CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 30, 1989 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 30, 1989 - California Cooperative Oceanic ... CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 30, 1989 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


HANAN ET AL.: SEA LIONS AND COMMERCIAL PASSENGER FISHING VESSELS ColCOFl Rep.,Vol. 30,1989 Lowry, M. S., and R. L. Folk. 1987. Feeding habits of California sea lions from stranded carcasses collected at San Diego County and Santa Catalina Island, California. NOAA/NMFS SWFC Admin. Rep. LJ-87-15,33 pp. Lowry, M. S., and C. W. Oliver. 1986. The food habits of the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, at San Clemente Island, California, September 1981 through March 1983. NOAA/NMFS SWFC Admin. Rep. LJ-86-07, 26 pp. Lowry, M. S., C. W. Oliver, and J. B. Wexler. 1986. The food habits of California sea lions at San Clemente Island, California, April 1983 through September 1985. NOAA/NMFS SWFC Admin. Rep. LJ- 86-33,30 pp. Miller, D. J., M. J. Herder, and J. P. Scholl. 1983. California marine mammal-fishery interaction study, 1979-1981. NOAA/NMFS SWFC Admin. Rep. LJ-83-13c, 233 pp. Scholl, J. P. 1987. Acoustic harassment and cracker shell tests in the southern California partyboat fishery. In Acoustical deterrents in marine mammal conflicts with fisheries, B. R. Mate and J. T. Harvey, eds. Oregon State Univ. Sea Grant Prog. Pub. No. OR- ESU-W-86-001, p. 66. Scholl, J. P., and D. A. Hanan. 1987a. Effects of cracker shells on California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, interacting with the southern California partyboat fishery. In Acoustical deterrents in marine mammal conflicts with fisheries, B. R. Mate and J. T. Harvey, eds. Oregon State Univ. Sea Grant Prog. Pub. No. OR- ESU-W-86-001, pp. 60-65. -. 1987b. Acoustic harassment devices tested in combination with cracker shel!s on pinnipeds interacting with the southern California partyboat fishery. In Acoustical deterrents in marine mammal conflicts with fisheries, B. R. Mate and J. T. Harvey, eds. Oregon State Univ. Sea Grant Prog. Pub1 No. ORESU-W-86-001, pp. 67-74. 126

SANZ AND URIARTE: BAY OF BISCAY ANCHOVY REPRODUCTION CalCOFl Rep., Vol. 30,1989 REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE AND BATCH FECUNDITY OF THE BAY OF BlSCAY ANCHOVY (ENGRAULIS ENCRASICHOLUS) IN 1987 ANA SANZ AND ANDRES URIARTE Servicio de Investigacih Oceanogrifica del Gobierno Vasco Avenida de Satrustegui, 8 20008 San Sebastiin Spain ABSTRACT In the 1980s, the anchovy fishery of the Bay of Biscay suffered a deep decline, with landings reaching historical low levels. A revision of the stock management is needed. Understanding the reproductive biology of the anchovy is essential for the rational management of the fishery. This study examines the reproductive cycle and the batch fecundity of this species. The spawning season for the Bay of Biscay anchovy was found to be from April to July, with a peak spawning period in May and June. The estimate of mean relative batch fecundity, 517 eggs per body gram, is within the range of estimates reported for the Peruvian anchovy and the northern anchovy. RESUMEN En la dCcada del 80, la pesqueria de la anchoveta del Golfo de Vizcaya ha experimentado un pronunciado declive, alcanzando sus capturas valores minimos hist6ricos. Por ello, resulta necesario una revisi6n del manejo del stock. Para lograr una ordenaci6n piscicola racional es esencial comprender la biologia reproductora de la anchoveta. Este estudio examina el ciclo reproductor y la fecundidad parcial de esta especie. La temporada de desove para la anchoveta del Golfo de Vizcaya se extiende desde abril a julio, alcanzando un mAximo en 10s mesa de mayo y junio. La fecundidad relativa media por desove parcial, 517 huevos por gramo de hembra, se halla dentro del rango de valores publicados para la anchoveta del Perii y la anchoa del norte de California. INTRODUCTION An important anchovy fishery has traditionally existed in the Bay of Biscay. This fishery is accessible during the reproductive period, when the anchovy migrate from the northern cold waters of the bay to the south and southwest, coinciding with the water's spring warming. The anchovy spawn in an area south of47"30'N and east of4"W (figure l), all [Manuscript received February 14,1989.1 along the Spanish and French continental shelf, as well as in oceanic waters. Landing levels reached a maximum of 85,000 MT in the 1960s. The value of this fishery is due to the high price that anchovy brings in the market, since it is a popular food. For the last several years the anchovy fishery has been suffering a serious crisis, with a deep decline in catches (figure 2). From 1981 to 1987, the mean annual landing was 14,000 MT. This enormous decline since the 1960s has been accompanied by a gradual decrease of the fishing fleet. Nevertheless, a substantial fleet remains, and suffers economically from the diminished anchovy resource. In 1987,269 Spanish purse seines dedicated half of their annual fishing activity to the capture of this species. From the French side there were 9 purse seines and 42 pelagic trawls. In 1988, for the first time, the Bay of Biscay anchovy was included among the species that are sub- Spain N I I 1 I S 30' .46O .30' ,450 .30' ,440 .30' ,430 Figure 1. Anchovy spawning area in the Bay of Biscay, and location of anchovy catches for this study. 127


