The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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lie. I would strongly urge you all to research this area for yourselves. <strong>The</strong> movie Loose Change<br />

is available on the Net or you can buy it and is one of the best videos I have seen yet discussing<br />

the evidence. I wrote my own article about the Pentagon Crash of Flight 77, which at the time<br />

got a great deal of attention,<br />

www.freedomfiles.org/war/pentagon.htmhttp ://www.freedomfiles.org/war/pentagon .htm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reality is that they can only do what they do by controlling information. <strong>The</strong> payoff for them<br />

is our planet if we do nothing to stop this. At the moment it would seem they would rather take<br />

us all down with them, rather than relinquishing power. Perhaps, but over time things change. I<br />

believe that as more become educated on how the extortion system works the intangible forces<br />

will start to take effect and things that do not seem possible today might be in when more know<br />

what is happening and begin to take actions against this. But we all have a stake in this so we<br />

must all do what we can to bring about a better future for ourselves. <strong>The</strong> payoff for not doing so<br />

for us is perpetual enslavement and abuse by the few over the many.<br />

Turning the Chess Board<br />

To some degree much of what is going on strategically is a game of Chess where the Illusionists<br />

are indeed protecting their King at all costs. What is their King Perhaps they themselves don’t<br />

even know as their King is a Manipulative consciousness that resides outside our 5 sense world.<br />

What they do not and absolutely are terrified of is for the people to wake and see the Illusion<br />

that has been projected at them for what it is and begin the process of engaging spiritually into<br />

their infinite selves. It is expanding our awareness of our infinite self that brings about power<br />

and transformation. China is currently harvesting organs of people who practice Falun Gong<br />

meditation, that heal the mind, body and soul. http://www.faluninfo.net/fdifocus organ.asp<br />

I also want to address the point that what has all this spiritual stuff got to do with Law Well<br />

perhaps you have not yet noticed the strong Ecclastical connections made in the development<br />

of LAW over the past 2000 or so years and those making it are and have been given God Status.<br />

Although it is called Religion much of the Illusion is built around it, where they separate you<br />

from the true spiritual techniques and knowledge you need to expand more and more into the<br />

infinite and somehow make it sound like God has a divine plan for you and everyone so just sit<br />

there and do nothing. This book is as much about healing as it is about the LAW. I know that<br />

for some the programming and indoctrination from their church would tell them not to read this<br />

book as it deals with issues that are banned by the Church. Again it is another form of control<br />

to keep people enslaved and blinded from the truth. If you are going to ever start to turn the<br />

Chessboard around you must have a strong foundation. We are not dealing with supernatural<br />

beings we are dealing with levels of consciousness. Within these levels are illusions and truths.<br />

My objective is to help you become spiritually aware far beyond what they may teach you in<br />

church. It is through that awareness that your infinite self has more opportunity to help you and<br />

others in this place we call Earth.<br />

In light of all that let’s take a closer look at the chessboard. One of the key things that they use<br />

within LAW is the Criminal Code. Going back to CANADA again as it is a defacto Government<br />

for PERSONS, you should be made aware of Section 15 of the Criminal Code of CANADA {<br />

No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or omission in obedience to<br />

the laws for the time being made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the<br />

sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs. }<br />

http://www.canlii.org/ca/sta/c-46/sec15.html http://laws.justice.gc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/C-<br />

46/bo-ga :s 3 1:: boga :l II//frpage=2&isPrinting=false#codese: 15<br />

Note the Canadian Government has deleted the section pertaining to Section 15 from the English<br />

side of their Internet posting of the CCC. At one point the entire CCC was taken down. You can<br />

goto to your book store and by a copy of Martin’s Pocket Criminal Code if you like to have an<br />

up to date copy of it. Ultimately getting a Certified Copy from the Librarian of Parliament is<br />

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