The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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We briefly touched on Anglo Saxon Common Law, and in the closing of this chapter I wanted<br />

to expand on how it is truly one of the best systems of law ever created. <strong>The</strong> juries had full control<br />

over the proceedings and were randomly picked by the sherif. <strong>The</strong> state of mind of the accused<br />

was always taken into consideration and not just the crimes. <strong>The</strong> basic foundation of the law was<br />

Do not unto others as you would not have others do unto you, and was very harsh in terms of<br />

punishments handed out. It did not seek to restore balance within the community and between<br />

the victims and criminals, and thus it was open to abuse. Still it was reported as the best system<br />

ever created, and people enjoyed a great deal of freedom through it. <strong>The</strong> Laws of the King did<br />

not matter when it was the Law of the People that decided what the law was. It kept the few from<br />

ruling over the masses. With the extent of secret societies in today’s world, I am not sure that<br />

this could be a trusted system to use. <strong>The</strong> attributes are good on the outset and much like tribes,<br />

there is a tribal council that makes decisions about the community or village. I think this is a<br />

good model to work from. What ended up happening was that the King arbitrarily replaced the<br />

common people with “professional” jurors, feeling there was too much deviation in the rulings<br />

that were being made, and was able to get his way through this subversion. We can’t expect the<br />

ruling elite to sit on their hands long with nothing to do can we<br />

People in France were actually beheaded for trying to spread the idea that law should be based<br />

on the Anglo Saxon Law model. I guess the King there preferred Do as I say unto others or I<br />

will execute you as the foundation of law. It is the basis of Christianity that is being thwarted,<br />

the very fundamental teaching of JESUS unto the Lawyers, who instead worship Babylonian<br />

ideals. It is interesting that they referred to JESUS as their Master, insinuating that the Talmud<br />

was the foundation of all law, since the Talmud is all about master/slave relations. This means<br />

Anglo Saxon Common Law was really the only break from the Talmud within the European<br />

community that I know of. Because Western Europe went on a rampage of pillaging and piracy<br />

all over the earth, they never bothered to adapt to the kinder and gentler ways of the ancient<br />

cultures that they came in contact with. It was Talmud and their Babylonian worship all the way.<br />

<strong>The</strong> agenda was to capture the world so that they could usher in this <strong>New</strong> World Order from the<br />

Holy Roman Empire headed by the Pope.<br />

For more information about Anglo Saxon Common Law:<br />

http://www.detaxcanada.org/cmlaw1.htm<br />

Chapter 6<br />

Playtime in the Illusion<br />

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of<br />

your hand And Eternity in an hour.<br />

William Blake: Illusions work because we are made to reference untrue foundations for our<br />

beliefs.<br />

Illusions as mentioned earlier depend on us accepting a lie as being true. It is our strong belief<br />

in their lies that creates a common consensus of what truth is, within the workings of the<br />

manipulation. It is only through critical thinking and asking basic questions about things that we<br />

are able to decipher what is truth and what is fiction. Illusions also work on subtle changes and<br />

as it states in the Bible, Genesis 1:1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field<br />

which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not<br />

eat of every tree of the garden Not to Eve, only to Adam did he say this.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bible itself makes it very clear LORD God was not of the Beginning. Look at Genesis<br />

Chapter 2 again and you will see no mention about a beginning but rather a mention about<br />

Generations. Genesis 2:3-4<br />

[3]And Go d blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all<br />

his work which God created and made.<br />

( Page 115 )

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