CalCOFl Rep., <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>30</strong>,<strong>1989</strong><br />




Servicio de Investigacih Oceanogrifica del Gobierno Vasco<br />

Avenida de Satrustegui, 8<br />

20008 San Sebastiin<br />

Spain<br />


In the 1980s, the anchovy fishery of the Bay of<br />

Biscay suffered a deep decline, with landings reaching<br />

historical low levels. A revision of the stock<br />

management is needed. Understanding the reproductive<br />

biology of the anchovy is essential for the<br />

rational management of the fishery. This study examines<br />

the reproductive cycle and the batch fecundity<br />

of this species.<br />

The spawning season for the Bay of Biscay anchovy<br />

was found to be from April to July, with a<br />

peak spawning period in May and June. The estimate<br />

of mean relative batch fecundity, 517 eggs per<br />

body gram, is within the range of estimates reported<br />

for the Peruvian anchovy and the northern<br />

anchovy.<br />


En la dCcada del 80, la pesqueria de la anchoveta<br />

del Golfo de Vizcaya ha experimentado un pronunciado<br />

declive, alcanzando sus capturas valores<br />

minimos hist6ricos. Por ello, resulta necesario una<br />

revisi6n del manejo del stock.<br />

Para lograr una ordenaci6n piscicola racional es<br />

esencial comprender la biologia reproductora de la<br />

anchoveta. Este estudio examina el ciclo reproductor<br />

y la fecundidad parcial de esta especie.<br />

La temporada de desove para la anchoveta del<br />

Golfo de Vizcaya se extiende desde abril a julio,<br />

alcanzando un mAximo en 10s mesa de mayo y junio.<br />

La fecundidad relativa media por desove parcial,<br />

517 huevos por gramo de hembra, se halla<br />

dentro del rango de valores publicados para la anchoveta<br />

del Perii y la anchoa del norte de <strong>California</strong>.<br />


An important anchovy fishery has traditionally<br />

existed in the Bay of Biscay. This fishery is accessible<br />

during the reproductive period, when the anchovy<br />

migrate from the northern cold waters of the<br />

bay to the south and southwest, coinciding with the<br />

water's spring warming. The anchovy spawn in an<br />

area south of47"<strong>30</strong>'N and east of4"W (figure l), all<br />

[Manuscript received February 14,<strong>1989</strong>.1<br />

along the Spanish and French continental shelf, as<br />

well as in oceanic waters.<br />

Landing levels reached a maximum of 85,000 MT<br />

in the 1960s. The value of this fishery is due to the<br />

high price that anchovy brings in the market, since<br />

it is a popular food.<br />

For the last several years the anchovy fishery has<br />

been suffering a serious crisis, with a deep decline in<br />

catches (figure 2). From 1981 to 1987, the mean annual<br />

landing was 14,000 MT. This enormous decline<br />

since the 1960s has been accompanied by a<br />

gradual decrease of the fishing fleet. Nevertheless, a<br />

substantial fleet remains, and suffers economically<br />

from the diminished anchovy resource. In 1987,269<br />

Spanish purse seines dedicated half of their annual<br />

fishing activity to the capture of this species. From<br />

the French side there were 9 purse seines and 42<br />

pelagic trawls.<br />

In 1988, for the first time, the Bay of Biscay anchovy<br />

was included among the species that are sub-<br />

Spain<br />

N<br />

I I 1 I<br />

S<br />

<strong>30</strong>'<br />

.46O<br />

.<strong>30</strong>'<br />

,450<br />

.<strong>30</strong>'<br />

,440<br />

.<strong>30</strong>'<br />

,4<strong>30</strong><br />

Figure 1. Anchovy spawning area in the Bay of Biscay, and location of<br />

anchovy catches for this study.<br />


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