The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign

The Extortion SYSTEM Of The Ruling Elite - The New Ensign


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to achieve outcomes that are good for them and bad for us. Remember this is a war that is going<br />

on, and it is being raged against us. On a spiritual and physical level they may somehow think<br />

that they can wash their hands of the enormity of the crimes that they are committing because it<br />

all takes place within a fictional world. So too they may believe their innocence because the<br />

“dumb people” are falling for their trickery. Once you begin to open your eyes to how this war<br />

is being played out, it feels safer to stick your head in the sand rather than watch the horrific<br />

calculated battles taking place on a daily basis. However, if we are ever going to be free then<br />

many of us need to be leaders and begin to say no to their games, until there are no games. When<br />

we say no, there is no game and no more war. Peace only comes through love not through killing<br />

or harming others. Fighting for Peace is like fucking for celibacy, it won’t work. <strong>The</strong>y want you<br />

to lash out, for it gives them an excuse to hurt you more. Don’t play their game; you can’t win<br />

their game. <strong>The</strong>y are holding all the cards, or at least they make the illusion that they are.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is another factor involved with all this, that is Judging. <strong>The</strong> Bible has many verses within<br />

it saying not to judge others. So why then do we have a <strong>SYSTEM</strong> that has judges within it Well<br />

that’s the other part to all this. Who are we to judge others In simple terms the Judging that<br />

takes place is the judging of FICTIONAL entities, not actually you. Because the <strong>SYSTEM</strong><br />

operates in a fictional world which you are tricked into believing is real, you really just contract<br />

away yourself. You do this by signing the Judges Orders; the Judge didn’t judge you he just<br />

presented you with a contract for you to sign. If you sign it then you are agreeing to it. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

don’t tell you this, however. No court has any authority to Judge any man created male or female<br />

by God upon the earth. Thus the trick is to create an imaginary world and make you the SURETY<br />

for an imaginary fiction called a PERSON. This is how they wash their hands of the abuse they<br />

are putting you through, and somehow still believe they are loving their neighbor as their self.<br />

Very distorted Yes. Cruel and inhumane Yes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> underlying why and purpose to all this is a spiritual one. This will become more apparent<br />

as you read through the book, and I’ll draw some conclusions based on what I have experienced<br />

within my own life and learned from others. In some ways I believe that perhaps we created this<br />

ourselves as infinite beings on an infinite journey. However there is a mass awakening taking<br />

place and forces outside of our world are gathering to help us and save us. We are not alone in<br />

this by any stretch of the imagination, but we need to do some work here to help things along.<br />

“Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion.” - David Icke<br />

What the ruling elite have done is create a giant imaginary prison. <strong>The</strong>y have created a never<br />

ending Script Play, using the world as the stage for their actors and actresses. <strong>The</strong>y have through<br />

fraud and trickery gotten you to volunteer in taking part in their grand play. <strong>Of</strong> course the ruling<br />

elite also take part in the play, but they get to pick the best parts. You should take notice that<br />

they use the word Act on most of their legislation, if not all. Look up the definition of the word<br />

Act and you will see it has nothing to do with law, but everything to do with acting in a play.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y created a new language for the play called Legalese, which looks similar to the language<br />

of your primary language such as English, but it is not English. It has it’s own definitions and<br />

only Lawyers are allowed to interpret the law within their Courts, or Temple. Once they get you<br />

into their prison by becoming an employee, and by voluntarily getting a SIN number or a license<br />

of any kind you have become a SURETY for a PERSON or Actor/Actress inside their play. <strong>The</strong><br />

ruling elite pretends to have a democracy and say that you are represented. How can 300 people<br />

possibly represent 30 million or even 300+ million people <strong>The</strong>y can’t and that is the fraud in<br />

and of itself. This book will help you gain your freedom back and expose the extortion <strong>SYSTEM</strong><br />

for what it truly is. <strong>The</strong>re is a huge awakening starting to take place and the more people that<br />

know this information the harder it is going to be for them to keep us locked up in their prison.<br />

In terms of getting out of this prison it will take a great deal of love to do so. Revenge will be<br />

on the forefront of a lot of people’s minds, and they thrive on conflict and evil. It is their way,<br />

not ours. <strong>The</strong>y want us to thrash out at them and their illusions instead of finding peace. <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

fraudulent use of law based on fictional values, fictional maxims and the use of brutal force<br />

against peaceful people has to stop. <strong>The</strong> simple way to do this is to stop playing their games.<br />

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