CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 30, 1989 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 30, 1989 - California Cooperative Oceanic ... CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 30, 1989 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX, 1983-88 CalCOFl Rep., Vol. 30,1989 Butler, J. L.: Description ofearly stages of white seabass, Atvactoscion nobilis, with notes on distribution, XXIV:182-193 -. . Description of the larvae of the cusk eels Ophidian scvippsae and Chilnva taylovi (family Ophidiidae), XXIV:226- 234 Butler, J. L., and B. Rojas de Mendiola: Growth of larval sardines off Peru, XXVI:113-118 Cailliet, G. M., and D. W. Bedford: The biology of three pelagic sharks from California waters, and their emerging fisheries: a review, XXIV:57-69 Chavez, F. P.: Origin of productivity anomalies during the 1982-83 El Nifio, XXVI:65-71 Chelton, D. B.: Zooplankton variability in the California Current, 1951-1982, XXVIII:59-96 Chen, Y.: The vertical distribution of some pelagic copepods in the eastern tropical Pacific, XXVII:205-227 Chess, J. R., S. E. Smith, and P. C. Fischer: Trophic relationships of the shortbelly rockfish, Sebastes jovdani, off central California, XXIX:129-136 Clark, W. H., Jr. : Size distributions and sex ratios of ridgeback prawns, Sicyonia ingentis, in the Santa Barbara Channel (1979-1981), XXVI:169-174 Crooke, S. J.: Yellowtail, Seviola lalandei Valenciennes, XXIV:84-87 Cross, J. N.: Demersal fishes of the upper continental slope off southern California, XXVII1:155-167 DeMartini, E. E.: The feeding habits and distribution ofjuvenile-small adult California halibut, Pavalichtlzys califovnicus, in coastal waters off northern San Diego County, XXIV:194- 201 ~. . The feeding habits of juvenile-small adult barred sand bass, Pavalabvax nebulifev, in nearshore waters off northern San Diego County, XXV:105-111 -. . Tests of ovary subsampling options and preliminary estimates of batch fecundity for two Paralabrax species, XXVIII:168-170 DeMartini, E. E., and L. G. Allen: Diel variation in catch parameters for fishes sampled by a 7.6-m otter trawl in southern California coastal waters, XXV:119-134 Dewees, M. C., and E. M. Strange: Drift bottle observations of the nearshore surface circulation off California, 1977- 1983, XXV168-73 Dryden, K. A,: A historical review of fisheries statistical and environmental and societal influences off the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California, XXVIII:135-154 Dugdale, R. C.: The effects of varying nutrient concentrations on biological production in upwelling regions, XXVI:93-96 Dykstra, D. H., R. S. Grove, and J. B. Palmer: Coastal front observations with an infrared scanner, XXV:59-67 Eber, L. E.: Larval fish assemblages in the California Current region, 1954-1960, a period of dynamic environmental change, XXVIII:97-127 Espino, M. A,, and C. Wosnitza-Mendo: Peruvian hake fisheries from 1971 to 1982, XXVII:113-120 Fiedler, P. C. : Offshore entrainment of anchovy spawning habitat, eggs, and larvae by a displaced eddy in 1985, XXVII:144-152 -. . Satellite remote sensing of the habitat of spawning anchovy in the Southern California Bight, XXIV:202-209 -. . Some effects of El Nifio 1983 on the northern anchovy, XXVl53-58 Fischer, P. C.: Trophic relationships of the shortbelly rockfish, Sebastes jovdarri, off central California, XXIX:129-136 Fleminger, A. : Distribution of filter-feeding calanoid copepods in the eastern equatorial Pacific, XXVII:170-187 -. . The temperate and tropical planktonic biotas of the Gulf of California, XXVII:228-266 Francis, R. C.: Evaluating incidental catches of 0-age Pacific hake to forecast recruitment, XXvII:109-112 Gomez-Mufioz, V. M. : Modelo polinomial para crecimiento individual de larvas de la anchoveta nortefia, Engvanlis mordax, XXVII:141-143 Gregory, P. A,: A historical review of fisheries statistics and environmental and societal influences off the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California, XXVIII:135-154 Grove, R. S.: Coastal front observations with an infrared scanner, XXV:59-67 -. . Physical-chemical characteristics and zooplankton biomass on the continental shelf off southern California, XXVII:37-32 Hagerman, F. B.: The billfish fishery resource of the California Current, XXIV:70-78 Hammann, M. G., T. R. Baumgartner, and A. Badan-Dangon: Coupling of the Pacific sardine, Savdinops sagax caevuleu, life cycle with the Gulf of California pelagic environment, XXIX:102-109 Hampton, I.: Egg production estimates of anchovy biomass in the southern Benguela system, XXIX:137-157 Hanan, D. A,: Bluefin tuna in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, XXIV:97-98 Hayward, T. L.: Determining chlorophyll on the 1984 Cal- COFI surveys, XXV:74-79 -. . Evaluation of some techniques for preserving nutrients in stored seawater samples, XXVI:160-168 Hedgecock, D., K. Nelson, and L. G. Lopez-Lemus: Biochemical genetic and morphological divergence among three species of thread herring, Opisthonema, in northwest Mexico, XXIX:110-121 Hedgepeth, J. B.: Stomach contents of albacore, skipjack, and bonito caught off southern California during summer 1983, XXVI:175-182 Hernindez-Vasquez, S. : Pesquerias peligicas y neriticas de la costa occidental de Baja California, Mtxico, XXVIII:53-56 Hewitt, R. P.: Anchovy egg dispersal and mortality as inferred from close-interval observations, XXVI:97-110 -. . Historical review of the oceanographic approach to fishery research, XXIX:27-41 -. . The 1984 spawning biomass of the northern anchovy, XXVI:17-25 -. . The northern anchovy spawning biomass for the 1982- 83 California fishing season, XXIV:16-27 Hewitt, R. P., and G: D. Brewer: Nearshore production of young anchovy, XXIV:235-244 Huato-Soberanis, L., and D. Lluch-Belda: Mesoscale cycles in the series of environmental indices related to the sardine fishery in the Gulf of California, XXVIII:128-134 Hunter, J. R.: The visual feeding threshold and action spectrum of northern anchovy, Engradis rnovdnx, larvae, XXIV:245- 254 Jahn, A. E.: Abundance of southern California nearshore ichthyoplankton: 1978-1984, XXVII:53-64 -. . Physical-chemical characteristics and zooplankton biomass on the continental shelf off southern California, XXVII:37-52 ~. . Sampling for eggs of sardine and other fishes in the coastal zone using the CalVET net, XXVIII:178-182 Jahn, A. E., and P. E. Smith: Effects of sample size and contagion on estimating fish egg abundance, XXVIII:171-177 Jimenez-Perez, L. C., and J. R. Lara-Lara: Zooplankton bio-

AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX, 1983-88 CalCOFl Rep.,Vol. 30,1989 mass and copepod community structure in the Gulf of California during the 1982-1983 El Niiio event, XXIX:122-128 Jolly, G. : Egg production estimates of anchovy biomass in the southern Benguela system, XXIX:137-157 Jordan, G. A,: Can we relate larval fish abundance to recruitment or population stability A preliminary analysis of recruitment to a temperate rocky reef, XXVII:65-83 Kimball, A. S.: Comparative quality of rotifers and copepods as foods for larval fishes, XXV:81-86 Klingbeil, R. A,: Pacific mackerel: a resurgent resource and fishery of the California Current, XXIV:35-45 -. . Recent increased abundance and potential productivity of Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponirus, XXVI:119-129 Knight, M. D.: Variation in larval morphogenesis within the Southern California Bight population of Euphausia pacijica from winter through summer, 1977-1978, XXV:87-99 Kogelschatz, J. E. : Origin of productivity anomalies during the 1982-83 El Niiio, XXVI:65-71 Lara-Lara, J. R.: Zooplankton biomass and copepod community structure in the Gulf of California during the 1982-1983 El Nifio event, XXIX:122-128 Laurs, R. M.: The North Pacific albacore-an important visitor to California Current waters, XXIV:99-106 Lavenberg, R. J. : Physical-chemical characteristics and zooplankton biomass on the continental shelf off southern California, XXVII:37-52 Lavenberg, R. J., A. E. Jahn, G. E. McGowen, andJ. H. Petersen: Sampling for eggs of sardine and other fishes in the coastal zone using the CalVET net, XXVIII:178-182 Lavenberg, R. J., G. E. McGowen, A. E. Jahn, J. H. Petersen, and T. C. Sciarrotta: Abundance of southern California nearshore ichthyoplankton: 1978-1984, XXVII:53-64 Leong, R. : Growth ofjack mackerel, Tvachuvur rymmetvicus, in captivity, XXV:146-150 Lluch-Belda, D. : Mesoscale cycles in the series of environmental indices related to the sardine fishery in the Gulf of California, XXVIII:128-134 Lluch-Belda, D., F. J. Magallon, and R. A. Schwartzlose: Large fluctuations in the sardine fishery in the Gulf of California: possible causes, XXVII:136-140 Loeb, V. J., P. E. Smith, and H. G. Moser: Geographical and seasonal patterns of larval fish species structure in the California Current area, 1975, XXIV:132-151 -. . Ichthyoplankton and zooplankton abundance patterns in the California Current area, 1975, XXIV:109-131 -. . Recurrent groups of larval fish species in the California Current area, XXIV:152-164 Lopez-Lemus, L. G. : Biochemical genetic and morphological divergence among three species of thread herring, Opistkonema, in northwest Mexico, XXIX:110-121 Love, M. S., J. S. Stephens, Jr., P. A. Morris, M. M. Singer, M. Sandhu, and T. C. Sciarrotta: Inshore soft substrata fishes in the Southern California Bight: an overview, XXVII:84- 106 MacCall, A. D.: Revised estimates of historical spawning biomass of the Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponirus, XXIX:81-90 MacCall, A. D., R. A. Klingbeil, and R. D. Methot: Recent increased abundance and potential productivity of Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponicus, XXVI:119-129 MacCall, A. D., and M. H. Prager: Historical changes in abundance of six fish species off southern California, based