Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary

Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary

Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary


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irrelevant. The postmodernist, like other relativists and pluralists, tends to accept all<br />

religions on an equal footing, and is open to all so-called truth claims. They believe “no<br />

religious worldview is objectively true” (Okholm, 1995:77). While they argue against the<br />

possibility of truth, a voice within them that says that whatever is true, must accord with<br />

what is real. Thus a “statement or proposition is (objectively) true if and only if it<br />

corresponds to reality... if reality is just as the statement says that it is” (ibid. 78). Daniel<br />

Taylor says:<br />

The ruling methodology for reaching truth in<br />

our secular culture reflects the dominance of<br />

the scientific model... one amasses evidence<br />

-- as analyzed, classified, and approved by<br />

reason -- guarding at all times against<br />

methodological lapses (like subjective bias,<br />

logical fallacy, faulty or misinterpreted data),<br />

until one reaches something very like<br />

certainty, until one has proof. Now,<br />

professional philosophers and other<br />

academics will readily admit that absolute<br />

certainty of course is not attainable<br />

(Taylor, 1992:78).<br />

The postmoderns rightly argue against the infallibility of modernist claims to<br />

absolutes. As valuable as science is, it is still often a process of trial and error, where<br />

corrections, changes, and updates are common. Too often theories, like the Theory of<br />

Evolution, are assumed true and infallible, while still far short of attaining the level of<br />

natural law. While anything man sets his hand to is fallible, there are still absolute truths<br />

in creation. Postmodern doubts about absolutely certainty are unwarranted, but their<br />

criticism of scientific certainty is warranted.<br />

Because so much of the Western church has succumbed to modernist thinking, the<br />

church too has at times fallen into the error of viewing Scripture in terms of scientific<br />

absolutes. Evidential apologists are among those that need to guard against such<br />

extremism. As valuable as these biblical defences are, Lesslie Newbigin cautions that<br />

we resist the temptation to absolutize the Bible as some scientific axiom. “The<br />

knowledge of God given to us through the gospel is a matter of faith, not of indubitable<br />

certainty” (Newbigin, 1996:77). For this notion “comes from captivity to the typical<br />

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University of Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, <strong>South</strong> Africa

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