Vogele Basic Training Hydraulics & Electrics

Vogele Basic Training Hydraulics & Electrics Vogele Basic Training Hydraulics & Electrics


E.4.0 Connecting resistors E.4.1.2 Relationships in series connections What statements can be made concerning series connections Current: The current is identical at all points of a series connection. Itotal = I1 = I2 = ….. Voltage: The sum of the sub-voltages is equal to the total voltage. Utotal = U1 + U2 + ….. Resistance: The sum of the sub-resistances is equal to the total resistance. Rtotal = R1 + R2 + ….. Relationships: The voltages behave like the associated resistances. Utotal Rtotal U1 U2 = = R1 R2

E.4.0 Connecting resistors E.4.2.1 Parallel connection Resistors are connected in parallel when the electrical currents are split by the resistors. Currents behave in the opposite manner to their resistance values. In other words, a lower current flows through a high-ohm resistor than through a low-ohm resistor. Itotal A Utotal V U1 R 1 U2 R 1 A I1 A I2

E.4.0 Connecting resistors<br />

E.4.2.1 Parallel connection<br />

Resistors are connected in parallel when the electrical currents are split by the resistors.<br />

Currents behave in the opposite manner to their resistance values. In other words, a lower<br />

current flows through a high-ohm resistor than through a low-ohm resistor.<br />

Itotal<br />

A<br />

Utotal<br />

V<br />

U1<br />

R<br />

1<br />

U2<br />

R<br />

1<br />

A<br />

I1<br />

A<br />


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