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Contents - Greenmount Press

Contents - Greenmount Press


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applied per cent open bolls were recorded on control plots. At<br />

the same time five plants were taken from each control plot<br />

and all bolls (regardless of size or age) from each plant were<br />

separated into open, mature, and immature bolls using the boll<br />

cutting techniques. Seed cotton was removed from the bolls and<br />

lint collected for HVI analysis after ginning using a miniature hand<br />

operated gin.<br />

At harvest, yield was determined from machine picking.<br />

Samples were ginned and again HVI tested at CSIRO Narrabri.<br />

Results<br />

Changes in the timing of harvest aid application and<br />

differences in conditions across experiments created considerable<br />

variability and inconsistency in fibre quality among boll classes<br />

(Table 1). Generally across experiments, immature bolls had<br />

consistently lower micronaire compared to the mature and<br />

FIGURe 1: Micronaire of the immature bolls<br />

taken at defoliation related to the micronaire<br />

measured at harvest time. Note that the<br />

relationship was improved when the per cent<br />

open bolls was added. Relationships are fitted<br />

to data taken from all experiments combined.<br />

open bolls, and there was greater variation in micronaire across<br />

defoliation times with immature bolls. Fibre quality of boll classes<br />

at similar defoliation times also varied among experiments, and<br />

most likely reflected the differences in the seasonal growing<br />

conditions by all bolls in each class.<br />

Temperature during boll-filling is known to affect micronaire<br />

and each experiment was exposed to differences in their late<br />

season temperatures (February to April). During this period, the<br />

2006–07 experiment 2 had the highest daily average temperature<br />

(24.5˚C) followed by the 2005–06 experiment (23.5˚C), and the<br />

coolest was the 2007–08 experiment 3 (21.3˚C). Micronaire<br />

across harvest aid treatments for all boll classes was lowest in<br />

2007–08 and was highest in 2006–07.<br />

This significant variation and lack of consistent changes in<br />

micronaire with defoliation times within and across boll classes<br />

is conceivable. Samples collected for quality assessment at the<br />

time of defoliation would firstly, differ in their number and<br />

age, and secondly, most likely were exposed to differences in<br />

growing conditions during their development. These factors<br />

would influence fibre quality. Therefore the use of the boll cutting<br />

technique that classifies bolls of similar classes does not imply<br />

that fibre quality will be similar when comparisons of boll classes<br />

are made within a season or between seasons. Nor does it mean<br />

that quality between boll classes will be different. Overall the<br />

TABLe 1: Micronaire for immature, mature,<br />

and open bolls measured at various per cent<br />

open bolls in all experiments at the time of<br />

defoliation<br />

Defoliation<br />

treatment<br />

% open<br />

bolls<br />

Micronaire<br />

Immature Mature Open<br />

Experiment 2005–06<br />

1 29.2 3.75 4.00 4.20<br />

2 41.9 3.60 4.75 4.50<br />

3 56.0 3.45 4.78 4.63<br />

4 68.4 3.35 4.88 4.48<br />

5 76.9 3.95 4.98 4.35<br />

6 85.9 3.42 4.74 4.70<br />

7 93.0 3.73 4.93 4.63<br />

Mean boll class 3.61 4.72 4.50<br />

Experiment 2006–07<br />

1 1.6 3.90 5.53 5.01<br />

2 14.2 4.38 5.23 5.08<br />

3 29.9 4.15 5.43 5.10<br />

4 45.6 4.55 5.23 5.10<br />

5 58.2 4.65 — 5.20<br />

6 73.8 — — 5.18<br />

7 89.5 — — 5.05<br />

Mean boll class 4.33 5.36 5.10<br />

Experiment 2007–08<br />

1 0.6 2.45 4.58 —<br />

2 9.0 2.48 4.35 4.71<br />

3 16.4 2.93 4.08 4.65<br />

4 25.5 2.95 4.08 4.43<br />

5 36.3 3.70 4.00 4.33<br />

6 53.5 3.26 3.88 4.33<br />

Mean boll class 2.96 4.16 4.50<br />

44 — The Australian Cottongrower October–November 2012

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