Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary

Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary

Haase_UZ_x007E_DTh (2).pdf - South African Theological Seminary


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103<br />

and sick, conquered ignorance through his teachings, and established an unseen Kingdom<br />

built upon the foundations of love and truth. Even the most cursory comparison might<br />

show Ghandi closer to Jesus, than Muhammad. How can the pluralists claim these men<br />

are variations of the same thing They claim they are simply different and fuller<br />

expressions of the greater totality that ‘god’ is. If true, what manner of ‘god’ do the<br />

pluralists suggest we follow Should we follow a ‘god’ who is so personally inconsistent<br />

that he/she is violent and peaceful, truthful and a liar (cf., various Eastern teachings)<br />

The Apostle Paul said of such teachings: “the time will come when they [people in<br />

general] will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they<br />

have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears<br />

away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2Ti. 4:3-4).<br />

Questions rooted in the philosophical ‘problem of evil’ also frequently attend salvific<br />

and pluralistic discussions. For example, ‘how can a good God allow people to go to<br />

hell,’ or ‘would not a loving and good God save all’ Hick and others suggest, at least by<br />

implication, that God is somehow obligated to save those He has created. The Bible<br />

teaches clearly, however, that God is not obligated to save any (cf., Deu. 8:18-20; 17; Psa.<br />

49; Eze. 33). That He saves any is astonishing. Henry C. Thiessen said, “let us<br />

remember that election deals not with innocent creatures, but with sinful, guilty, vile, and<br />

condemned creatures. That any should be saved is a matter of pure grace” (Thiessen,<br />

1994:264). Yahweh is not like the capricious and vindictive god’s of some other<br />

religions. He does not want to send people to hell. However, Yahweh is just and true,<br />

and man’s rebellion must be justly punished (cf., Eze. 18:21-32; 33:11; 2Pe. 3:9; 1Ti.<br />

2:4). The axiom -- ‘guns don’t kill, people do,’ is not far afield here. God does not<br />

capriciously send the undeserving to hell, a place of eternal separation from His glorious<br />

presence; people send themselves there because of their rebellion against a loving, just,<br />

good and true God.<br />

For many, religious pluralism is nothing more than a way that allows and enables<br />

people to avoid difficult questions and decisions. The postmodern influence has further<br />

inculcated the Western mind with a relativism and scepticism that doubts nearly<br />

everything, including the potential for truth. All ‘gods’ are impersonalized. Religious<br />

University of Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, <strong>South</strong> Africa

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