help remove people from the Illusion as their spirit goes<br />

to Heaven. If they are as spirit in heaven and still do not know who they are they become highly<br />

tormented and feed the fear, which only increases the infinite pumping more energy and love<br />

into our group consciousness. <strong>The</strong>y can’t possibly ever accomplish the enslavement of us, because<br />

infinite love will not allow itself to be enslaved by it’s own creation. I am not sure if we can stop<br />

what is now coming, but through love perhaps we can heal ourselves and the Earth.<br />

What we need to do is start challenging the powers that be to prove that they are who they say<br />

they are, removing their control over us as they are only controlling themselves. <strong>The</strong>y have to<br />

come to realize that we are all one including the Earth and all they can see. <strong>The</strong> capacity for the<br />

Earth to sustain life is now at a critical point. It is becoming almost impossible for us and the<br />

Earth to remain in balance and thus why we where we are.<br />

It is not that God has given us dominion over the Earth it is that everything we sense is infinite<br />

love a reflection of our creation within the mirror. <strong>The</strong> Birth Certificate method is probably a<br />

good approach. You can sign any of there documents as long as you know you are infinite love<br />

and know how the mirror was created, there is nothing that they can challenge you on for you<br />

stand in truth. Your signature is infinite love, it is part of you. It might designate you as being a<br />

thing, but you qualify it as that this is me the infinite within a finite imposed world, being<br />

everything that exists. Ultimately God exists as the exact mirror of infinite love and this who we<br />

see in our Courts, the JUDGE is an illusion of course, but he/she has taken on the role of God.<br />

Ultimately that is what God does within the Illusion is to be the JUDGE of all we do. We over<br />

come this by recognizing that we are everything that exists including the JUDGE. It is through<br />

Love that we dispel these illusions and create harmony once again, allowing us to expand more<br />

and more within the illusion. When you recognize there can never be any conflicts because you<br />

are only arguing with yourself, then you begin to find peaceful and loving ways to resolve the<br />

issues that come before you. Thus the need for the JUDGE becomes non existent. This is why<br />

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