The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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world is based on Commerce, and everyone and everything in it is a corporation or product. Yes<br />

you are deemed to be a corporation. <strong>Of</strong> course a corporation cannot eat, breath or be animated<br />

in reality, but it is an imaginary world.<br />

This imaginary world is based in slavery utilizing the Babylonian Talmud as the source for all<br />

law, that is to say codified law such as, postal codes, criminal codes, building codes, all sorts of<br />

codes. <strong>The</strong> Talmud is the based on how to treat your slaves; it is a guide on Master/Slave relations.<br />

And yes they may pass legislation, but in the end they refer to it as POLICY. Yes they are<br />

corporations. In 1933 A.D. there was a gathering of all the countries in the world and the leaders<br />

all agreed to allow their countries to go BANKRUPT. <strong>Of</strong> course they hid the truth of this from<br />

their people, because it was high Treason. <strong>The</strong>y also determined that people would register their<br />

children’s birth and issue each child a birth certificate, thus making children SURETIES for the<br />

bankrupt countries. <strong>The</strong>n later in life these people pay for the bankruptcy through high taxation,<br />

fines, license fees and everything else they can possibly think of. <strong>Of</strong> course the bankruptcy is<br />

only imaginary because it only exists in the imaginary world, but they’ve got you signing<br />

“official” documents everywhere, saying you have to or they use force and/or intimidation on<br />

you until you do.<br />

Mark my words, Do not sign anything they give you, especially an appearance Bond.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are attempting to get you to admit to being a fiction. Names are fictions. You are only a<br />

man created male or female by God, Names and addresses are only hearsay. <strong>The</strong>y are making<br />

use of hearsay everywhere and in everything they do, don’t buy into it. So in essence the few<br />

have their hands on trillions of dollars, which is used to pay off corrupt politicians and officials<br />

to do their bidding. <strong>The</strong>y have a <strong>SYSTEM</strong> in place that is based on Master/Slave relations for<br />

which you have no rights or freedom, only privileges. And ultimately they are sucking the life<br />

energy from you and me and keeping us all in a state of fear, so they can quite literally feed off<br />

of us, as that is their food. Fear is the food of these energy vampires and they have been with us<br />

for a very long time. I’ll get into this in more detail later in the book, but for now just know that<br />

we are on the cusp of transition and the race is on. <strong>The</strong>y want a prison planet with a reduction<br />

of 80% to 95% of the world’s population. For those of you that are in law enforcement or the<br />

Justice <strong>SYSTEM</strong> in any capacity this is what you are involved in. <strong>The</strong> other side, with education<br />

of each other we are increasing the awareness of the world population to what is truly going on<br />

and creating resistance to their growing plans. <strong>The</strong>y need us to help them with their plans, and<br />

so we are being used as instruments for our own destruction.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other thing that is going on is the hundredth-monkey syndrome. This phenomenon occurs<br />

when enough people know the truth and start acting on it a transition begins. A study showed<br />

that when 10% of monkeys in a group started doing something different, all the rest of the<br />

monkeys started doing the same thing, without being shown what the original 10% were doing.<br />

All life is connected and it is through our DNA that we broadcast and receive information. Our<br />

entire body is akin to a giant transmission and reception system that is constructed through<br />

resonant frequencies. <strong>The</strong> Sun, Earth and Heaven are nothing more than illusions. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

frequencies that are generated, from which our subconscious constructs and our conscious mind<br />

observes, combining into what we call reality. However, if you study an atom, you see great<br />

distances between electrons and the nucleus and thus nothing is solid. In fact you will remember<br />

from high school physics that a photon can be both a particle and a frequency and also shows<br />

intelligence. Or an electron particle, for example, can also have spin and the direction of that<br />

spin will have different effects.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bible is a blue print for the <strong>New</strong> World Order. It is symbolic of what has been going on with<br />

man over many thousands of years. You and I may not believe in the Bible but be sure that the<br />

<strong>New</strong> World Order <strong>Elite</strong> do. <strong>The</strong>y use the Babylonian Talmud as a basis of oppressing those that<br />

don’t believe, and to a greater extent those who are not one of them. You may believe in the<br />

Bible and be a Christian, but more and more it will not save you in a court proceeding. <strong>The</strong> only<br />

way to win a court proceeding is to shut it down anyway possible. You cannot win under their<br />

system. You only win if they decide that they wanted you to win to further their agenda. <strong>The</strong><br />

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