on CalCOFI egg and larva samples, XXIX:91-101 MacCall, A. D., and G. D. Stauffer: Biology and fishery potential ofjack mackerel, Tvachuvus symmetricus, XXIV:46-56 Macewicz, B. J.: Spawning frequency and sex ratio in the Peruvian anchovy, Engvardis vingenr, XXV:43-52 MacGregor, J. S.: Growth of the blue rockfish, Sebasfec mystinus, XXIV:216-225 -. , Relative abundance of four species of Srbnrtes off California and Baja California, XXVII:121-135 Magallon, F. J.: Large fluctuations in the sardine fishery in the Gulf of California: possible causes, XXVII:136-140 Magallbn-Barajas, F. J.: The Pacific shrimp fishery of Mexico, XXVIII:43-52 Mais, K. F.: Evaluating incidental catches of0-age Pacific hake to forecast recruitment, XXVII:109-112 McGowen, G. E. : Abundance ofsouthern California nearshore ichthyoplankton: 1978-1984, XXVII:53-64 -. . Can we relate larval fish abundance to recruitment or population stability A preliminary analysis of recruitment to a temperate rocky reef, XXVII:65-83 -. . Physical-chemical characteristics and zooplankton biomass on the continental shelf off southern California, XXVII:37-52 -. . Sampling for eggs of sardine and other fishes in the coastal zone using the CalVET net, XXVIII:178-182 McLain, D. R., R. E. Brainard, and J. G. Norton: Anomalous warm events in eastern boundary current systems, XXVI151-64 McLain, D. R., and D. H. Thomas: Year-to-year fluctuations of the California Countercurrent and effects on marine organisms, XXIV:165-181 Melo, Y. : Egg production estimates of anchovy biomass in the southern Benguela system, XXIX:137-157 Methot, R. D.: Frame trawl for sampling pelagicjuvenile fish, XXVII:267-278 -. . Recent increased abundance and potential productivity of Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponicus, XXVI:119-129 Morris, P. A,: Can we relate larval fish abundance to recruitment or population stability A preliminary analysis of recruitment to a temperate rocky reef, XXVII:65-83 -. . Inshore soft substrata fishes in the Southern California Bight: an overview, XXVII:84-106 Moser, H. G.: CalCOFI time series: an overview of fishes, XXIX166-78 ~. . Description of the larvae of the cusk eels Ophidion scvipprae and Chilava taylovi (family Ophidiidae), XXIV:226- 234 -. . Descriptions of larvae of California yellowtail, Seviola lalandei, and three other carangids from the eastern tropical Pacific: Cklovoscombvus ovqueta, Cavanx caballus, and Cavanx rexfasciatus, XXVIA39-159 -. . Food and feeding of bocaccio, Sebastes paurispinir, and comparison with Pacific hake, Mrvlirccius pvoducfns, larvae in the California Current, XXV:112-118 -. . Geographical and seasonal patterns of larval fish species structure in the California Current area, 1975, XXIV:132-151 -. . Ichthyoplankton and zooplankton abundance patterns in the California Current area, 1975, XXIV:109-131 -. . Recurrent groups of larval fish species in the California Current area, XXIV:152-164 Moser, H. G., D. A. Ambrose, M. S. Busby, J. L. Butler, E. M. Sandknop, B. Y. Sumida, andE. G. Stevens: Description of early stages of white seabass, Atvartoscion nobilir, with notes on distribution, XXIV:182-193 Moser, H. G., P. E. Smith, and L. E. Eber: Larval fish assemblages in the California Current region, 1954-1960, a period of dynamic environmental change, XXVIII:97-127

AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX, 1983-88<br />

CalCOFl Rep.,<strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>30</strong>,<strong>1989</strong><br />

mass and copepod community structure in the Gulf of <strong>California</strong><br />

during the 1982-1983 El Niiio event, XXIX:122-128<br />

Jolly, G. : Egg production estimates of anchovy biomass in the<br />

southern Benguela system, XXIX:137-157<br />

Jordan, G. A,: Can we relate larval fish abundance to recruitment<br />

or population stability A preliminary analysis of recruitment<br />

to a temperate rocky reef, XXVII:65-83<br />

Kimball, A. S.: Comparative quality of rotifers and copepods<br />

as foods for larval fishes, XXV:81-86<br />

Klingbeil, R. A,: Pacific mackerel: a resurgent resource and<br />

fishery of the <strong>California</strong> Current, XXIV:35-45<br />

-. . Recent increased abundance and potential productivity<br />

of Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponirus, XXVI:119-129<br />

Knight, M. D.: Variation in larval morphogenesis within the<br />

Southern <strong>California</strong> Bight population of Euphausia pacijica<br />

from winter through summer, 1977-1978, XXV:87-99<br />

Kogelschatz, J. E. : Origin of productivity anomalies during the<br />

1982-83 El Niiio, XXVI:65-71<br />

Lara-Lara, J. R.: Zooplankton biomass and copepod community<br />

structure in the Gulf of <strong>California</strong> during the 1982-1983<br />

El Nifio event, XXIX:122-128<br />

Laurs, R. M.: The North Pacific albacore-an important visitor<br />

to <strong>California</strong> Current waters, XXIV:99-106<br />

Lavenberg, R. J. : Physical-chemical characteristics and zooplankton<br />

biomass on the continental shelf off southern <strong>California</strong>,<br />

XXVII:37-52<br />

Lavenberg, R. J., A. E. Jahn, G. E. McGowen, andJ. H. Petersen:<br />

Sampling for eggs of sardine and other fishes in the<br />

coastal zone using the CalVET net, XXVIII:178-182<br />

Lavenberg, R. J., G. E. McGowen, A. E. Jahn, J. H. Petersen,<br />

and T. C. Sciarrotta: Abundance of southern <strong>California</strong> nearshore<br />

ichthyoplankton: 1978-1984, XXVII:53-64<br />

Leong, R. : Growth ofjack mackerel, Tvachuvur rymmetvicus, in<br />

captivity, XXV:146-150<br />

Lluch-Belda, D. : Mesoscale cycles in the series of environmental<br />

indices related to the sardine fishery in the Gulf of <strong>California</strong>,<br />

XXVIII:128-134<br />

Lluch-Belda, D., F. J. Magallon, and R. A. Schwartzlose:<br />

Large fluctuations in the sardine fishery in the Gulf of <strong>California</strong>:<br />

possible causes, XXVII:136-140<br />

Loeb, V. J., P. E. Smith, and H. G. Moser: Geographical and<br />

seasonal patterns of larval fish species structure in the <strong>California</strong><br />

Current area, 1975, XXIV:132-151<br />

-. . Ichthyoplankton and zooplankton abundance patterns<br />

in the <strong>California</strong> Current area, 1975, XXIV:109-131<br />

-. . Recurrent groups of larval fish species in the <strong>California</strong><br />

Current area, XXIV:152-164<br />

Lopez-Lemus, L. G. : Biochemical genetic and morphological<br />

divergence among three species of thread herring, Opistkonema,<br />

in northwest Mexico, XXIX:110-121<br />

Love, M. S., J. S. Stephens, Jr., P. A. Morris, M. M. Singer,<br />

M. Sandhu, and T. C. Sciarrotta: Inshore soft substrata fishes<br />

in the Southern <strong>California</strong> Bight: an overview, XXVII:84-<br />

106<br />

MacCall, A. D.: Revised estimates of historical spawning biomass<br />

of the Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponirus, XXIX:81-90<br />

