The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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them to act in ways that will align their victims with their projected reality. I will get into more<br />

of this later in the book, but for now pay attention to how you feel when talking each individual<br />

you meet throughout the day. Get a base reference when you wake up each morning on how you<br />

feel as your energy then is mainly your own and depending on the night before your part of your<br />

significant other too. But it is a base point for referencing. As you talk to people throughout the<br />

day note how they are trying to create a reality sometimes noted as Lifestyle, around them and<br />

see how they make you feel. You want to do this through your heart and with love of course.<br />

Use love as your centering mechanism. Notice how they sway you off center and after you leave<br />

how you go back to center. Some people may be aware subconsciously of what you are doing<br />

and if they are a strong authority figure may get agitated as you are no longer in their grip of<br />

fear. As the Generations are in the Bible all based on Fear, it is indeed the driving force behind<br />

a lot of what goes on in the world.<br />

In terms of talking with POLICE <strong>Of</strong>ficers I always project a strong aura of Love around me and<br />

them. You just imagine it into being and it happens and as you do this asking for protection from<br />

God or that what you think of as God. Initially matching their vibrational frequencies also is<br />

important, for they subconsciously recognize you as being them, then you slowly lower your<br />

frequency to a slower calmer one. Drawing them down to calm by watching their breathing and<br />

synchronizing your breathing with theirs is a powerful way of doing this. Just match your<br />

breathing with their’s and then slowly bring it down over a couple of minutes or so. <strong>The</strong>y usually<br />

will not catch on what you are doing. Everyone wants to be in a centered state of non fear, this<br />

one easy way of doing it, without knowing a lot about vibrational energy. I mention this from a<br />

healer’s perspective, because that is what I am and we all are here to do. We are here to heal the<br />

fear and transform our reality from a prison to a paradise again. It can be done, but people need<br />

to know how, hence this book and others. Always keep in mind that these people are your<br />

Brothers and Sisters. <strong>The</strong>y really presenting themselves to you for you to show them God’s Light<br />

and help them remember who they are. <strong>The</strong> more knowledge you have of what is going on the<br />

more responsible you must be with that knowledge. It is not about striking back at them or<br />

goading them. It is all about love. Don’t ever forget this.<br />

Again I must stress the importance of not mixing Commercial Law with Biblical Law. From the<br />

Zionist perspective there is not mixing. Commercial LAW is the Talmud, the Torah is God’s<br />

Law. For those that do not believe in the Bible at all, it is not really about faith here. It is about<br />

an offer of contract and extortion. <strong>The</strong>y <strong>Of</strong>ficers all pledge their Oaths to God, thus it makes<br />

God’s Word supreme LAW. It is not about being right, it is about stopping the extortion that is<br />

taking place under the guise of Justice. It is the only way I know how to stop them at this point.<br />

Until the scam becomes more widely known and people all over start making these tyrants<br />

accountable, nothing is going to change. I know how difficult this book must be to read for many,<br />

but I never said it was going to be easy. Getting your freedom back is not something that the<br />

Powers that Be want for you. To be free is to be self determining and that can be scary for some,<br />

who have been conditioned into being a sheep that follows imaginary authority.<br />

Recognizing projected authority is one thing, dealing with it is quite the other. I find that for the<br />

most part they don’t like answering questions and rather be asking them, leading you into their<br />

trap. For many they arrest you for not producing ID, that’s freedom We got a long way to go.<br />

It is going to get very bad for a lot of people soon, partly because they have been ignoring what<br />

has been going on. <strong>The</strong> wealthy people will still be able to gain some shelter from the abuse that<br />

goes on, but they too will soon be targets, mainly because of their wealth. Zionism is based on<br />

taking everything for the few and leaving the masses with nothing. <strong>The</strong> aim is to destroy society,<br />

there is nothing good that is going to come out of this. <strong>The</strong>y are actually accelerating their plans<br />

a great deal now, because more of us are waking up at a greater rate. As they accelerate they will<br />

be making more mistakes, which will help to bring this dictatorship out into the open where it<br />

can be dealt with properly by the masses. For now they seek easy prey and those who they feel<br />

they can control. <strong>The</strong> more that get involved the safer it becomes for all. Unfortunately some<br />

people have been murdered in various parts of the world exposing this and other frauds. I am<br />

here telling you these things because of them and the millions of people who lost their lives in<br />

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