The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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them if you do so, so they’ll feel better. <strong>The</strong>ir lives reflected Love thy Neighbor as thy Self and<br />

the Law of One.<br />

<strong>The</strong> language that they spoke can be found in certain sections of the Bible. <strong>The</strong>y lived in harmony<br />

with nature. <strong>The</strong>y were involved with activities like fire walking on hot rocks with lava flowing<br />

around them. <strong>The</strong>y were even able to control the future through spirit communication to redirect<br />

the outcomes of events with what they called the Higher Self. <strong>The</strong> Kuwhana was the head of the<br />

tribe and well endowed in the spiritual techniques. In all respects it was a culture that was very<br />

sustainable and loving. Once the expansion of European Imperialism arrived with its “Olive<br />

branch explorers”, much of what they had built and their ways of life were destroyed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kuwhanas initially embraced the explorers, but eventually questioned the Missionaries about<br />

where the magic was behind their prayers <strong>The</strong>y would pray but would have no outcomes for<br />

what they prayed for. Because they saw through the forgery, it made it very difficult for the<br />

Missionaries to convert these people to Christianity. <strong>The</strong> missionaries had no knowledge of the<br />

Ancient Mystery schools, and like today we can assume that it was more about money than<br />

saving souls.<br />

It is important to know that reality is very much a dream state that we accept as real. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

mechanisms for controlling this dream state that have been highly guarded. <strong>The</strong> people that are<br />

involved in the mass illusion of dividing the earth up into Countries and making us all their slaves<br />

have hoarded this knowledge of spirituality and are using it against us. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing to fear<br />

about mysticism and spiritual nature of the metaphysical if you approach it with love and respect.<br />

I have met people involved in Wicca that have been misled to believe it is all about having power<br />

over others instead of helping others. <strong>The</strong>re are essentially 2 paths. One leads to darkness the<br />

other to light. Sitting on the fence in ignorance feeds the darkness. <strong>The</strong> learned of the Mystery<br />

Schools of Ancient Egypt were highly sought after as teachers of life and for the most part they<br />

were warm and loving people. Many were on a path of learning the secret of immortality, which<br />

Jesu (Jesus) had learned and shared with others, and for trying to do so was eventually murdered.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are gatekeepers to this knowledge, but it is available and not something to be frightened<br />

of. <strong>The</strong> Catholic Church with all its crimes against humanity keeps all of this from us, and one<br />

should ask why. <strong>The</strong> 13th tribe of Egypt is good to study as their history is widely accessible<br />

and their knowledge is taught in many parts of the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> world itself is an illusion. Law should be considered as a <strong>SYSTEM</strong> of control to benefit the<br />

few. <strong>The</strong>re are obstacles and barriers put up in front of the many things that are concealed by<br />

the masters of the illusion. Imagine seeing a crack in that barrier and then driving a Sherman<br />

Tank through it. If you don’t know the truth then you are in the illusion, a constructed illusion<br />

of power. You go and ask any Police <strong>Of</strong>ficer where they get their authority from and they can<br />

only point to fictional entities. How this fraud is perpetuated has more to do with lack of<br />

awareness and ego stroking the addicts of power. As more people wake up to this simple truth<br />

it will become harder and harder for them to hold their illusion together. <strong>The</strong>y are using dark<br />

arts, but once you shine love and light onto it, it dissolves and the people involved are usually<br />

healed.<br />

You may have noticed that tribal cultures are an important part of this book. It is not because I<br />

think we should all live in primitive conditions but these tribal cultures were sustainable cultures<br />

and had very simple systems of law based on love thy neighbor as thy self. When something<br />

hurtful was done, their objective wasn’t to hurt back, but to find the cause and heal that individual<br />

emotionally and spiritually. You will hear on the <strong>New</strong>s from time to time how the tribes in<br />

Afghanistan that are helping the Taliban and Al-Qaida are Lawless. Also for the most part the<br />

Europeans when they expanded into CANADA and other parts of the world considered these<br />

new geographical regions as unsettled and lawless. Yet the very statement in Matthew 22 that<br />

Jesus taught the Lawyers that all Law should be based on Love thy Neighbor as thy self had little<br />

or no meaning to these explorers. Much of what they did was out of ignorance for very few knew<br />

how to read. Yet those Missionaries that did, touting Jesus as their savior, neglected to explain<br />

Jesus’ perspective on the law. It suited their purposes better to present Jesus as someone that<br />

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