The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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I was young I thought everyone was like me, but it wasn’t until I was about 27 that I realized<br />

that very few were like me. From that perspective some became afraid of me, because I could<br />

do things that were different from everyday normal stuff. Fear again, yes fear drives people away<br />

from knowing. I guess there comes a point in everyone’s life where they have to shed the fear<br />

in order to move forward. If you don’t you never move and the Illusion has you.<br />

However the healing cycles keep hitting you with similar experiences over and over again until<br />

you resolve the issues that are causing you fear. People will keep doing similar things over and<br />

over in different ways over the years until you finally wake up and change to doing what you<br />

are doing in a more loving way. This is the problem we face with the Zionists. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

completely ignoring the healing cycles and keep abusing and dominating people and the planet<br />

for their own selfish reasons. It is not just the Zionists though, it is really a group of people that<br />

have decided that there is nothing more beyond themselves. <strong>The</strong>y don’t believe in God or a<br />

creator. I have talked about one aspect of the Nation States too this point in that the people who<br />

are creating them are doing so to satisfy their need for greed and power. In one aspect of the<br />

Illusion this is very true. But the other is the very fact that all people have absolute power over<br />

all these Nations. <strong>The</strong>y are really just giant prisons for those wo do not seek the truth, that being<br />

Genesis Chapter 1. It is so obvious. Every Religion on earth pretty much says that man, male<br />

and female started here on this planet. So who am I to argue, maybe it is true maybe it isn’t, but<br />

it is what the powers that be want us to know.<br />

Starting a war with the ruling elite is a no win situation for all. <strong>The</strong>y will not relinquish power<br />

and will more than likely take us down with them. Yes they are ushering in the <strong>New</strong> World Order<br />

and are about to turn our planet into a planet of slaves. <strong>The</strong>y have used a lot of dirty tricks and<br />

things to do it. However they are not doing it without our permission to do so. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

presented you with an offer in the Bible and asked you if you believe in God or a Creator greater<br />

than yourself You cannot have 2 masters, for you will love one and despise the other. Yes we<br />

are being over run by corruption and evil people. It is getting so bad now that I wonder if we are<br />

beyond the point of no return. However everything revolves around the offer that they have made<br />

to you, through that Bible.<br />

It is obvious to me any ways, that I would never want to control the Illusion for that draws me<br />

into it. Instead what I look for is truth. Truth will draw you out of the Illusion and set you free.<br />

If you haven’t watched Robin’s Video, Truth by Deception yet please do. He makes some<br />

excellent points in there and the info will be very helpful to you in setting you free. This grand<br />

Illusion can be dispelled by everyone becoming aware of it, hence the reason I am writing this.<br />

I just wish there were a more gentler way for them to do what they are doing. Because we live<br />

in an Illusionary world made up of vibrational thought fields, it is how we think that controls the<br />

Illusion. Those not seeking the truth probably will never get their hands on this book, while those<br />

that are will somehow get it or similar information through other avenues.<br />

Now back to the plank. Remember how bad that plank was and how the clown is holding your<br />

young child on the other side and tells you to come. In reality this is very much what is going<br />

on in terms of the <strong>New</strong> World Order. <strong>The</strong>y tell you over and over again Freedom is bought with<br />

blood. We have to fight for our freedom. This is the matrix of fear talking to you and not truth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illusionists that control everything know the true score of what is going on. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

provided us with a key to step out of the Illusion and into freedom. It is two parts though. One<br />

is based on knowing the key exists the other is knowing to do it with Love. It matters not what<br />

kind of religion they put it in, the premise behind it all is Love. I do find that in the spiritual<br />

world there are many keys that open many doors. This is kind of like that. However once you<br />

open the door you best be ready for the lies and persecutions that follow. Those that illusionary<br />

power will test you and persecute you, but they cannot enslave you. You can only have one<br />

master. This is a important time in history where Good does have protection through the Queen.<br />

It is rare, very rare. But we do if we grasp their offer.<br />

So it is not important to control the Illusion as much as it is important to leave it behind and<br />

move into truth. Power only leads to death for it violates the Law of One. <strong>The</strong> Bible is a two<br />

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