The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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Book of Revelations predicted what is going on today and what is still to come. It tells of the<br />

implanting of microchips into our bodies for the use of commerce, microchips that also have the<br />

ability to control and transmit our emotions. I recently read an article that the chips were hacked.<br />

This beast system is being put into place because the <strong>Elite</strong> believe that Lucifer is going to win.<br />

<strong>The</strong> world is being converted into a giant prison. Cities are nothing more than giant slave camps,<br />

where you are made to pay for your own enslavement. Things may get worse before they get<br />

better, but hopefully together we can stop this.<br />

It is unfair to say that we must shut down every court proceeding we go to because we lack the<br />

ability to win. <strong>The</strong> problem is we don’t have enough knowledge at this point to win. Later in the<br />

book, Chapter 9, I will be going into detail of some strategies that may help you. One only needs<br />

to give a lawful excuse of why you do not need to go to court, then back it up with 3 verifiers,<br />

and send that into the clerk of the court. When we show up in court we are granting jurisdiction.<br />

We can argue the point, but we are there aren’t we <strong>The</strong> only way to deal with the court is to<br />

deconstruct their illusions of power. Commercial Law allows us to extend a remedy to the court,<br />

but in the end that remedy can be rejected and they could jail you, enslave you, or worse!<br />

Commerce is the process of finding a solution within fiction. Maybe they will accept it and<br />

maybe they won’t.<br />

In this book I am going to be using Canada as the focal point to explain the <strong>SYSTEM</strong>, mostly<br />

because I am most familiar with it and also because it is a de facto Government. De facto adds<br />

another level of sophistication, as they have had to hide things more and put up a greater illusion<br />

in which to trick the people into believing that they live in a COUNTRY that is legitimate. Canada<br />

promotes itself as a Free world COUNTRY when in fact it is Fascist dictatorship. <strong>The</strong> USA is<br />

more straightforward. <strong>The</strong>y put in Article 14 that if you receive a benefit from the State you enter<br />

into SLAVERY. Thus if you receive mail at home you are receiving a benefit from the State,<br />

because under common law all mail is delivered to local Post <strong>Of</strong>ice where you could go and ask<br />

for it. <strong>The</strong>n there are all those unlawful contracts such as driver’s licenses. Much of this is<br />

translatable into the systems of every other country on the planet which I will discuss further on<br />

in the book.<br />

It is clear throughout the world that “Human Beings” are used as slaves by other “Human Beings”.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rationalization for doing this is varied and in the western world, it is hidden through a<br />

sophisticated monetary system. Openly you see enslaved people in some African Countries and<br />

North Korea, India and China. <strong>The</strong> United Nations Peace Keeping Missions in the Balkans has<br />

been caught 3 times now with involvement in white sex slavery (soldiers kidnapping young white<br />

girls and selling them). Israel, Great Britain, Japan and other Countries do little to stop the horrific<br />

Sex slavery that resides within their boarders.<br />

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other such oil-rich COUNTRIES bring in poor immigrants from places<br />

such as the Philippines and India. <strong>The</strong>y are used as house servants and are paid very little outside<br />

of attending to their most basic needs. <strong>The</strong>re they have hangings of poor Indians and Filipino<br />

people on a weekly basis, accused of crimes such as rape. A Kuwaiti can find you at fault after<br />

rear ending you in a car “accident” when sitting at a red light by saying you were in their<br />

COUNTRY. It’s a travesty of LAW. <strong>The</strong> oil-rich COUNTRY is a dictatorship and is highly<br />

discriminatory against classes of people within the COUNTRY, and is run by a ruling Family<br />

headed by a man named Emir, who hand picks the Leaders of the Institutions and Government.<br />

In Saudi Arabia, Emir heads the Royal Family and there are a gaggle of about 20,000 people<br />

that consume 50% of the Country’s GDP in dollars shared amongst them, leaving the masses<br />

with little to live on.<br />

It is ironic that the first Gulf War went to save the people of Kuwait from Iraqi invasion, restoring<br />

freedom to the People of Kuwait. Saddam attacked because he found evidence that Kuwait had<br />

been performing horizontal drilling into Iraqi Oil fields and the USA gave every indication that<br />

they were not going to intervene. <strong>The</strong> USA and BRITISH maintain military bases in Kuwait and<br />

Iraq under the guise of protection, but instead they are using them as a main staging and<br />

headquarters for killing millions of people in the region. <strong>The</strong> soldiers are not there to bring<br />

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