The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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on. However presenting them with this information in court is only going to make matters worse<br />

for anyone that tries. <strong>The</strong>y don’t care that you know all that matters to them is how much money<br />

that they can get from you and if you would please sign their papers so they can make money<br />

off your signature. Beyond that it is a dog and pony show making the general populous believe<br />

that because you did not win in court means that there was something wrong with the massive<br />

amounts of evidence you had showing without a doubt that they are committing fraud and<br />

numerous other crimes.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y create an illusion that there is no way to fight them and they have the power to enslave and<br />

murder people at whim. It keeps the sheep in line and allows them to continue what they are<br />

doing, even when it clearly goes against their own laws or rather the laws that they say apply to<br />

all equally. It is beyond comprehension that this has gone on as long as it has throughout the<br />

world. It really comes down to Religion as mentioned in last chapter Deuteronomy 14:2. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

purposely created Nation States, which under Religion gives them Divine Control over them and<br />

then use unlawful forms of Contracting and monetary and political systems to force everyone to<br />

be a surety for a PERSON within their Nation States. Thus it matters not what laws they pass or<br />

what they do to you, because there is no other system of law to turn to for relief, they force you<br />

into their courts for the resolution of everything. It is akin to the fox guarding the hen house.<br />

In terms of pay offs what they get from this is a world population in bondage and as long as they<br />

can lock you up or find some way LEGAL way to kill you they can keep perpetrating lots and<br />

lots of crimes on the world. CANADA has got to be the Bankers monetary gem. <strong>The</strong>re they are<br />

raping the country or rather the Earth of it’s massive oil and mineral resources and making many<br />

loans to dictators in third world Countries based on Usury. <strong>The</strong> profits of which are used to<br />

undermine these countries more. It is a perpetual money control system from which there is no<br />

escape for the afflicted. Thus the game is about power not about wealth. <strong>The</strong>y get a sense of<br />

immortality as they watch each Country go down in abject poverty. <strong>The</strong> concentration of wealth<br />

within these countries is huge as it is throughout the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> end game for them is to use this power of control to make everyone into mindless slaves<br />

that don’t question anything and further compact those left alive into tiny cities where you will<br />

be chipped and monitored for your own safety. It matters so they can continue their Satanic<br />

Rituals and trips to Bohemian Grove and find ever more horrible things to carry out on the<br />

population that generates more fear and gives them more sense of real power over everyone’s<br />

lives. If you take a look at the beauty of this planet and realize that your future in a sweat shop<br />

factory being feed watered down soup with little or no care of life other than productivity and<br />

how little they can provide for you in order to maximize their enjoyment of this world of ours<br />

is what they pay off really is for them. <strong>The</strong>y want to be able to completely and totally enslave<br />

and control you. How harsh it will be Well FEMA in the USA has created a number of<br />

Concentration Camps as well as some in CANADA, which can hold many thousands in some<br />

cases work is under way for a few million at these camps. Train tracks run up beside them and<br />

much like what was happening in Nazi Germany is happening right now. <strong>The</strong>y want primarily<br />

white people in their future enslavement programs as their genetic structure is easier to possess<br />

spiritually and the blood from blue eyed blonde children is a much better drink for them as well<br />

for their sacrificing rituals.<br />

Yes much awaits you in the near future if you live through the next massive depression that is<br />

planned for world along with the Nuclear wars, started over Iran I speculate. <strong>The</strong> control of<br />

information is absolutely paramount to the in order to accomplish this and what they have. <strong>The</strong><br />

Internet is the way that we have been able to communicate with each other and on a mass scale<br />

put these pieces together so we can all see what is happening. I really didn’t know anything about<br />

any of this myself until about April of 2000 when I was told at a gathering about the <strong>New</strong> World<br />

Order and that Canada was a defacto Country. It still didn’t mean much to me until I discovered<br />

that 9/11 was an inside Job and I could clearly see how that was being used as way to project<br />

military power at Afghanistan where the murder of many innocent people took place. It was<br />

incredible knowing through simple analysis of the facts that their story about 9/11 was a complete<br />

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