The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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[Registered with then Finance Minister, John Manley, Trustee] By:<br />

( Again you can sign as the accommodation party ) Date:<br />

*c/o John Manley 123 SOMEWHERE ST. TORONTO, ONT T1V<br />

2W3 *this address is used without prejudice and of necessity<br />

So this is what a Surety Bond looks like. Even if you don’t remember all of this the fundamentals<br />

should do. You always want to use the surety bond for settlement and closure of the account,<br />

which is the Case number on the bill or rather “Charge”.<br />

Your signature has value so it discharges the debt. You assign a value to the bond and if they<br />

need more you can adjust for that. You can use the Jubilee as an expiration point as all debts are<br />

erased at that point or put in a date of like 10 years from now. It is for the discharging of the bills<br />

presented over that period of time. You need to send a copy to the Finance Minister who is the<br />

trustee over your exemption.<br />

You can modify this for anywhere in the world and it may or may not work for you. <strong>The</strong> difficulty<br />

is that these guys are greedy and may want even more of your money and try to badger you to<br />

up the bond value etc. <strong>The</strong> other aspect could be that depending on their agenda at the time no<br />

amount of money is going to get you out and it is Talmud. So what you need to do is to pull out<br />

the old King James Bible and use it as your defense against them. In truth you should not be<br />

using anything other than the King James Bible for anything that you do in relation to the<br />

Government and their Imaginary world. Further<br />

more CANADA and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are not Nations, they are<br />

CORPORATIONS. If you do a word search through their respective Constitutions you find that<br />

their Constitutions do not define the Country as a Nation. <strong>The</strong>y might make reference to a<br />

National Assembly as in CANADA’s Case, but that is only under the BNA Act of 1867, which<br />

is dead law, as we talked about earlier concerning Section II being repealed in 1893. <strong>The</strong><br />

Constitution drawn up in Afghanistan with the help of Canadian <strong>Of</strong>ficials after the invasion that<br />

it helped in, actually defines Afghanistan as a Nation within it’s Constitution. Again this is an<br />

example of what they don’t say.<br />

In terms of the USA and CANADA, they were specifically set up to be the focal point of military<br />

and financial control over the world, while be quietly controlled from Europe. <strong>The</strong>y were set up<br />

specifically to be Lawless criminal organizations to exploit and enslave the world. <strong>The</strong> difficulty<br />

is that most of the people who believe they live in these Countries are unaware of this agenda<br />

and go throughout their days in a daze, worried only about how they are going to pay their bills<br />

etc. <strong>The</strong> Zionists wanted CANADA so bad that they made so many mistakes and errors in trying<br />

to grab for power that it is now so obvious to those with eyes to see, what is happening. It goes<br />

beyond this point of Religion as I have mentioned from time to time. Our planet is part of a<br />

Universe in which there are other forms of intelligent life. This Planet has set up Laws to run<br />

itself, which are in contradiction to the Law of One, which only exposes the entire thing as an<br />

illusion. China doesn’t allow the people to have Religion and thus a way to lawfully extract<br />

themselves from the horrible things they do to their people over there. <strong>The</strong> whole thing is a fraud<br />

concerning Nations and again it revolves around the imaginary where truth has no meaning. <strong>The</strong><br />

Courts deal in argument not truth. Thus the only way out of the mess is to use the truth. What<br />

we need is for our planet to move away from fictional based law and simply use truth as a means<br />

of governance. With truth there is no poverty, wars or famine. <strong>The</strong>re is only truth and balance<br />

comes with truth. How such a system would work has yet to be worked out, but I know that it<br />

can be done with relative ease over a small period of time.<br />

Thus at this point in the Illusion we can Truth and Religion as tools for freeing ourselves, from<br />

the Banksters in England and Switzerland. I would suggest that you always have a copy of the<br />

King James Bible nearby and when confronted by POLICE or Writing a Government <strong>Of</strong>ficial<br />

use it as your foundation of communication. You always address them as a man or woman, totally<br />

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