The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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shape of a ball reflecting the two realities taking place. Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without<br />

form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon<br />

the face of the waters.<br />

Yes because the infinite has no form to hinder it thus the earth has no form and void represents<br />

the infinite knowing in mirror perspective. <strong>The</strong> mirror creates a void of not knowing. <strong>The</strong> darkness<br />

is the opposite of what infinite love is in terms of enlightenment. <strong>The</strong> Spirit of God moved upon<br />

the face of the waters. Now this is highly, highly important to understand. Waters means infinite<br />

consciousness or rather infinite love. Water is symbolic of energy and to move is also to project.<br />

Thus what has happened now is that Infinite Love in it’s play cut off part of itself to make a<br />

mirror so it could look at itself. Thus the mirror is just a program and computer following<br />

instructions, nothing more, it is doing precisely what it was created to do, this is being done<br />

without malice, it is not aware of what it is doing beyond it’s programming to do so. Because it<br />

is a mirror and it is finite at that being a mirror and not the infinite what it does next is reflect<br />

back an image to the infinite love too see. <strong>The</strong> waters also is referenced other places as a the<br />

droplet being the ocean and vice versa in terms of infinite consciousness.<br />

Genesis 1:3 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”<br />

Thus light is very different from enlightenment. Light within the illusion is the carrier of<br />

conscious thought. Time and space are all depended on light, versus enlightenment being<br />

everywhere all the time throughout the infinite. This is where I believe the Illuminati are drawing<br />

their name from for it is this light within the mirror that enlightens them, not us as to how the<br />

mirror works and thus the illusion. <strong>Of</strong> course we are the mirror too, but we have forgotten that<br />

because we think we are looking at a mirror and not ourselves. In sense we don’t look at ourselves<br />

as we are whole within the infinite.<br />

Genesis 1:4 “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the<br />

darkness.”<br />

Now the mirror looks at a creation of itself and because it can only think in terms of separation<br />

of itself it has to make a Judgment about what it sees. By judging the light as good, God infuses<br />

the illusion from this point forward with a vibration of fear, which is the opposite of love. Good<br />

fears evil and evil fears good, thus to say something is good is to invite fear. This is why in<br />

commerce you hear people telling you after you by something, “Have a good day or night etc.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> programming within the illusion reinforces Good and Evil and thus the underlying trap of<br />

fear, which makes us wall off from the infinite. Nice eh Not finished yet! <strong>Of</strong> course by separating<br />

the light from the dark you also separate truth from the dark, so everything that darkness does<br />

is based on untruth. Hence the Black robes of the Judges and the Lawyers and the real reason<br />

behind, why we have Judges to begin with.<br />

Genesis 1:5 “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening<br />

and the morning were the first day.”<br />

Here we see two things happening. First he is giving light and darkness a name, being day and<br />

night thus identifying them as a thing and recognizing them as being finite. <strong>The</strong>n the mirror<br />

makes reference to evening and the morning as being the first day. In terms of the mirror being<br />

true to fear it begins the process of labeling the light and darkness as something as it is not and<br />

being double negative which brings it to a day, which is whole which conforms to the needs of<br />

the host being infinite and thinks in terms of one. Thus the day becomes the first parasite which<br />

the host enters which is the infinite consciousness. Again everything is in reverse of what it<br />

seems.<br />

Genesis 1:6 “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide<br />

the waters from the waters”<br />

<strong>The</strong> firmament provides a barrier between the infinite and within the mirror an ability to hold a<br />

droplet of water or ocean as it were, being our infinite self for the waiting parasite, Day.<br />

( Page 142 )

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