The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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would give you passage to heaven as long as you believed, regardless of your transgressions.<br />

This way one man could trample all over another without caring about the consequences because<br />

Jesus would forgive.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many ways that the ancient history and wisdoms are being revealed. Barbara Anne<br />

Brennan, one of the most gifted spiritual healers in the world, studies with native people to learn<br />

how they used their Human Energy Fields in their healing work. David Icke consults Credo<br />

Mutwa, a Zulu Shaman in South Africa and their Tribal Historian, whose knowledge stretches<br />

back thousands of years. <strong>The</strong>re are clay tablets from Ancient Babylon in Iraq, which document<br />

the more recent side of ancient history. Even farther back, over 100,000 years ago, there was a<br />

globally based society as well in Lumeria and Atlantis. <strong>The</strong> earth went through a period of great<br />

cataclysm at this time, resulting in the many small villages and cities that we are now discovering<br />

under the oceans of the world. Some say they are trying to build a new Atlantis, I am not sure<br />

of this but whatever their goals are it seems that everything is geared to 2012.<br />

In relation to spiritual matters, the “Primitive” people have much to teach us about spirituality<br />

and way of life. <strong>The</strong> Illuminati seek to control the flow of knowledge and create false histories,<br />

so that those they are trying to control do not have an accurate point of reference from which to<br />

work and expand from. Science is the new religion, and unless someone has numerous letters<br />

after their name they are largely ignored. <strong>The</strong>ir primary focus is to keep you informed on issues<br />

through official sources and highly edited texts, the Bible being a chief example.<br />

Realizing that the Illuminati or Zionists imagine themselves as above and God and thus the<br />

creators of Gods to serve them, which they call Countries, should enlighten you to the utter<br />

emptiness and soulless nature of their belief system. <strong>The</strong>y are more like automatons that act but<br />

have no feelings, at least feelings for what they do to us. <strong>The</strong>y are desperate, and because they<br />

are disconnected from the infinite, they operate on a command and control structure, based in<br />

fear. Worshipping death and war are just a form of mass human sacrifice to them and they love<br />

it, feeding on the emotional fear released and the ongoing stress levels. George W. Bush talked<br />

about them in a speech, which is written it out for you here:<br />

<strong>The</strong> hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a cult of evil which<br />

seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. <strong>The</strong>irs is the worst kind of cruelty,<br />

the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears. <strong>The</strong>irs is the worst kind of violence, pure malice,<br />

while daring to claim the authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power<br />

of evil. It is enough to know that evil, like goodness, exists. And in the terrorists, evil has found<br />

a willing servant.<br />

http://www.september11news.com/PresidentBushPentagon.htm<br />

Indeed the entire human race has been turned into an instrument of evil. Through their command<br />

and control structure of unjust laws and unlawful wars they have consolidated power into the<br />

hands of the few through the help of those who would serve evil. We are being used as the<br />

instrument of our own destruction by a few selfish, careless people. Unless we stop this and<br />

reverse the damage that has been done, the earth’s population will be drastically reduced as a<br />

final step in the carefully laid plans of the few in control.<br />

In addition, there are serious environmental repercussions that must be addressed immediately,<br />

all stemming from a system of corporate greed and disregard for the earth. <strong>The</strong> spiritual awareness<br />

of the 13th tribe, reflected in all native people, was in tune with the environment and lived in a<br />

harmonic balance with it. <strong>The</strong>y would not allow abuses to occur for they knew that without that<br />

balance, their lives would be destroyed. This Global warming fraud now called Global climate<br />

change, is simply a way of transferring wealth out of the rich nations to the bank accounts of the<br />

Bankers, it has nothing to do with healing the planet. <strong>The</strong> earth has always cycled to and from<br />

ice ages. What is important is the amount of oxygen we have. If oxygen falls below 15% of the<br />

atmosphere content of gas, we begin to die. It currently is hovering around 18%. Interestingly<br />

every day the world’s aircraft suck up 52,000 times more oxygen than we the 6 billion people<br />

that live on earth.<br />

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