MacCall, A. D., R. A. Klingbeil, and R. D. Methot: Recent<br />

increased abundance and potential productivity of Pacific<br />

mackerel, Scombevjaponicus, XXVI:119-129<br />

MacCall, A. D., and M. H. Prager: Historical changes in abundance<br />

of six fish species off southern <strong>California</strong>, based on<br />

<strong>CalCOFI</strong> egg and larva samples, XXIX:91-101<br />

MacCall, A. D., and G. D. Stauffer: Biology and fishery potential<br />

ofjack mackerel, Tvachuvus symmetricus, XXIV:46-56<br />

Macewicz, B. J.: Spawning frequency and sex ratio in the Peruvian<br />

anchovy, Engvardis vingenr, XXV:43-52<br />

MacGregor, J. S.: Growth of the blue rockfish, Sebasfec mystinus,<br />

XXIV:216-225<br />

-. , Relative abundance of four species of Srbnrtes off <strong>California</strong><br />

and Baja <strong>California</strong>, XXVII:121-135<br />

Magallon, F. J.: Large fluctuations in the sardine fishery in the<br />

Gulf of <strong>California</strong>: possible causes, XXVII:136-140<br />

Magallbn-Barajas, F. J.: The Pacific shrimp fishery of Mexico,<br />

XXVIII:43-52<br />

Mais, K. F.: Evaluating incidental catches of0-age Pacific hake<br />

to forecast recruitment, XXVII:109-112<br />

McGowen, G. E. : Abundance ofsouthern <strong>California</strong> nearshore<br />

ichthyoplankton: 1978-1984, XXVII:53-64<br />

-. . Can we relate larval fish abundance to recruitment or<br />

population stability A preliminary analysis of recruitment<br />

to a temperate rocky reef, XXVII:65-83<br />

-. . Physical-chemical characteristics and zooplankton biomass<br />

on the continental shelf off southern <strong>California</strong>,<br />

XXVII:37-52<br />

-. . Sampling for eggs of sardine and other fishes in the<br />

coastal zone using the CalVET net, XXVIII:178-182<br />

McLain, D. R., R. E. Brainard, and J. G. Norton: Anomalous<br />

warm events in eastern boundary current systems,<br />

XXVI151-64<br />

McLain, D. R., and D. H. Thomas: Year-to-year fluctuations<br />

of the <strong>California</strong> Countercurrent and effects on marine organisms,<br />

XXIV:165-181<br />

Melo, Y. : Egg production estimates of anchovy biomass in the<br />

southern Benguela system, XXIX:137-157<br />

Methot, R. D.: Frame trawl for sampling pelagicjuvenile fish,<br />

XXVII:267-278<br />

-. . Recent increased abundance and potential productivity<br />

of Pacific mackerel, Scombevjaponicus, XXVI:119-129<br />

Morris, P. A,: Can we relate larval fish abundance to recruitment<br />

or population stability A preliminary analysis of recruitment<br />

to a temperate rocky reef, XXVII:65-83<br />

-. . Inshore soft substrata fishes in the Southern <strong>California</strong><br />

Bight: an overview, XXVII:84-106<br />

Moser, H. G.: <strong>CalCOFI</strong> time series: an overview of fishes,<br />

XXIX166-78<br />

~. . Description of the larvae of the cusk eels Ophidion<br />

scvipprae and Chilava taylovi (family Ophidiidae), XXIV:226-<br />

234<br />

-. . Descriptions of larvae of <strong>California</strong> yellowtail, Seviola<br />

lalandei, and three other carangids from the eastern tropical<br />

Pacific: Cklovoscombvus ovqueta, Cavanx caballus, and Cavanx<br />

rexfasciatus, XXVIA39-159<br />

-. . Food and feeding of bocaccio, Sebastes paurispinir, and<br />

comparison with Pacific hake, Mrvlirccius pvoducfns, larvae in<br />

the <strong>California</strong> Current, XXV:112-118<br />

-. . Geographical and seasonal patterns of larval fish species<br />

structure in the <strong>California</strong> Current area, 1975, XXIV:132-151<br />

-. . Ichthyoplankton and zooplankton abundance patterns<br />

in the <strong>California</strong> Current area, 1975, XXIV:109-131<br />

-. . Recurrent groups of larval fish species in the <strong>California</strong><br />

Current area, XXIV:152-164<br />

Moser, H. G., D. A. Ambrose, M. S. Busby, J. L. Butler, E.<br />

M. Sandknop, B. Y. Sumida, andE. G. Stevens: Description<br />

of early stages of white seabass, Atvartoscion nobilir, with<br />

notes on distribution, XXIV:182-193<br />

Moser, H. G., P. E. Smith, and L. E. Eber: Larval fish assemblages<br />

in the <strong>California</strong> Current region, 1954-1960, a period<br />

of dynamic environmental change, XXVIII:97-127

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