Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary

Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary

Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary


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the position held by the non-Western church leaders is rooted in inferior cultural<br />

practices. So arrogant men like these spout: “God is dead! Man will decide his own<br />

destiny -- what is wrong and what is right. The fools who believe in religious myths only<br />

labour to undermine the freedoms given by the Enlightenment. Glory to the Goddess<br />

Sophia! Man must walk in the ‘light’ of rationality, not the darkness of myth and<br />

superstition. Hardly a wonder that the un-enlightened still take stock of mythical texts!<br />

Oh foolish man, indeed! Join us in ruling the world, for we are gods!” Yet, the true and<br />

living God responds:<br />

Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be<br />

Envious of the workers of iniquity. For they<br />

shall soon be cut down like the grass, and<br />

wither as the green herb. Trust in the LORD,<br />

and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on<br />

His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the<br />

LORD, and He shall give you the desires of<br />

your heart… For yet a little while and the<br />

wicked shall be no more; indeed, you will<br />

look carefully for his place, but it shall be no<br />

more. But the meek shall inherit the earth,<br />

and shall delight themselves in then<br />

abundance of peace. The wicked plots<br />

against the just, and gnashes at him with his<br />

teeth. The Lord laughs at him, for He sees<br />

that his day is coming (Psa. 37:1-4; 10-13).<br />

Archbishop Akinola and those who stand with him have done precisely what the Lord<br />

requires in Matthew 18. When people bring offences into the church they must be<br />

challenged, which is precisely what the Nigerian primate has done. Where the faithful<br />

church stands in agreement on these matters, the Lord stands with them (Mat. 18:18-19).<br />

Our non-Western brethren are taking a stand for Christ and paying a very real price for<br />

doing so.<br />

I cannot add to, or improve upon the position my Two-Thirds World brethren have<br />

taken. I stand with them in acknowledging our inherent carnal weaknesses, and our<br />

constant need for humility before a holy God who is both just and gracious, but never the<br />

fool. Even as God sent the prophets to warn the apostate leaders of Israel, so has He been<br />

sending prophets to the culture-compromised leaders within Western Christianity, telling<br />

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University of Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, <strong>South</strong> Africa

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