The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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<strong>The</strong> lethal toxins in our food, cosmetics, toiletries, cleaners and water supply need to be removed<br />

as each affects our spiritual ability to perceive other dimensions and communicate with spirits,<br />

who are as much apart of our lives as we are with them. <strong>The</strong> perception that communicating with<br />

the dead is evil or wrong is just not true. A great deal of knowledge and guidance comes through<br />

them, though there are some who would serve evil and focus on those spirits that do not have<br />

good intentions for them or us. It is scary how many people involved in the Justice System are<br />

also involved in worshiping Satan, directly or indirectly. <strong>The</strong>y may gain some psychic ability as<br />

many do, but do they use it for good or bad <strong>The</strong> agenda is the same, but the methods are different<br />

as they work through these various organizations to destroy us. I wonder what they would think<br />

if they knew that they were being robbed of their spirituality and true infinite potential by<br />

following such nonsense. To do harm to others is to do harm to ones self.<br />

Why am I focusing on primitive tribes, religion and other topics that seem to have no bearing<br />

on law Because in truth law does not exist, and the system is created by design to enslave you<br />

by making you believe you have to follow law. <strong>The</strong>y have set up a culture of war, fear and<br />

depravity, traumatizing us and making us on a mass consciousness scale more susceptible to<br />

methods of mind control. This mind control is the only way that this system of tyranny is<br />

maintained. By reading this book and applying the acquired knowledge for good you will help<br />

end the control a very few people have fraudulently gained over the world population. It is<br />

through the human spirit and the love that flows from our inner spirit that we will ultimately<br />

expose and heal this nonsense. If you get the sense that there is nothing you can do to stop this,<br />

it is only because of the constant bombardment of mass media telling you that you have no power<br />

and cannot affect change. In truth we are an incredible expression of life and by simply educating<br />

ourselves about the truth we create a momentum that cannot be stopped. Though primitive, the<br />

13th tribe from Egypt lived in harmony and love, sharing a great deal of knowledge about spirit<br />

and what a gift our world truly is. Those that seek to enslave us have no understanding of love<br />

or have any ability to understand spirit. <strong>The</strong>y are soulless creatures, human projections trying to<br />

latch onto something they can never have.<br />

It is their objective to shut down your ability to logically or critically think. <strong>The</strong>y want the<br />

decisions you make to be the ones that they constantly broadcast. <strong>The</strong>y want you to believe that<br />

abusive behavior by people in positions of trust and power is acceptable, using “elected” or<br />

“appointed” as tag lines. In a loving, caring, spiritual based society they could never perpetuate<br />

such a fraud. <strong>The</strong>y specifically target your children and inject them with everything from mystery<br />

vaccinations to “educational” indoctrinations to disbelief in their own spiritual potential. In the<br />

end they grow up to be exactly what they want us all to be: slaves to their system.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Language of the Illuminati<br />

<strong>The</strong> language of the Illuminati is all around you, yet unless you are made aware of it you will<br />

never know it. It is part of their religion that everything they do is hidden out in the open. Similar<br />

to the codifying that went into the Old Torahs concerning various secrets about immortality, the<br />

Illuminati work to hide things out in the open that have strong symbolic representations. For<br />

example, the Gavel that a Judge uses is a very Ancient Masonic instrument used to knock initiates<br />

out for their final journey within their Mystery School. <strong>The</strong>y hit the initiate on the head so his/her<br />

soul will travel among the heavens and meet with God their Creator. If and when they return<br />

they are shown the secret and placed under a pyramid object to finalize their conscious ability<br />

to regenerate the instrument of consciousness known as the human body. It is odd that they would<br />

use the Gavel in court Proceedings, but I think it reflects the very true nature of who they are<br />

and what they are tasked to do, and is but one example of how they hide their secrets in plain<br />

sight.<br />

What is not revealed is that this is a farming of souls. Some say you have to go through hell to<br />

get to heaven, but I question that thinking. Rather it seems that on a mass consciousness scale<br />

we are about to transcend into the infinite. Perhaps they are providing a path for that<br />

transcendence, yet guarding the secrets of it all along. Even though initiates gained the knowledge<br />

of immortality they were told that they were still in bondage. It did not matter where they were<br />

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