The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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having dominion over the Earth with all their imaginary laws. This is solved by writing an<br />

unsigned letter to them as God does not sign anything and you have no name, but you do have<br />

dominion over the Earth. So you enclose the BIRTH CERTIFICATE that was issued to you by<br />

the Government and state that it is made of the Earth and you have dominion over the it and<br />

everything it represents. You are not to state that their Oaths end in So help me God, and that is<br />

where you draw your dominion from for you just stated you are understanding Legalese as all<br />

Oaths are written in the fiction language of legalese and thus you are saying you are one of them.<br />

All you see in truth are man, male and female, all your brothers and sisters and all equal too you.<br />

You were created equal to God so you are God. <strong>The</strong> way you fall out of this standing is by signing<br />

for everything. Anything that they hand you in commerce like a bill, ticket etc is referencing you<br />

and you have absolute dominion over it, because it is made of the Earth. Where it all falls apart<br />

is when we sign for stuff. Genesis Chapter 3:22 states:<br />

And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:<br />

and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:<br />

To become one of them you become a god not a God. This is stated in Genesis 3:5 For God doth<br />

know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,<br />

knowing good and evil.<br />

Also the tree of knowledge is opposite of what we are as infinite love. Infinite love is to be<br />

infinite knowing. Because the reptilians are cut off from the infinite they cannot tell who is God<br />

and who are gods. <strong>The</strong>y don’t know, they are not responsible for what they are doing. It us up<br />

to us to tell them. <strong>The</strong>y are telling us not to engage in their commerce game for if you do you<br />

become one of them. <strong>The</strong>y do not want to hurt or harm us. <strong>The</strong>y are wrapped up in their imaginary<br />

world as a gods trying to imagine themselves. We are the ones that control the illusion not them,<br />

but we have forgotten that! We cannot be harmed by an illusion it is only an illusion.<br />

<strong>Of</strong> course it is the Serpent small g god, that is telling this to Eve as she was unaware of the<br />

consequences that eating from the tree would create. This also ties in with David Icke’s<br />

discussions concerning the Reptilian Serpent Race that walks among us. <strong>The</strong> serpents are highly<br />

intelligent, but they are mere projections within this holographic world we find ourselves in.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are totally cut off from the infinite and truly do not have the infinite within them or as I<br />

have from time to time referred to it as having a soul. <strong>The</strong>y know about the infinite and feed off<br />

us to gain energy from it, through satanic blood drinking sacrificing rituals and torture, as there<br />

food is fear. Commerce is their game and it is all about war<br />

and imbalance. Compare your bank account to the Queen’s and you will see what I mean. It is<br />

designed to suck us dry till we die, which is another illusion and feared the most by many, which<br />

keeps us going in there game. <strong>The</strong> only way out of their game is to declare, not claim, dominion<br />

over all their paper that refers to you and anything that they hand you. Also have them return all<br />

that they have taken from you and if you need anything else you tell them you need x amount<br />

of funds to exchange for creating the things you need to live. You must do this with balance and<br />

love always and forgive them and yourself for what has happened, for you were told through the<br />

Bible. <strong>The</strong> Bible doesn’t say this precisely so how could you be responsible right Trust me for<br />

the moment as it will become crystal clear after you read the next section. It is not about having<br />

power over everyone, because like you they are you. <strong>The</strong>y just have a different shell, which<br />

is an illusion. <strong>The</strong> same goes with the Earth and every living thing.<br />

<strong>Of</strong> course you want all that was taken from you to be returned, but that is peanuts to having<br />

dominion over the Earth. By stating this you must be prepared to follow God’s will as per Genesis<br />

Chapter 1. You must realize that by your actions of signing documents and going along with the<br />

illusions they projected at you, you are in part responsible for the mess you are in and the Earth,<br />

for you were not following God’s will. God does not have laws, only will. Thus you need for<br />

them to release back to you all that was taken from you, because it is of your creation not theirs<br />

and thus the energy it represents creates and imbalance, which is harmful to you and them. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

could not give it back too you until you tell them you are not one of them a fiction, but a man<br />

( Page 139 )

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